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SIRA radar excavations for real???

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Someone sent me an email with the following article: I did a search

and found it http://members.tripod.com/~Ravenwoods/index-55Giza.html


I would be most interested to know if anyone here knows more about




By Paul White


Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2

years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and

labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At

places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped

under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800

kilometres to the opposite side of the country. Investigators

remarked, it was possible to understand how half a million Mayan

Indians escaped the decimation of their culture.


In similar fashion, the SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as

1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the

Egyptian pyramids. Arrangements made with President Sadat of Egypt,

resulted in three decades of top secret excavations to penetrate the

system. At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the key scientists

on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in

progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP, due to be released at the end

of the century.


The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis,

15,000 years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau.

While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under

the left paw of the Sphinx, the legendary "City Of The Gods", lays

sprawled beneath. Complete with hydraulic underground waterways, the

film shows massive chambers, the proportions of our largest

cathedrals, with enormous statues, the size of the Valley of the

Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers, risking their lives with lights

and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean

rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond.

Already, remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found.




*Just after the Deluge, at the dawn of the present time cycle, an era

the Egyptians called ZEP TEPI, "The First Times", a mysterious group

of "gods" appeared, to initiate the survivors in the rudiments of

civilisation. From Thoth and Osiris in Egypt, to Quetzacoatal and

Viracocha in the Americas, traditions worldwide the origins

of contemporary civilisation to this sophisticated group*.


Despite the misleading popularity of Von Danikan journalism, evidence

from around the world, indicates these people were the hi-tech

survivors of the previous civilisation. Like the nuclear survival

bunkers and secret research facilities of our own civilisation, there

were those who arose from the underground "cities of the Gods", after

the dust settled. They were the "prediluvian patriarchs", like Enoch

and Methuselah, the "giants and heroes of old", mentioned in Genesis.

The enigmatic gods of ancient Summer, Egypt and India, all hail from

the fabulous times before the Flood.


Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2

years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and

labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At

places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped

under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800

kilometres to the opposite side of the country. Investigators

remarked, it was possible to understand how half a million Mayan

Indians escaped the decimation of their culture.


In similar fashion, the SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as

1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the

Egyptian pyramids. Arrangements made with President Sadat of Egypt,

resulted in three decades of top secret excavations to penetrate the

system. At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the key scientists

on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in

progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP, due to be released at the end

of the century.


The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis,

15,000 years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau.

While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under

the left paw of the Sphinx, the legendary "City Of The Gods", lays

sprawled beneath. Complete with hydraulic underground waterways, the

film shows massive chambers, the proportions of our largest

cathedrals, with enormous statues, the size of the Valley of the

Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers, risking their lives with lights

and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean

rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond.

Already, remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found.


It is the legacy of a civilisation and a technology way beyond our

own. A technology capable of creating a vast underground city, of

which the sphinx and pyramids are merely the surface markers. The

project scientist, Dr. Hurtak, likens it to the impact of contact

with an advanced extraterrestrial culture. He described it as the

discovery of the Fourth Root culture, the so-called Atlantean

civilisation, destroyed by the last earth tumble. It presents

unequivocal evidence that all languages, cultures and religions trace

back to a single common source, which Dr. Hurtak refers to as

the "Parent Civilisation".


The technology unearthed is way beyond machine technology, as we know

it. As Arthur C. Clark once joked, "any technology beyond our own

would seem like magic to us." According to Dr. Hurtak, this was a

culture who cracked the genetic code and possessed the keys of the

physical spectrum, the "Higher Light Physics" of the ancients...

everything old Gilgamesh went searching for in his famous trek to the

lost "City of the Gods" to search the tunnels beneath "Mt. Mashu" in

the desert lands.


Hurtak refers to a "language of light" and a great priest-scientist

of the previous time cycle, named ENOCH, who is associated with the

building of the Great Pyramid complex. Hurtak alludes to a grand

spiritual science, a science which describes a genetic stairway to

the stars.


The priest-scientist ENOCH, is a prediluvian patriarch, one of the

most famous and seminal characters of the previous time cycle. Father

of Methuselah and great grandfather of Noah, Enoch is credited in the

Bible as architect of the original Zion, the legendary "City of

Yahweh", as well as inventor of the alphabet and calendar. Enoch is

also history's first astronaut, who "is taken aloft by the Lord"


shown "the secrets of earth and heaven". He returns to earth with

the "weights and measures" for all humankind.


Known to the Egyptians as THOTH, the "Lord of Magic and Time" and to

the Greeks as HERMES, "messenger of the gods", he is even remembered

in the Celtic tradition as the enigmatic wizard Merlin, who

disappears up an apple tree to mythic Avalon, seeking the secret of

immortality and vowing to return.


