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Mike Mott Interview on a Hollow Earth list- some historical perspectives

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A bit long, but a rather good interview with Mike Mott, a long time hollow

Earther and writer on the subject. He has some interesting points to make

which you all might tie in with your understanding of Puranic history.


Posted by Dharmapada Dasa




" Members of this List,


Presently Onelight.com is reaching a level of maturation where I am

comfortable enough to invite suggestions for additions to the site.


Recently I have been wondering where as to find certain folklore information

and rather accidentally stumbled over three articles of Mike Motts, a writer

on the Inner Earth. I was quite joyful to find his work and have asked that

he may grant an interview. He did agree and I have placed the interview in

the body of this email document. I will also place this interview on the

Onelight.com pages, with some more info I hope to receive from him


a short intro bio and possibly a photo.


I am very interested in inviting Mike Motts into Onelight.com as a Player.

His work is excellent, presence of mind supreme and, his knowledge seems

inexhaustible. It just seems to rolls out.


I am very impressed with his work and he has said that he is impressed by






Mikes email is MottGrafix


The first article in this series is THE DEEP DWELLERS:


http://mpi.mpi-softtech.com/~mott/DeepDwellersRevis2.htm (fastest U.S.


also at:





A related article, ECHOES OF THE WORLD CAULDRON, can be found at:





Interview with Mike Motts and Onelight.com



1. Approx. how long ago did you first become interested in the Inner Earth?

When did you first begin writing on this subject?


My first introduction to the concept was parallel in nature, in the late

sixties and early seventies. About the time, when, as a child, I was

discovering the "Pellucidar" novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs, I was also

seeing ads in various comic books and magazines which were pushing Raymond

Bernard's book, "The Hollow Earth." I found the concept fascinating, but

eventually grew out of it--even dismissed it as childish and fanciful--until

late in my teens, when I began to realize again that it was in fact quite

plausible, explaining as it did many anomalies which mainstream "science"

seemed to be struggling constantly to understand or explain. I studied the

topic, and related topics, constantly for twenty years or so, and didn't

finally feel comfortable writing about it until the end of 1998 and the

beginning of 1999. Evidence seems to indicate that there are two separate

mysteries here, however, which are often lumped together; one is the

possibility of an inner concavity to the planet (a geode-like

configuration), and the other is the strong evidence which indicates the

presence of "others," not necessarily human beings, who dwell at various

depths beneath the crust of the Earth. These are in fact two very different

phenomena, in my opinion.



2. There is belief by some researchers that in ancient times the earlier

Hebrew tribes went into the Northern Polar region, and may reside on the lip

of the opening there still today. Would you care to comment on this?


The thing which escapes many "new age" researchers today, and even many

traditional researchers who have no preconceived or pet theories to support,

is the fact that the Torah and New Testament both contain many allusions and

references to a real "underworld," complete with polar openings, or in the

form of an alternate cavern realm which consists of many separate regions.

The Old Testament makes very distinct mention of all of these realms, in the

books of Isaiah, Job, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and many others. Also mentioned

at length are cryptid creatures ranging from "dragons" to hairy humanoids,

which are translated as "satyrs" in the King James version. Other mysteries

which fascinate the modern researcher, such as lost continents and

civilizations, are also mentioned, as is their destruction. Many Biblical

references describe an earlier age, and the fate of pre-human civilizations

which have vanished from the Earth. Some of these were overthrown by

cataclysms which thrust them to the bottom of the ocean, or else were driven

or plunged deep beneath the crust of the world. Such places are referred to

as a "terror," and came about due to great planetary upheavals. References

are made to the prehumans, the "old people" or "people of old time."


Ezekiel 26:19-21 states:


19 For thus saith the Lord GOD: When I shall make thee a desolate city,

like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep upon

thee, and great waters shall cover thee;


20 When I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit, with

the people of old time, and shall set thee in the low parts of the earth, in

places desolate of old, with them that go down to the pit, that thou be not

inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of the living;


21 I will make thee a terror, and thou shalt be no more; though thou be

sought for, yet shalt thou never be found again, saith the lord GOD.


I would say that grays, reptilians, UFOnauts of many descriptions, and many

cryptids which defy rational explanation such as "El Chupacabra" fit the

description of being "a terror," at least according to many who have had

encounters with them. I believe that the reference "thou shall be no more"

refers to a surface-world, pre-cataclysmic kingdom. There's much additional

Biblical information to support this theory, as in the book of Jeremiah.


