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Fwd: [world-vedic] Falsification Aryan invasion theory

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vediculture , "32503518nl1" <indira@s...> wrote:

Dear Anthanarik,

In response to your remark and quotation concerning the suggestion of


'Aryan race' in ancient India I am pleased to submit the following.

The Sanskrit word 'arya' means 'anyone who leads a spiritual life',

it also

means 'noble soul'. May be you are black or yellow, and I might be

red and

purple - if we follow the Vedic principles of religious life, or Krsna

consciousness for that matter, we are 'arya' instantly. The proof of


transcendental meaning is the international convertion of sincere

souls to

brahminical life by the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, one of the four main

Vaisnava-sampradayas coming from Brahma. All these souls from


nationalities have become 'arya' on the very day of their initiation

(diksa). The word 'arya' points to actual spiritual conduct and not

to any

physical designation. The spirit soul is beyond the body and mind, as


will know. Therefore, the word 'arya' has nothing to do with race at


Actually, the Vedic synonym of 'race' is 'species'. Mankind is one


monkeys are another, etc. Nevertheless, the pure hearted souls whose


ancestors followed the path of bhakti and brahminical purification


(samskaras) since thousands of generations maintain and/or develop a


complexion. The long-term cultivation of spiritual purity of body,

mind and

soul appears to reflect in one's external features, as well. Still,


'brightness' has nothing to do with race or species, again. After

all, I

have seen people change colors instantly. Haven't you?

On the other hand, this racial myth in India - and especially in the

Dravidian South developed under the influence of the British - is

based on

the Western scientific concoction of the Aryan Invasion Theory

written by

Sir Mortimer Wheeler between 1946-54 shortly after World War II. The


Invasion Theory was based on the excavations in Harappa and Mohenjo


since 1922 from which the Western scientists found that 'tribal

hordes from

the North-West (Kaukasus) invaded the Indian Subcontinent and forced


indigenous population to adopt the Vedic culture between 1200-800

BC'. We

all know that Hitler in Nazi Germany abused the Vedic theory of

varnasrama-dharma-tattva from the Bhagavad-gita earlier in favor of

his own

perverted race theory. In that way Sir Mortimer Wheeler provided the


with the heritage of Sanskrit poetry and ancient knowledge. In other


the so-called Aryan race claimed to be the origin and bearer of the


Vedic civilization just after the defeat of the Germans in WW II.

In spite of the brand-new asset the Western scientific world never

discovered the true values of the Vedas. 'How could such tribal


dispose of any elevated knowledge and pure spiritual teachings? '

Paradoxically, the Western world, therefore, considered the

Vedas 'primitive

poetry' and ignored their elevated status for a longtime due to their

misconceived origin. Could the scientists comprehend the truths in


literatures themselves? In fact, the Vedic literature is accessible

only to

the reader proportionately to his level of consciousness. In other


only pure souls are able to understand its imports to their fullest


whereas the modern scientists are situated at the opposite end of the


After all, this complete incident is no longer a hot item anymore. The

Invasion Theory has recently been falsified by a team of scholars who


found a trace of invasion, destruction or suppression by foreign

tribes in

the area of the Indus-Sarasvati Valleys. One interesting proof of its

falsification is the fact that the Vedas give mention of the

Sarasvati River

which went underground longtime before the so-called invaders could


written or induced the Vedas in that region.

These Scriptures, especially the Puranas, contain self-evident


They describe the transcendental history of mankind since Creation by


Brahma down to the end of Kali-yuga which lies in the distant future.


could invent such highly complicated narrations, such extremely


theories in such a learned tongue like the Sankrit verse? Were they


human beings, or was it God Himself and His many Incarnations? The

value of

the Vedic Scriptures is their exceptional transcendental position.


in the entire world can compare with their supernatural qualities,


forms and pastimes. They are supremely divine and unparallelled! They


the literary Incarnation of the Supreme Lord Himself, the Blue God of


Sri Krishna.


Vaisnava dasanudasi abhilasa,

Indira dasi




Anthanarik <anthanaric@h...>

<vediculture >

Sunday, July 09, 2000 7:37 PM

[world-vedic] Re: Aryan invasion theory




> <<The Vedas do not know of

> > any such race as the Aryan race."



> Sounds like you never read the COMPLETE Rig Veda.

> They called themselves Arya or Aryas, not Aryan though.


> Indra, causing the barley to be sown in the fields, milking the

> clouds for the sake of Manu, destroying the offspring of the dasyus

> with thy lightning bolt, you have bestowed brilliant light upon the

> Arya.


> When you attacked the offspring of the dasyus, you slew them with

> your thunderbolt, the thunder god then gave the bounty to his white-

> complexioned friends, then restored the light and set free the life

> bestowing rain.



> Anthanarik

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