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Thankz Gopi. Missed you at the Prabhupada FEstival. Maybe back in LA in Sept.

Hope all is well in Laguna. Thanz for the clarification.


Thankz<A HREF="vediculture ">_______________________________


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> --__--__--


> Message: 12

> "Gopi" <gopi

> <Anudasa, <vy

> RE: [VY] Re: VY digest, Vol 1 #125 - 12 msgs

> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:41:54 -0700

> charset="iso-8859-1"


> Raghu,

> KA wrote that. not Adam.


> <take care, Adam> That part was quoted by KA in his reply to Adam's



> take care,

> Gopi


> Raghu wrote:

> >

> >

> > I find this some what moving. It means a lot to me that this

> > weighs on you Adam. I don't think you have to be "against (your) guru" if

> we simply look at things a little more closely. I was present for most of

> the

> > incidents that would be under review and controvercial. I may be able to

> help clearify things.

> >


> > In a message dated 6/20/00 6:00:32 PM Hawaiian Standard Time,

> > vy-admin writes:

> >

> > > But it kind of sucks that I am in a position where it appears that I

> am against my guru. This is probably the hardest thing that I have to do.

> I am sure that some people on this conference now hate me. Thats Ok-i'll


> the whipping boy. At this point I feel that I am doing the right thing.






> --__--__--


> Message: 13

> "Balarama V" <ultradevoted

> vy

> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 16:46:20 GMT

> [VY] (no subject)



> >Krsna has a plan and we

> >will see how it is manifest.

> >For those of you who bore with me through all this,I

> >apologize for the length. It wasn't intended to be this

> >long. Take care. I remain. Ananta Vrndavan

> >

> >

> Thank you, I appreciated this.

> Especially the bit about more structure in helping devotees (in schooling

> and spiritual development). Things are changing.


> BV

> ______________________

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> --__--__--


> Message: 14

> "Balarama V" <ultradevoted

> vy

> Re: [VY] (no subject)

> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 17:15:25 GMT



> > > speaker was saying that there are no victims. It was

> > > the

> > gurukuli's karma.

> >

> >=

> >not that i don't believe that these are our karmic

> >reactions to some degree,i do...... but to be told by

> >the person who inflicted that pain, i certainly don't

> >accept that.....

> >

> Dear Anasuya,

> I am very sorry to hear about your relationship with your father. I

> have spent some time with Prithu prabhu the past couple of days, and we

> talked about this very subject. He said that altough this is true about



> karmic reactions, the perpetrator should never say 'it is your karma', in

> fact it isn't right for anyone but yourself to recognize that these

> reactions are coming justfully. It is part of the process of humility.

> I'd hate to see the karmic reactions for the molesters of young

> children.


> your servant,

> Balarama

> >

> >

> >Can you believe it! He said that

> > > they

> > > should just chant Hare Krsna

> ______________________

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> --__--__--


> Message: 15

> "Balarama V" <ultradevoted

> vy

> Re: [VY] where did we go wrong?

> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 17:33:04 GMT



> >Anyway, that's it for now. I need to get some work

> >done here.

> >

> >Take care all,

> >Sincerely,

> >Yudhi

> >

> >


> Wow! You did more work in that email then I've done all week!


> BV

> ______________________

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> --__--__--


> Message: 16

> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:58:52 -0700 (PDT)

> Manu <ekaseder

> vy

> [VY] Why ISKCON continues to go wrong


> Why ISKCON continues to go wrong

> --------------------------------


> In my opinion, why we got from "there to here" is

> because of an extension of abdication of

> responsiblitiy in a large group. With no one person in

> charge of the vision or reputation of ISKCON, every

> one of the 32 GBC is thinking that the other is making

> sure this or that problem is solved. When horrenduous

> stories of child abuse are brought up at the

> international GBC meetings, you and me (leaders xyz)

> are sure to think (hope, pray) that Dhira Govinda will

> solve these problems and as soon as the meetings are

> over (out of sight, out of mind) we only see and worry

> about our own leaking faucets in our own temples.


> A couple of years ago at the Mayapur GBC meetings a

> few senior GBC were lamenting that the "real leaders"

> who had charisma to be leaders have left... "the

> generals have blooped... and left the rank to take

> over." something to that effect.