Jeremiah Chapter 5 contains a reference to the pre-human world that existed

before the Creation as described in Genesis. Verse 23 begins with a

description of the aftermath of destruction, where Genesis picks up; then

the following verses describe a land which existed before, and which had

both cities and living creatures (an ecosystem), yet no human or sentient

beings ("man"). A "time of darkness," akin to nuclear winter or the similar

state which would have followed the dinosaur extinction event, is also

described. Also mentioned is the fact that this was not "a full end," but

life and civilization were destined to someday emerge again.


23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the

heavens, and they had no light.


24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved



25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of heaven were



26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the

cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his

fierce anger.


27 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will

I not make a full end.


28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I

have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn



As for the Hebrews living by a Polar Rim, who knows? The lost tribes

vanished, there is no doubt, but some evidence has been found that they

wandered across Asia primarily, through Kazakstan and into China, perhaps

even further. Maybe they went north from there. The book of Job, with its

mention of the polar hole which is complete with oceanic and weather

descriptions and arctic ice and snow, makes it clear that the "mystery of

the north" was known to them. As to whether or not any of them migrated in

that direction, I don't believe that the evidence is conclusive one way or

another. Who is right in terms of postulated inhabitants--the proponents of

Aryan supermen, or of lost Hebrew tribes? The two don't seem to work well

together, to my mind at any rate, particularly given the Nazi take on

inner-earth Aryan origins and their dislike of Hebrew people. The two seem

mutually-exclusive, although if I were to take a non-scientific stance I

would hope that the Hebrews prevailed there! They deserve a break.



3. Assuming that over a lengthy period of time there have been genetic

processes available to those members of the Inner Earth, do you share in

the belief that there are genetically engineered beings, those who may be

designed with the genetics of several different species? And if so, approx.

how many of these 'hybrids' are currently part of the Inner earth




We modern humans are on the verge of advanced genetic engineering

capabilities ourselves. This happened quite suddenly, due to an exponential

explosion in knowledge throughout the 1900s. If prehuman, or even ancient

human civilizations exist elsewhere, and they have achieved a comparable

level of technological advancement at a point in the distant past, then it

would be logical to assume that their knowledge and use of genetic

engineering would be far beyond anything that we will achieve for quite some

time, as their knowledge-growth would have long ago reached an exponential

"critical mass." We are already creating plants with animal genes, and

vice-versa; a chimera like the Chupacabra--an undeniable cave-dweller,

according to reports--would seem to support, at least with anecdotal,

witness-based evidence, a genetically-engineered origin. This is discussed

at length with much more evidence presented in my article, THE DEEP

DWELLERS. Another piece, HIDDEN NEIGHBORS, reveals the underworld

fascination for genetics, even an obsession with genetic matters and

materials. And it seems that any gene-pool is seen by the cavern-dwellers

as fair game.


As for how many "hybrids" there are, who can say? We're having a hard

enough time even proving that inner-earth and cavern worlds exist, or that

their inhabitants exist, even though the circumstantial evidence is

overwhelming. I believe that genetic manipulation and exploitation are

evident in both inner-earth and cavern types, but the latter seem to be the

more severe in terms of exploiting the surface world.




4. In your writings on the subject of the Inner Earth, the Reptilian species

is often described as the dominant species in the make up of the Inner Earth

Kingdoms. Where do you see the King of the World fitting in to this picture?


First of all, I don't necessarily see the situation in this way. It seems

that the "serpent races--" an ancient, catch-all term which really just

means pre-Adamic or pre-human--consist of many different types, even specie,

of beings. Those which are truly "reptilian" seem to have more of an

affinity with certain regions within the crust of the Earth, as for example

in the case of the Nagas of India, of the Indian Ocean, and the Himalayas.

"Rigden-jyepo," as the Tibetans call their subterranean "King of the World,"

is not seemingly of Reptilian type, but is a human being of one type or

another. Whoever he is, his people seem to be not only distinct from the

Reptilian races, but even, by some accounts, are at war with them at times.

In 1928, Nicolas Roerich was told by a Tibetan monk that if he went "across

the sea" and "far to the north" that he would be able to get a glimpse of

the inner world, or Agharta. This places the kingdom of Rigden-jyepo within

the inner-earth, as opposed to be being within the caverns deep inside the

crust, which tends to be the domain of non-human beings, it seems. Perhaps

this is due to environmental extremes and pressures of deep caverns with

which human beings of the "surface type" have difficulties. This doesn't

mean that there aren't connections between the two regions, and Hebrew,

Norse, Asiatic, and other accounts indicate that there are passageways and

tunnels between them, and the surface world.




