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Please ead this e-mail ,hopefully the Hunanistic people will open the eyes.



Deen B. Chandora

Aug 19,2000



>BhuDev Sharma <bhudev_sharma

>SIARAM, deenbc,

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>Re: Hindu Genocide

>Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:16:33 -0700 (PDT)


>Dear Dhirendrabhai:


>Thanks for your voice. I am myself quite concerned

>about it. Over hundred Hindu pilgrim have been killed

>while going to Amarnath. Other than blaming Abdullah

>there is no action. If even one person going on Haz

>was killed by some terrorist group, there would have

>been cry all over.


>Where are those persons who consider all persons equal

>and all blood red?


>I am sure there will be others feeling equally hert.




>BhuDev Sharma


>--- SIARAM wrote:

> > August 18, 2000

> >

> > Friends,

> >

> > Why are we all keeping quiet when innocent people

> > are being slaughtered?

> > Where are the Human Rights activitists who beat

> > their breasts when one

> > Christian is killed? The persecution and genocide of

> > Hindus will continue in

> > the same way as it happened with the Jews. When the

> > Jews were being thrown

> > into the gas chambers by the Nazis, the same

> > secularists, communists and

> > Vatican clergies masquerading as secularists were

> > trying to please Hitler and

> > his cronies. Unless we all speak up loudly now, this

> > genocide will continue

> > till Hindus are reduced to a small minority in India

> > like Parsees.

> > Rgds

> > Dhiru Shah

> >

> > August 18, 2000

> >

> > Search Rediff

> >

> >

> >

> > Rajeev Srinivasan

> > Hindu pilgrims massacred; but the show must go on

> > It is no great surprise to me that the so-called

> > 'ceasefire' by the shadowy

> > Hizbul Mujahideen in Jammu and Kashmir came to an

> > ignominious end. As I said

> > in my previous column ('Beware of Greeks bearing

> > gifts!') it was a propaganda

> > exercise for the separatists and the Pakistanis to

> > claim that see, they were

> > willing to talk, it was India that was intransigent.

> >

> >

> > For once, India did the right counter-propaganda by

> > immediately responding to

> > the 'ceasefire' offer. With such alacrity that the

> > Pakistanis (and their

> > puppet, the Hizbul Mujahideen man Salahuddin in

> > Islamabad) were caught on the

> > wrong foot. They might actually have had to sit down

> > and negotiate with the

> > Indians, which they really don't want to do.

> > Therefore, Plan B was put into

> > action.

> >

> > That was the brutal massacre of a hundred Indians,

> > including Hindu pilgrims

> > on the Amarnath Yatra and Hindu laborers from Bihar

> > and Madhya Pradesh. This

> > was trigger-happiness, intended to a. show the

> > Indians who was boss, b. cause

> > mass outrage and calls to abort the talks. But the

> > Indian government still

> > did not withdraw from the negotiations; the Indian

> > public did not rise up in

> > anger.

> >

> > Therefore Plan C had to be hastily constructed: add

> > some unreasonable

> > demands. Yes, ask for Pakistan to be included in the

> > talks post-facto -- this

> > is guaranteed to be rejected by India. Thereafter,

> > feigning injured

> > innocence, the Hizbul Mujahideen wrings their hands

> > about Indian

> > 'unreasonableness' and goes back to business as

> > usual, murdering people.

> >

> > The theatrics have backfired: anybody who cares

> > could see that India acted in

> > good faith, and it was Salahuddin and the Pakistanis

> > that sabotaged the

> > talks. So no little gold stars for the dictator

> > Pervez Musharraf; his

> > propaganda ploy got him no plaudits whatsoever. So

> > it is back to square one

> > -- Situation Normal All Fouled Up.

> >

> > Except for one small detail -- one hundred innocent

> > people, mostly Hindus,

> > who were murdered. In particular, many were

> > pilgrims, going on an arduous

> > pilgrimage to the ice cave at Amarnath. Pilgrims are

> > always treated with

> > deference everywhere in the world, for their

> > closeness to the Infinite. Yet,

> > the Indian media did not see fit to dwell on them; I

> > don't remember seeing

> > anywhere a full list of the people killed, their

> > family backgrounds, any

> > details about them. I know nothing about who these

> > unfortunate people were.