> When Anuttama urged the GBC to pledge a million

> dollars over the course of four years to help the

> victims of child abuse, the GBC brainstormed on how to

> come up with such amounts, and evenutally voted that

> the only business that runs a profit in ISKCON, the

> BBT, should pay for it. Six months later, at the

> meeting of BBT Trustees however, when they heard how

> much money they had been volunteered to pay by the

> GBC, they said forget it.. they couldn't do that.

> Prabhupada said... the money should only be used to

> print more books, and to build temples such as Mayapur

> and Vrindavan. And besides, Prabhupada said that the

> BBT is a separate entity and not under the

> jurisdiction of the GBC.


> A little glimpse of the bureaucratic mess, group

> thinking, group abdication of responsibility (someone

> else will surely do it, I'm too busy).


> When the GBC votes someone to be the chairman for the

> year, it is the most undesired post in all of ISKCON.

> It is quite a scenario that unfolds as each member

> comes up with excuses of why they can't be a

> chairperson...they did it already two years ago...

> they don't have the resources to fly all over the

> world, they don't have clout with other GBC, so many

> excuses. So, surprise surprise, when someone is

> finally voted chairperson, that chairperson has little

> motivation to be the one to "solve all of ISKCON's

> problems" though they may try their best to mediate

> and keep up with their emails.


> to be continued....


> love, Manu





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> --__--__--


> Message: 17

> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:18:30 -0700 (PDT)

> Manu <ekaseder

> Re: [VY] My Thoughts

> vy


> Every successful company needs a CEO. A person who

> looks at all the issues, all the problems, and tries

> to come up with a solution. A person who is up high

> enough that he can tell the other people to shift

> their priorities from one thing to another... to steer

> the company in the right direction.


> ISKCON, unfortunately, has 32 captains all steering in

> a different direction. We have no "captain of the

> ship." The chairman of the board is not like the

> "CEO" at least he/she doesn't act in that mode... they

> see themselves as mediators who become the point

> people for complaints and problems and feel like

> they'll get shot down and trampled on no matter what

> they do. If they side with the victims, they'll never

> hear the end of it from Dhanurdhara's disciples. If

> they side with the disciples, well, KA can tell you

> about why he joined the suit.


> And when it comes to taking responsibility for

> problems that didn't happen on "your watch"... there's

> a lot of passing the buck. When we don't have the

> resouces to fix a problem, when there is no CEO who

> can pool the resources as necessary to plug the leaks,

> its no wonder things are the way they are.


> Some management classes are in order.


> Paying the CEO to do his job fulltime so he/she

> doesn't have to be mediating global issues while

> simultaneously running their own temple, making money

> selling paintings on the side, etc. all these things

> would probably help.


> Congrats if you read this far. Take all of the above

> with a grain of salt. I'm just blowing off steam.


> Manu





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> --__--__--


> Message: 18

> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:38:59 -0700 (PDT)

> Gabriel Deadwyler <gabedead

> Re: [VY] Re: lawsuit and plaintiffs

> vy


> Hi KA,


> I for one don't hate you, and I'm sorry you feel you

> need to hide out in Alachua. I'm not onboard with the

> lawsuit, but considering what everybody's been

> through, I can't blame anyone for going for it. I do

> have some disagreements, though, with some of your

> points.


> > No this suit is to clean up ISKCON. All the leaders

> > that are into ISKCON

> > for the money will leave when it is gone, and the

> > true devotees will shine


> Hmmmm. Which leaders are in it for the money? Every

> defendant listed, even Giriraj Swami for example, who

> has (had?), I'm told, a substantial inheritance? And

> exactly why or how they're going to leave also seems

> pretty vague, unless you're saying that when ISKCON

> has no money because it's bankrupt there'll be no

> corrupt leaders -- but there won't be much of an

> ISKCON either.


> To me this sounds a lot like things I've seen on other

> internet forums, some vague idea that a gurukuli

> lawsuit will force the GBC to resign and then

> everything will be okay. And be replaced by whom? I'll

> wager good money it would be more wolves in sheep's

> clothing.