As one who attained immortality, the secret of how we "might become

as gods", Thoth/Enoch promises to return at the end of time "with the

keys to the gates of the sacred land." In the controversial Dead Sea

Scrolls, revealing the lost Books Of Enoch removed from the Bible by

early religious leaders, Enoch describes a wondrous civilisation in

the past, who misused the keys of higher knowledge and were unable to

save themselves from the last cataclysm. Both literally and

figuratively they lost the "keys", they lost all higher knowledge.


Yet, Enoch, along with many traditions, even the Mayan legend of

Quetzacoatal, promises a return of this knowledge at "The end of

time", the end of the present time cycle. Biblical Revelations

promise "all will be revealed" at the end of the present world. The

extraordinary discoveries in Egypt and other parts of the world,

describe not just an advanced technology but, evolutionary path

beyond our present state.


Careful scientific examination of the world's key pyramid sites,

reveal them to be sophisticated harmonic structures, not only

mirroring positions of the planets and stellar systems but, designed

to mimic the chakras and harmonic cavities of the human body. Even

each stone within the Great Pyramid is harmonically tuned to a

specific frequency or musical tone. The sarcophagus in the centre of

the Great Pyramid is tuned to the frequency of the human heart beat.


Astonishing experiments, conducted by Dr. Hurtak and colleagues at

the Great Pyramid and other sites in the South Americas, demonstrate

the pyramids to be voice-activated "geophysical computers." Intoning

specific ancient sounds, the scientific team produced visible

standing waves of light, above and within the pyramids and were even

able to penetrate, hitherto, inaccessible chambers. Subsequent

discoveries indicate the ancient priest-scientists employed some sort

of harmonic sound technology within the temple structures.


The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a "language

of Light". Known to the ancients as HIBURU, it is the primal seed

language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle. Modern

research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural

language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare

patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning

vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very

nervous system.


Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world,

Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of

light. The "keys" Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to

be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic "Power of the

World". The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded

within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect

the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and

higher consciousness states.


As the ancient texts declare, "If you would speak with the gods you

must first learn the language of the gods."


DNA, the ancient cabalistic "Tree Of Life" portrayed in the Biblical

Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure,

rather than a fixed tape recording. Many modern scientists, regard

DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by

light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. The legacy of

Thoth/Enoch suggests this "language of Light", the harmonic science

of the ancients, could actually affect DNA.


The evidence in Egypt, indicates this was the grand 6,000 year

genetic experiment attempted by the Egyptians, the quest for

immortality and the stars, a quest described by the great ones of

old, a quest initiated by Gilgamesh so very long ago. The Egyptians

were not fixated on the afterlife, as thought by early Christian

translators but, focussed on creating a higher type of human. Along

with many ancient cultures, they believed DNA came from the stars and

was destined to return.


The knowledge of Thoth/Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve

beyond our present terrestrial form, as the Bible tells us, "we may

become greater than angels". The Egyptians record stories of

the "Star Walkers", occasional individuals who, like Enoch,

travelled "beyond the Great Eye of Orion" and returned, to walk like

gods amongst men. Despite the bleaching of semi-divine beings from

modern consciousness, could it be possible, as the ancient texts

insist, we are destined to "become as gods"? are the Mayan "Lords of

Light" and the Egyptian/Tibetan "Shining Ones" really a higher form

of human?


According to many earth legends, such beings are supposed to return

regularly, at the beginning and end of each time cycle, the 13,000

year half-point of our solar system's 26,000 year zodiacal orbit

around galaxy centre. Because of conditions on our galactic orbit,

these 13,000 year intervals or "worlds", seem to be separated by

cataclysmic upheaval.


According to the "calendar in stone" of the Great Pyramid, which

describes the so-called "Phoenix Cycle" of our galactic orbit, the

present time period ends (converted to our present calendar) in the

year 2012 AD. The Greek word PHOENIX, derived from the Egyptian word,

PA-HANOK, actually means, "The House of Enoch".


The Enochian knowledge suggests, these regular cataclysmic changes

act as an evolutionary agent provocateur, to quicken the resident

life forms to the next evolutionary phase, prior to exodus from the

womb planet. Human evolution may proceed more rapidly than previously

thought. The evidence now appearing, records civilisations before us,

who mastered the physical continuum and progressed beyond this world.

There were also those who failed. We, too, have equal opportunity to

make it or break it.


The discoveries emerging from Egypt, describe the existence of a

world wide pyramid temple system in prehistory, mounted like antennae

on the key energy meridians, which were employed by ancient priest-

scientists as a musical system to stabilize the tectonic plates of

the planet... cataclysmic geology at it's finest. From the mother

tongue word JEDAIAH, meaning "the way of the Word" or "the power of

the Word", the ancient JEDAI priests used the language of Light to

tune the planet like a giant harmonic bell. Much is being

rediscovered in the last days of this time cycle. In the words of Dr.

Jay Franz, of the Omega Foundation, "even if we don't dare to


it, there is a universal feeling of something impending on the world


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