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David Icke E~Magazine - Vol 10 February 2000http://www.davidicke.com/

Montauk/Philadelphia ExperimentINTERVIEW: Al Bielek Conducted by Suanne

Konicovfrom CONNECTING LINK issue 19 (1992) I have heard Al Bielek speak

on the "Philadelphia Experiment"at several expos over the last two years. The

material he presentsis both astounding and appalling! Last September, at the

Los AngelesWhole Life Expo, Al consented to do an interview for ConnectingLink.

First you will read Al's account of the years leading up to the"Philadelphia

Experiment. "Then, for the first time in any magazine,Al shares further

information on other, less known experiments thatcontinue to this day.

Experiments that took place, and apparently,still do, at Montauk, Long Island.

Alfred Bielek was born on August 4, 1916 as Edward A. CameronII, son of

Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr. My father (Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr.)

enlisted in the U.S.Navy prior to the U.S. entry into World War 1. He sired me

and laterA. Duncan Cameron, Jr. (May 1917), by different mothers. Both

Duncan and I, as half-brothers, were raised largely byAunt Arnold in the Big

House, still in West Islip, Long Island(father remained in the Navy until 1930,

when he was retired with apension). Since there was no lack of money (due to

theArnold/Constable Department Store fortune), Duncan Jr. and I (uponcompletion

of high school) attended different universities. I wentfirst to Princeton, and

later to Harvard, obtaining a Ph.D. inphysics. Duncan attended the University

of Edinborough(Edinborough, Scotland), also obtaining a Ph.D. in physics, in

thesummer of 1939. In September of 1939, both Duncan and I enlisted in the

U.S.Navy-taking commissions as Lt. (J.G.) and then attending a 90-daytraining

school for "Special Assignment" Navy personnel atProvidence, Rhode Island.

With completion of training, we were both assigned to theInstitute of Advanced

Study (Princeton, N.J.) and directly to theongoing "Project Invisibility."

With a completely successful test in 1940 (Brooklyn NavyYard), the project was

classified and renamed "Project Rainbow."Offices were set up in the

Philadelphia Navy Yard. Duncan and Iboth shuttled back and forth between

Philadelphia and Princeton. In January 1941, we were sent to sea for sea

duty on the U.S.S.Pennsylvania. We toured the Pacific until October 1941, when

thePennsylvania was put in dry dock at Pearl Harbor. After taking leave in

San Francisco and remaining there throughDecember 1941, we were returned to the

Institute early in January1942. We worked on the project through 1942- Nikola

Tesla droppedout in March 1942, and Dr. John Von Neumann took over at that

time. Duncan and I remained with the Project through the two tests in1943

with the "Eldridge." The second test, August 12, 1943, was atotal disaster,

with many casualties and with Duncan disappearingpermanently. I remained

with the Navy and married in late 1943. A son,Jess, was bom in February 1944.

In July 1944, the family and I weretransferred to Los Alamos, New Mexico, where

I remained until July2, 1947. At that time I was forcibly removed and

separated from myfamily-never to see them again. With charges of espionage

placed against me, I expected aGeneral Court Marshal. Instead I was

transferred to Washington,D.C., whereupon charges were dropped and I was

transferred toMontauk, L.I. military base (Fort Hero). From that point I was

timeshifted to 1983, back in the Phoenix Project. Once there, I wasgiven a

super brainwashing- all memory was removed. Additionally, I was age

regressed (reduction of physical ageand size from a 30-year old to

approximately 1 year of age) andthen, at a physical age of 1 year, sent back in

time to 1927 to beplugged into a new family as a substitute for a dead son. This

newfamily- the Bieleks- became my only known parents for over half acentury!

With the advent of World War II, I was drafted into the Navy in1945 (a second

tour) as a seaman until 1946. After separating fromthe service, I tried a

business venture (it failed) and went on tocollege (1949-1950) in Newark, New

Jersey, and later to UCLA. Acareer followed as an electronic engineer

(1958-1988), withretirement in 1988. With the return of my memories, in May

1986, of the PhoenixProject and of the Philadelphia Experiment (Project Rainbow)

inJanuary 1988, I have engaged in extensive lecturing and writing onthe subject

of The Philadelphia Experiment, its ramifications andthe follow-on Project

Phoenix, and the incredible consequences ofthe lockup through time.

CONNECTING LINK: Tell me about the Phoenix Project. AL BIELEK. I'll deal

with the final phase of the PhoenixProject and some of the aspects involved. I

joined the project in1953 as Al Bielek. I did what the book The Montauk

Project(1)points out, the computer interface between the psychic chair used

tosteer the time tunnels in the final phase of the operations. Thoseearlier

phases were very difficult- they didn't work right and theyhad many problems.