> > They have already been forgotten.

> >

> > And I don't remember seeing the professional Human

> > Rights mafia raising a

> > ruckus. Let me pick on the most visible of these

> > 'progressives' -- Shabana

> > Azmi, Teesta Setalvad, Communalism Combat, SAHMAT.

> > Not to speak of John Dayal

> > and the National Christian Council or whatever. Not

> > one of them, unless I am

> > gravely mistaken, even turned an elegantly coiffed

> > hair. You see, the dead

> > were Hindus, so they were not human. So they had no

> > human rights. QED. Only

> > Muslims and Christians have rights.

> >

> > Can you imagine the fuss if 50 Muslim or Christian

> > pilgrims were slaughtered

> > in India? Do you remember the breast-beating about

> > attacks on Christians? The

> > god-awful fuss made over exactly one missionary

> > ('Death of a Missionary')

> > burned to death? The mea culpas are still

> > resonating. The manhunt for the

> > perpetrators was most energetic. We get periodic

> > interviews with the

> > missionary's saintly wife who forgives all and

> > sundry for all their sins,

> > whether they committed any or not. I wouldn't be

> > surprised if the Vatican

> > saints Graham Staines any day now, even if he was

> > not a Catholic.

> >

> > Where are the interviews with the wives of the Hindu

> > laborers and the

> > pilgrims? Why doesn't anybody care if they forgive

> > the killers of their kith

> > and kin? Are they even getting any compensation

> > money? I suppose not. They

> > have already been forgotten. They are only Hindus.

> >

> > This is what it means to be a Hindu in the great

> > Socialist Progressive

> > Secular Republic of India. You are a second-class

> > citizen. Jawaharlal Nehru

> > must be laughing in his grave -- he has succeeded in

> > what he set out to do:

> > destroy Hinduism. He put in place a perfect system

> > of apartheid, one in which

> > the silent majority is explicitly handicapped and

> > exploited by law; and they

> > believe they deserve it. While the 'minorities' are

> > coddled. How this is

> > different from the erstwhile white-supremacist

> > regime in South Africa I

> > really am not sure.

> >

> > The Nehruvian Indian Constitution is a

> > discriminatory document, as it

> > expressly curtails the freedoms of Hindus, but not

> > of 'minorities'. For

> > instance, Hindu religious institutions come under

> > government control and

> > grand theft, but not Muslim or Christian ones.

> > Hindus are not allowed to run

> > schools, but 'minorities' are. The list goes on and

> > on. It is apartheid,

> > codified.

> >

> > Each of these dead Hindus is a victim of Jawaharlal

> > Nehru's megalomania. For

> > it occurred to me recently that Nehru was

> > anti-Lincoln. Whereas Abraham

> > Lincoln gave his life to preserve the American

> > Union, Jawaharlal Nehru gave

> > the lives of several million Indians to destroy the

> > Indian Union; primarily

> > to massage his ego. As I said in my previous column

> > 'Let Us Now Praise Famous

> > Men,' Nehru was the reason for Partition, for the

> > Kashmir problem, for

> > Pakistan. He and his dynasty have been India's

> > sorrow.

> >

> > As India looks fearfully to August 15 and the mayhem

> > on that day, it is worth

> > remembering Saadat Hassan Manto's words: "There,

> > behind barbed wire, on one

> > side, lay India; and behind more barbed wire, on the

> > other side, lay

> > Pakistan. In between, on a bit of earth which had no

> > name, lay Toba Tek

> > Singh." We in the subcontinent all seem to inhabit

> > an illusory homeland, just

> > like that disappeared village, Toba Tek Singh.

> >

> > All thanks to the wholly unnecessary Partition. All

> > the other nations that

> > were partitioned in the binge of partition in the

> > mid-1900s have reunited or

> >

>=== message truncated ===




>Bhu Dev Sharma, Professor of Math (On Sabbatical)

>Xavier University, New Orleans, LA 70125, USA

>(President, World Assn. For Vedic Studies)

>Mailing address- B-74, Takshila Colony, Garh Road, MEERUT - 250004, UP,


>bhudev_sharma; http://www.xula.edu/~bsharma;

>http://www.sunsar.com/WAVES/, http://www.vedicwaves.com




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