> As for Bhagavan and Harikesa and all those who have

> looted ISKCON or wasted it's money, of course it all

> sucks, and they should be dragged into court and

> charged with embezzlement, but how this is directly

> relevant to abuses in gurukula, correcting that,

> compensating victims, and finding some kind of peace

> for ourselves, I don't know. Former members of the GBC

> have done all kinds of criminal and kooky stuff, maybe

> even present members too for all I know, so sue 'em

> for that, but not in gurukuli's names just because we

> make better victims.


> > How can we rob our inheritence? Srila Prabhupada

> > clearly wanted the second

> > generation to take the reigns of the movement. I

> > think that now this will

> > happen. I also think that we can use it better than

> > our current leaders.


> ISKCON's not our inheritance just because we were born

> to devotee parents. There is still the matter of

> following the regulative principles, chanting 16

> rounds, reading Prabhupada's books, performing

> devotional service under the instruction of a

> spiritual master and so on, ie. being a devotee that

> is worthy of being a leader for other devotees. ISKCON

> is about bhakti-yoga, devotional service, and it's

> your inheritance only as much as you are willing and

> able to serve ISKCON, isn't that the philosophy? Now I

> know there's been problems because these devotional

> things have been emphasized while basic competence as

> a manager and so on are sometimes overlooked, but

> unless we are sincere followers what right do we have

> to claim the reigns of the movement? In my case, I

> don't feel robbed of my inheritance, rather I feel

> unqualified and unwilling to take on its burden.

> (Unfortunately, last time I checked it was still 4

> regs and 16 rounds, not 2 regs and no rounds. :)


> > I don't want danudahara to suffer- I want him to

> > stop initiating. I have

> > forgiven all the other teachers. In fact I hang out

> > at Jagadish's to watch

> > basketball games quite often. I have not forgiven

> > our leaders


> This, for me, is the weirdest. You've forgiven and

> hang out with Jagadish quite often, the one guy in

> this whole sordid affair that could have at any time

> -- any time, from the very beginning of gurukula to

> whenever he ran off with his disciple -- stood up and

> said wait a minute we're going wrong, this system is

> abusive, in fact the one guy that had the most

> responsibility to actually do that, who had the

> evidence before his eyes, and had the leadership

> position to be listened to, him you've forgiven. The

> major guy who muffled any voices of complaint and

> dismissed parent's concerns, who in fact personally

> set the standards that allowed the abuse, him you've

> forgiven, but Hrdayananda Maharaja, who we saw maybe

> twice a year at the festivals, or ISKCON of Gita

> Nagari where no one from gurukula days is even there

> anymore, they're now in legal trouble.


> It seems you're angry with a leadership that hasn't

> handled Dhanurdhara the way you'd like (I'll agree

> with you on that one), that hasn't coughed up the

> monies promised, in short hasn't dealt with the abuses

> of gurukula in a satisfactory way, but you're quite

> comfortable with a least one person who caused the

> abuses in the first place. You're angry with the

> perhaps incompetent doctors who have failed to cure

> you, yet have reconciled with the quack who injured

> you in the first place.


> I guess for me I'm comfortable with people who say

> ISKCON did wrong, but I'm going to continue my faith

> and service in ISKCON and work to maintain high

> standards and to rectify past problem to the best of

> my ability. I'm also comfortable with my peers who've

> decided that ISKCON is just another cult, Prabhupada

> just another charismatic leader who even with the best

> of intentions started a dysfunctional organization

> that severely abused us, so let's sue the pants off

> this crazy weird organization and put 'em out of

> business. Atleast those viewpoints are consistent. But

> all this "for ISKCON's own good" stuff just doesn't

> make sense to me.


> Finally, as far as Prabhupada's reputation and so on,

> I don't see how the lawyer's are going to make their

> case to a jury without painting the entire

> organization as a cult, a scam that brainwashed

> parents into giving up their responsibilities to their

> children. That's the argument in the complaint, and

> it's the very basis of their arguments why legal

> entities that had nothing to do with the incidents

> described should be held financially liable, why the

> statutes of limitation do not apply, and so on.


> Anyway, those are my thoughts, and I hope I haven't

> offended you. But you know my Dad's one of the

> defendants, on the other hand I could very well be a

> plaintiff if I wanted, so this is all a little close

> to the heart and I like these opportunities to think

> through these things.


> Take care,

> Yours truly,

> Yudhi




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> --__--__--


> _____________

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> End of VY Digest



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