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Underground Civilisations

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FROM: http://www.llewellyn.com/fate/articles/underground.htmUnderground Empires:

Fact or Fiction?by Scott Corrales[scott Corrales is a frequent contributor to

Fate, and the editor ofInexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic

Ufology.]Subterranean cities and temples played a major role in pre-European

LatinAmerican societies. Religious rites of all kinds were held in

theseunderground locations, and tradition holds that they were used for

thestorage of treasure and forgotten lore. Still other traditions hold thatthey

were not built by the civilizations, but by ancient "elder races"whose only

remains can be found in mysterious megalithic constructionsaround the

world.Official science dismisses this speculation with the same certainty as

theywould brush aside the factuality of the video game "Tomb Raider,"

whichfollows the exploits of cyberheroine Lara Croft through a number

ofunderground Andean locations. But can we really be so sure?The Quest for Lost

ChincanaDr. Raul Rios Centeno of Peru's INDECOPI organization formed part of

asix-man team (five researchers and a guide) who braved the dizzyingaltitude of

the Andes to go in search of La Chincana, the subterranean citylocated beneath

the former Inca capital of Cuzco.On July 15, 1998, after undergoing a brief

acclimatization period to the3,500-meter elevation of Cuzco, Dr. Rios's team

met up with Inez Puente dela Vega, a historian whose knowledge of lnca culture

and command of theRuna-Simi variant of the Quechua language would prove of

great help intheir expedition.The group's initial efforts focused on finding a

point of access to thefabled Chincana. Locals informed them that one of the

main entrances to theunderground city was precisely beneath the Sacsahuaymán

archaeologicalfortress (whose giant stonework is pre-Inca in origin) about a

kilometeraway from Cuzco. Other sources hinted at the existence of two

othergateways: one in the Koricancha, or Palace of the Sun, which was

partiallydemolished during the Colonial period to build the Carmelite

Monastery, andstill another beneath Cuzco's great cathedral.Not surprisingly,

scholars at the University of San Antonio de Abad and theAndean University,

both of them in Cuzco, refused to speak to the explorersabout the putative

underground city. But as chance would have it, the Riosparty managed to gain

access to the Andean University's library, where afascinating piece of

information was uncovered.In 1952, a mixed group of twelve French and American

explorers managed togain access through the Sacsahuaymán entrance with enough

provisions tolast for five days as they embarked upon what they termed "the

greatestdiscovery since Machu Picchu."The team ventured into the Sacsahuaymán

entrance and nothing further washeard from them until fifteen days later, when

French explorer PhillipeLamontierre emerged from the hole suffering from acute

dementia, withvisible signs of malnourishment and even the bubonic plague

(attributable,says Dr. Rios, to the bats inhabiting the underground spaces).

The brokensurvivor indicated that his fellow adventurers had died, and some of

themhad even fallen down unfathomed abysses. Among the objects he brought

backwas an ear of corn made of solid gold, which was later entrusted to

theCuzco Museum of Archaeology.While sobered by the Lamontierre experience, Dr.

Rios's group resolutelyasked the National Institute of Culture's authorization

to enter the depthsat their own risk, and requested that the concrete plug

covering theentrance be demolished. Officialdom turned a deaf ear to this plea,

and thegroup had to find more devious ways of accomplishing its

objectives.Having given "valuable consideration" to the security guards

atSacsahuaymán, the Rios group managed to get into one of the

connectingchambers to the underground complex. Equipped with infrared goggles,

thegroup penetrated a chamber that measured scarcely 1.13 meters from the

door's stone frame to the rocky floor. "The stench within the

[connectingchamber]," writes Dr. Rios, "was nauseating, as it had been employed

as alatrine for some time. For some strange reason, the stonework did notreflect

infrared rays. However, with the aid of our friend Jorge Zegarra,we were able to

apply a RAD-2 X-ray filter, which provided a radio-opacityof 400 to 600 percent

that of aluminum."It was thus that we reached a hallway whose height

progressivelydiminished until reaching a scant 94 centimeters," continues his

letter,"and given that our average height is 1.80 meters, we had no choice but

toreturn to our starting point."The Rios party tried to obtain readings on

their Geiger counter withoutmuch success, but through the RAD-2 X-ray filter,

they managed to secure anumber of photos which led them to the conclusion that

"a coating of somedense metal"-comparable to lead-existed within the hallways,

and that therewere cracks in the stonework which indeed allowed for the passage

ofX-rays.At this point, the guide abandoned the mission out of a very real fear

ofreprisals by the Culture Institute.Dr. Rios concluded by saying that the

images captured by means of the RAD-2device would be analyzed by Carlos Garcia

and Guillermo LaRosa Richardsonof the School of Engineering in Lima,

Peru.Underground Empires Hot Times Under MoscowThere are, of course,

individuals who remain skeptical about any notion ofsubterranean occupancy of

our world (beyond provisional shelters and subwaystations), indicating the

difficulty in providing ventilation, temperaturecontrol, and sanitation for any

permanent underground tenancy, particularlyone involving tens of thousands of

people.However, the prestigious Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (May/June

1997)presented an extraordinary article involving the existence of

multiplesubterranean tiers under the city of Moscow. Following the adventures

ofVadim Mikhailov and his group "Diggers of the Underground Planet," the

BASarticle reveals the shadowy underworld of the Russian capital. The

Diggersmade their way through fallout shelters to a colossal warehouse owned by

aRussian marine biology institution, containing, among other

nightmarishholdings, "a room of tanks of formalin, containing various sea

monsters."After well over a decade of urban spelunking, the Diggers presented

theworld with a map of the nightmares that occupy these levels:

Gypsies,malcontents, dissidents, and "professional hermits" have occupied

thelevels closest to the surface, gaining access through heating vents andsewer

systems. On one particular journey deep under the Centrobankbuilding, the

Diggers encountered squads of uniformed people lighting theirway with powerful

halogen lamps. The authorities dismiss such claims asfanciful, but the BAS

article quotes Mikhailov as saying that theauthorities in fact have no idea who

these armed, masked individuals couldbe. He notes that the security services

themselves do not venture down tothose levels.For the rest of the story see the

January 2000 issue of


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