But, I became involved as Al Bielek. PrestonNichols became involved as Preston

Nichols, and Duncan Cameronbecame involved as Duncan Cameron, in his second

body, notremembering anything about his involvement with the

PhiladelphiaExperiment. The project generated the time tunnels. People

were able totravel in time and space and they did. But they also had

otherprojects going on at Montauk. We still don't know all of them. The

technology for the tunnels was given to us by cooperativeeffort of alien

groups, primarily the Orion group, which involvedreptilians, a sub group called

the Leverons. A technical groupwhich provided most of the assistance, was the

group from Sirius A.Very materialistic, scientific, people. Perhaps not a bad

heart butmisdirected, because they had very long-term contracts with theOrions

to provide them with the technical knowledge and assistancethey needed. And

they were working with our government in secret towork out mindcontrol

techniques and technology and pushing for ahighly automated, technical society

which would be much easier tocontrol than it would be the way it is now. But

we're approachingthat rapidly. Also there were a lot of little greys that

got underfoot. Therewere other groups there who took no part in the project,

but werethere as observers and the group from Antares, very human, veryhappy,

jovial people. You couldn't tell them from a human spirit. Infact, I don't

think you could anatomically either. Why they werethere, I don't know. They

didn't do anything. They were observers. But the aliens provided the

expertise, the hardware. Theyconveyed it from their computer data to IBM 360.

That still didn'twork and that's when other changes were made. I became

heavilyinvolved in making the time tunnel system work. It was alientechnology.

We did not have the theory. We did have the capability,the technological

expertise to build the hardware, and we did, totheir specifications. ITT

was a contractor. This was all under "Black Card" clearancelevel, which is

about the highest level of clearance there is, andmost people don't even know

it exists. And this means, in essence,that it is such a deep Black Hole project

that all the records,everything connected with it, is buried in a black vault

and nobodyhas access to this without having the proper clearance and a need

toknow. This includes purchasing departments who buy the hardware forthese

projects. The records for the sales, purchase, everything,buried in the black

vault. So nobody can find it. This is why theycall it a Black Hole project.

There are many, many of these. This isone of them. The tunnels became fully

operational about '77 after manychanges. About '79 on they got all the results

they wanted. UntilAugust 12,1983, at night, when the project was deliberately

crashed.Sabotaged from the inside. That's covered in the book. But priorto

that what they did was unbelievable. One of the uses of the Phoenix

Project, in the use of TimeTunnels, was to provide backup to the Martian

Colonies. The MartianColonies have been there since the early '70s. We went

publicly tothe moon in 1969. Actually the Germans were there in 1947. And

wewere there in 1962 with a joint U.S.-Russian expedition. They wentto Mars,

May 22, 1962. The movie, Altenative 3, done by AngliaTelevision, April 1, 1977,

which is available in the underground,outlines it completely. It shows the

actual transmission. The colorshots by TV back from Mars, as this Explorer

moved and landed. Wehave colonies there in Mars from the late '60's or maybe

early '70'sonward. They found many artifacts there. There is more than

onewrecked city. And of course the famous face on Mars, the Pyramidsand that

whole complex that Hoagland (Dr. Richard] has talked aboutand gone public on.

There are two videos on this plus his book. What they found on the surface

indicated there was much morethere that they could not find that was buried.

And they had notbrought with them, and did not have the capabilities of heavy

earth-moving equipment on Mars at that time. They didn't have any Cats.Big

tractors and that sort of stuff. They were too heavy to bringup. So, a

request went by radio back to Earth, "We believe thereare underground

installations here. We've seen openings that aresealed. Can you guys down

there tell us what to do?" Well, theinformation went to Montauk, to the Phoenix

Project. And they sentback information, "Well, give us some coordinates on the

surface ofMars where you think these locations are." And they did. And

theysaid, "We'll investigate it." And they did. Because they could goanyplace

with the tunnel, they went to Mars to the coordinates. And first they

didn't send anybody. They ran a tunnel intowhat they thought might be an

underground area and rather than riskkilling anybody by burying them in solid

rock, they sent a camera, aremote-view camera. We found out there was an

actual cavern and itwas safe and then Montauk sent people. Duncan and I were

in thatcrew. The first crew that went, directed by Montauk to explore

theunderground of Mars. It's not mentioned in the book who went, butwe went.

And there were probably others. We went several times.We found all kinds of

artifacts. We found a still functionalunderground lighting system, a power

system. We found it and turnedit on and it still worked. No evidence of life.

A lot ofartifacts, files, records, religious artifacts, statuary, all

storedlike it was a store room. A huge store room. CL: Was the written

material in English? AB: No. It was in another language. It was not

English. Duncanwas able to translate some of it. I saw it, but I was not able

totranslate it. And a lot of the records and stuff were brought back.And

eventually Duncan and I decided to take some clandestine tripson our own.

(After one trip is made, it's all recorded. All thecoordinates and information

which are required to operate the systemis recorded on magnetic tape. And you

can take this tape, plug itinto the computer, and without going through the

psychic and thechair number*, you can open the tunnel to the same location

becausethe computer contains all the celestial data-all the Earthmovements,

solar system movements, all in the computer-so that thereis complete reference

to the new location where the planet would be.And "plug" the tunnel in exactly

the same location.) So we wenttwice on our own for our own little explorations.

