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True composition of the Sun

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Here are a few words from Joseph H. Cater's book The Awsome life Force. It

has been re-written under the new title of The Ultimate Reality. You can get

it at Health Research:



Cater offers sound logic for not accepting the idea of a nuclear sun. He

offers an alternative model, which you will see. There is some significance

here in relation to the Hollow Earth Theory, that a nuclear process of

sufficient power to provide illumination and warmth to an inner world is

probably not viable as the radiation would be unbearable. Again, Cater

provides an alternative, and keep in mind that interesting paper by

Goodfellow about the Sun having a plasma composition.



This understanding of our Sun's composition opens up a new range of

possibilities: I am thinking in terms of the Puranic descriptions of a

civilization in the Sun. Of course, if the Sun were a nuclear process, this

would be kind of hard to justify.


But if we consider that the Sun is composed of plasma, a super-heated gas,

then is it so far fetched to take things a step further and suppose the

existence of beings whose bodies are composed of elements along such lines?

Maybe this understanding is the key to the justification of the Puranic

descriptions. Current scientific theories do not allow for such

possibilities, and I think that it is important for us to do some thinking

along these lines if we want Puranic dharma to survive.



My article It's a New Dawn for Hollow Earthers, which has been recently and

extensively re-written, brings up this possibility:



Do give the article a second look, and consider the update link at the

bottom- ( it is my list ).



Here it is:









One thing that all suns seem to have in common is their great size in

comparason to planets. The astrophysicists speak of white dwarfs of

planetary size and less. It is apparent from the evidence that has been

presented throughout this treatise that any claims made by astrononauts or

astrophysicists pertaining to celestial determinations have about the same

degee of merit as the other scientific claims that have been mentioned

previously. There is nothing to justify the existence of a white dwarf. For

one thing, due to its small size and its limited gravitational in-fluence it

could only hold very small bodies of asteroid size in orbits, and then only

for a short distance away. According to the fallacious theories of orthodox

science, a white dwarf consists of atoms with prac-tically all their

electrons stripped away, and hence possesses enormous gravity. It will be

shown that astrophysicists have no way of accurately determing the distance

away or the size of stars.


The larger the body. the greater its mass or volume in proportion to its

surface area This means that, as the size increases, it is less probable

that the energies produced by the normal activities of the atoms in the

body's interior will escape from the surface without a resultant increase in

the temperature of its surface. The energy radiated from the surface will be

in the form of photons and other particles of all types below a critical

size, the surface area is sufficicut to allow all of the radiant energy

created in its interior to escape without an increase in temperature. In

fact, such a body will lose heat unless it receives sufficient energy from

its surroundings.


As a body increases in size, its surface area becomes increasingly in

inadequate to allow the radiated energy in its interior to escape without a

buildup of heat at and below the surface. The surface will radiate the heat

or energy outward as quickly as it is created in the interior. The rate at

which energy is radiated from a surface increases rapidly with a resul-tant

increase in surface temperature. This varies as the fourth power of its

absolute temperature. For example, within a certain temperature range, if

the temperature is doubled, the rate at which energy in the form of photons

and soft particles is radiated increases by a factor of 16.


The critical size of such a body will depend on its composition. For

example, if it contains a high concentration of mildly radioactive

substances, this critical size will be less. If the body has a hollow

condition, the outside dimensions would have to be greater. The red giants,

if they are even close to the dimensions claimed, would have to be hollow

with relatively thin shells; otherwise, they wouldn't be red. Their surface

temperatures would be astronomical.

The actual source of the energy that is finally radiated into outer space is

the soft particles and photons normally radiated by the atoms of the

material inside a sun. This is due to the activities of the fundamental

par-ticles. Because of the great mass of the Sun, an abnormal concentration

of these soft particles is always present in the interior. This

concentration is greatest near the surface. There is a steady increase in

intensity from the center toward the outside. This results in a continuous

disintegration of a high percentage of those particles near the surface,

which is accompanied by a great increase in temperature, which in turn

results in a greater rate of disintegration. At the same time, the rate at

which the soft particles are created increases. A state of near equilibrium

exists when the rate at which the soft particles are created in the interior

interior approx-imately equals the rate at which they disintegrate. It would

follow, then, that the highest temperatures exist at the surface and

steadily decrease with the distance below the surface. This means that any

sun has a relatively cool interior.


The principle that size is the major factor in a celestial body's ability to

radiate is confirmed by the behavior of very large planets such as Jupiter

and Saturn. An application of this principle indicates that bodies of such

size should start radiating more energy than they receive from outside

sources. Recent determinations indicate that both Jupiter and Saturn do, in

fact, radiate more energy than they receive from the Sun. A recent probe

showed a surprisingly higher temperature in Jupiter's upper at-mosphere than

was formerly believed to exist.


It now becomes apparent that the conventional theory which states that the

radiant energy of the Sun is produced by thermonuclear reactions is complete

nonsense. One thing to consider is that, if this were the case, the Sun's

radiation would be so lethal that no life could exist on any of the planets

in the solar system. The deadly and highly radoactive radiations resulting

from this kind of reaction would be simply too much for nature to cope with

on a daily basis. The high concentrations of ultraviolet rays are potent

enough, but this has been mitigated by the atmosphere and the law of

redistribution of energy.

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