5. The Older German Tribes and recently the Nazis, have had a great interest

in the Inner Earth and follow a pagan cosmology of the Hollow Earth as the

seat or throne of one of their Gods. Do you believe there are Germans from

the World War II period, who had a genetic memory of the ancient glory of

the Inner Earth, and still seek it out today with the purported encampment

near the Mawson Range in the Antarctica wasteland?



In terms of human beings, our "genetic memories" tend to be based on oral

and written traditions more than on some sort of encoded instinct, at least

memories of this type--or this is what I believe. This is why Hitler-who

was fascinated by Tibetan accounts of the inner earth--was so easily

manipulated. He was told what he wanted to hear, apparently. This type of

manipulation happens all the time, and it doesn't have to come from some

subterranean source! Hitler turned it into something nasty, as he believed

that the Aryan race not only came from the inner earth, but was still there,

and was vastly superior to even "his Aryans." But the evidence for an

"Aryan" connection is definitely there, going back even to the accounts of

the Norse and the locations of the lands of their "gods," as well as the

descriptions of the Hyperboreans and of "Ultima Thule." The "Aryan" concept

is closely tied in with inner-earth mysteries, and has been throughout the

ages (again, see THE DEEP DWELLERS for further information).


As to whether or not Nazis fled to Antarctica, accounts exists to support

this theory, from the sighting by Argentines of U-Boats in the region at the

end of the war, to "Operation High-Jump" and the apparent insistence of

Admiral Byrd to turn Antarctica into an "atomic test range--" or so the

story goes. But this isn't really "evidence," falling more along the lines

of hearsay or folklore. This does not, however, mean that it's not based in

some sort of truth.....In fact, with the entire "hollow

earth-UFO-Cryptozoological" range of topics, I believe we are seeing the

birth of a new folkloric form--a new folklore, often based in fact and

science, for our own time, which draws inspiration and even facts from more

ancient traditions. But most legends and folktales, at some level, have

their genesis in truth or in half-truth. The trick for all of us will be to

sort it all out.




6. The Hindu Mythologies and practices have held a special place for me in

my spiritual search. I often wondered how prevalent the Inner Earth has

played a part in the cosmic history of the Hindu people. Is there a place

addressed in their stories concerning an Inner Earth kingdom?


Since I'm not a Hindu, I tend to view Hindu beliefs and traditions from the

point of view of a folklorist and mythologist, as I do most traditions. All

speak to us of common mysteries and truths, to varying degrees of accuracy,

in my opinion. But from Mohenjo-daro and the ancient Vedic accounts of what

sound like nuclear destruction, to many of their other beliefs such as

cyclical catastrophism and aerial vehicles (vimana) it seems that, as in the

Hebrew traditions, there is much (pre) historical truth buried or even

explained in their traditions. There is a great deal of evidence to support

the Hindu knowledge of "other" worlds within our own, but I bow to Dean de

Lucia (Dharmapada Dasa) and his excellent research on this topic. The URLs

for some of his articles are:








There is no doubt that both inner-earth (hollow earth) and cavern-world

realities were known to many ancient peoples, including the Hindu peoples.




7. Though Russia is steeped in Inner Earth tradition and culture, I have not

been able to find any information that directly reflects the awareness of

the Russian people today of the Inner Earth. I am curious. Do you have any

information on the Russian people and the survival of the Inner Earth



I know that in the past they had quite a deal of knowledge and many

traditions on this topic, but with the oppressive weight of communism

crushing them for so long, my guess is that the knowledge has been lost or

suppressed. Any topic with religious, spiritual, or mystical overtones or

connections more or less met the same fate, during most of the 20th century.

And the knowledge may still BE known, but only to those in power. In the

West we have seen that these topics are often classified within government

agencies, while simultaneously being ridiculed and suppressed among the

population in general. Why should other governments behave any

differently? If there ARE other beings within our own planet, who hold no

allegiances to any of the governments on the surface, this becomes a

national security issue in the eyes of all surface governments, or at least

this would logically seem to be the case. But no, I have no specific

knowledge about current, popular Russian knowledge on this topic."

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