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[world-vedic] Digest Number 6

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Hare Krishna


Lord Ramacandra's appearence.....fast till SUNSET


Gaudiyas, Vaisnavas or any other,

just chant Hare Krishna and be very very very happy


thats our commitment....directly recomended for

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu....jaya!!!

not to focus on diferences, but to Glorify Krishna

chanting His Holy Names....that will remain upon any conceptual diference.


Hare Krishna

a Humble Servant




--- vediculture wrote:

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> This is an information resource and discussion group for people

> interested in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its

> historical, archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about

> India, Hinduism, God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome.


> ------


> There is 1 message in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:



> "Goosen I.H.M." <indira



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Tue, 11 Apr 2000 21:40:32 +0200

> "Goosen I.H.M." <indira



> TO: Mahesh Raja

> FROM: Indira dasi


> Dear Mahesh Raja,

> All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


> It was not my intention to create any sectarian notion by saying 'we are

> Gaudiyas'. I meant everyone outside India who chants Hare Krishna is a

> member of Caitanya's movement. ISKCON has no monopoly on the Lord's

> celebrations.


> When you say *us* I get the impression that you know Antonio from Mexico

> personally? Do you know if this prabhu is a member or a devotee of

> ISKCON? How can you be so certain?


> I think we should not create any notion of 'Them and Us' and divide the

> family of Lord Caitanya in that way. At least I did not mean to create

> such misunderstanding. And if I did, I apologize.


> Of course you may follow Prabhupada's instructions and submit evidence

> from his personal letters. Although the Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti where

> Prabhupada took sannyasa and started his preaching activities instructs

> to fast untill noon on Ramacandra's appearance day. I respect

> Prabhupada's instructions, although the instructions from the Gaudiya

> Vedanta Samiti are nevertheless bonafide as well.

> All glories to your spiritual master.

> An aspiring servant,

> Indira dasi

> ----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----

> Van: Mahesh Raja

> Aan: ANTONIO ESPINOSA ; vediculture

> Verzonden: maandag 10 april 2000 22:21

> Onderwerp: Re: [world-vedic] Re: RAMACANDRA APPARENCE DAY



> All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

> Please accept my humble obeisances.

> Hare Krishna! Prabhu please note the quotes from His Divine Grace

> Srila Prabhupada on Rama Appearance day. Fasting is till *evening* not

> noon.(...although we understand Rama appeared at noon

> Srila Prabhupada wants *us* to fast till evening and have ekadasi

> preparations).


> 710407LE.BOM Lectures

> So this process should be adopted, how to become sukrtina. Sukrti

> means yajna-dana-tapa-kriya. One must perform sacrifices as prescribed

> in the sastras, and they must give in charity their hard-earned money

> for Krsna's cause. That is called dana. Yajna, dana, and tapasya.

> Tapasya. Just like tomorrow is Sri Rama-navami. The tapasya will be that

> all the devotees will observe fasting from morning till evening. This is

> called tapasya. Just like Ekadasi day--there is no eating sumptuously.

> Simply you take little fruits and flowers. Try to avoid that also. You

> don't take even water. That is really ekadasi. But because we cannot do

> it--in the Kali-yuga the time is different--therefore we are allowed to

> take little fruit and milk, which is called anukalpa. These are

> different methods of tapasya. And yajna. This yajna, sankirtanaih

> prayair yajnaih, yajanti hi su-medhasah. In this age you cannot perform

> that big asvamedha yajna, gomedha yajna, rajasuya yajna, so many other

> yajnas. It is not possible. First of all, you have no means to perform

> such yajnas, hundreds and hundreds of tons ghee required for putting

> into the sacrificial fire. You have not even a drop of your ghee. So

> forget all those yajnas. In this age, yajnaih sankirtanaih prayaih.


> 8-03-26.Letter: Mukunda

> Please accept my blessings. I am sorry I am delayed to reply your

> letter dated March 14, 1968, which I received over a week ago. I am very

> glad that you are repentant even for some action which is not sanctioned

> by me. This attitude is very nice and improves one in progressing on the

> path of devotional service. The Rakhi Bandhan ceremony observed by you

> under instruction of Prasad isn't approved by our Vaisnava rituals. Of

> course, such ceremony is observed among the Hindu community as a

> socio-religious convention. But in our Vaisnava community there is no

> such observance. Now, forget the incidence, and in future don't be

> misled by some unauthorized person. Our next ceremony is Lord

> Ramacandra's Birthday, on the 7th of April. It should be observed in the

> same way as Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day, namely, fasting up to

> evening and then accept Prasadam, and all our ceremonies should be

> performed with continuous Kirtana, of Hare Krishna, Hare Rama. That will

> make all our functions successful.


> 68-03-28.Letter: Mahapurusa

> So far the Advent Day of Lord Rama Candra, it should be celebrated

> as Lord Caitanya's Birthday was done. Fasting up to evening, and then

> take prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna whole day, and be engaged in

> reading and chanting off and on, chant for some time, then read for some

> time, then again have Kirtana and so on, throughout the day. If you have

> not got a Ramayana, then you can read Bhagavad-gita or

> Srimad-Bhagavatam, that is all right.


> 770326r2.bom Conversations

> Prabhupada: Rama-navami is upavasa up till the... Go to observe

> fasting up to the evening.

> Tamala Krsna: So moon.

> Prabhupada: Sunset.









> This is an information resource and discussion group for people

> interested in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its

> historical, archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about

> India, Hinduism, God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome.





> [This message contained attachments]




> ______________________

> ______________________








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