CL: And no one was manning the machine for you back home? AB: We turned

the equipment on, we knew how to do it. Andnobody was there. On the second

trip, we were discovered because,there are automatic recorders that tell how

many times thisequipment is used, and for what purpose, and what dates, times

andso forth. Automatic complete time, event recorders. So we werecaught when

we came back. We were pulled off the project andslapped on the wrist. "You're

not going to do that anymore," andone of the people who was involved, a senior

scientist, broke ourteam up. Duncan and I didn't do much of anything together

afterthat but further explorations were made by others. What they found,we

don't know. Certain people had been chosen in advance, such as myself

andDuncan and Preston to be part of this program. And the level ofbrainwashing

varied. Duncan was heavily programmed, brainwashed todo what he did there

because he was not being used for his technicalexpertise. I was brainwashed to

some extent, and Preston, veryheavily. But we were all given what you'd call

the debriefing after thiswhole project crashed and was formally declared over on

January 1,1984. We all got our debriefings which means your mind was erasedof

everything you ever did on the project. And they hoped it wouldhold

indefinitely. It didn't. The reason it did not hold indefinitely was

becausethe site was not destroyed. It's still there. It was turned overto New

York State Parks Commission on January 1 of 1986 or sometimein January of 1986

to become part of the park that already existsout there. The State has never

torn anything up. They've nevertorn a building down. They've never opened it

up as a park. They knocked the fences down so people can go through there

andhike and camp if they want, during the day. They cannot stayovenight

without a special permit from Montauk Township. That's notallowed and the park

rangers go in to shuttle them out. But the property remains unconverted.

Going in there, as Idid, first in August of '85 by the invite of Preston (I

took Duncanwith me), none of us knew, at that time, that we had been part ofthe

Montauk Project. Preston, as a surplus electronics dealer, hadbeen out there

salvaging equipment previous to this trip in August. CL: That's where the

book, The Montauk Project starts. AB: Right. And he didn't know that he

had been involved. Hehad no recollection. This August trip [Preston] took us

out andsaid "You're both sensitives. Let's see what you pick up when we goout

there." He says, "I know you've never been there before." Hedidn't know,

honestly, at that point. So we went out and we sensedthese terrible vibes on

the base, that something awful had beengoing on there. We sensed this monster,

who showed up at the end ofthe story, that helped in the process of the

destruction of thisstation. They [Preston and Duncan] of course, had the

advantage, beingas I was only visiting, and went back to Phoenix. They were

therein repeatedly, and they became aware of their involvement in theproject

much earlier then I did. I went back [to Montauk] in May of '86 and made

another visitalong with a group from Phoenix sponsored by, I believe,

SenatorBarry Goldwater. Because I told this group, whom I knew fromDecember of

'85, about the project and they came out to make aninvestigation of possible

diversion of federal funds from a regularfederal project to an illegal project.

They were looking for proof.And that was their modus operandi, their reason for

getting passesfrom the State of New York, from the Parks Commission, to go on

thebase, into locked buildings. There were still some locked. And findwhat

proof, if any, as to whether this was a diversionary projectusing federal

funds. We know now no federal money was involved. Majorinvestigations have

proven this. But in the process we took a lotof pictures, and in that same

visit that time of May '86 my memoryof Montauk started to come back because I

was visiting the site, thescene of the crime, if you will. CL: And it was

acting as the trigger. AB: This was the trigger. The same for Duncan, same

forPreston. So my memories came back. I knew then I was part of it.And they've

been coming back ever since because it doesn't all comeback at once in a rush.

It comes back in chunks and pieces, depending upon what thetriggers are that

bring it back. But once you've punched a holethrough the wall, it's like the

finger in the dike. The hole startsexpanding and it keeps expanding and

eventually it will all comethrough. So I knew, finally, I was heavily

involved at an administrativeand engineering level in many projects. Duncan

was involved in morethan one project. Preston was the technical station

master after Matthew Zaret.Professor Zaret was removed in 1980. Really, he

left at mysuggestion, but they wouldn't let him loose, so he went to

theparallel project at Brentwood, Long Island, where he died. Prestontook over

as the technical director, doing all of the management.He designed and built

all of the RF transmitters and pulse modulatorsystems-anything dealing with

RF(2) and transmitters he is an expertat. And that was his expertise and his

normal working job, as hewas employed by an aerospace company in Long Island

for fifteenyears until he was fired two summers ago. He was fired but

theycovered it. It was because he knew too much and talked too much inthe

open, had recovered too many of his memories and was talkingabout information

at the USPA [united States PsychotronicAssociation] conferences, more than

once, which the govemment didn'twant made public. So they pulled his clearance

first, and then theycanned him in July of '90 while at a USPA conference. He

came backto no job, He was told, "You're finished, pick up your stuff

andleave." And his boss didn't even know why. His boss didn't firehim. It was

government manipulation. He was an expert at designing transmitters,

high-powertransmitters, for radar, for whatever. In this case, the

MontaukProject, for the final stages of a special Amplitron, which is shownin

the book- there is a photo of it. It was designed and builtspecially for the

project by Raytheon Electric in Goleta,California.(3) I remember going out

there to approve the firstshipment of tubes. They were very, very expensive

and speciallybuilt. They cost several million dollars apiece. They

orderedthousands. So you can see why the cost of this project went out

ofsight. Capacitors for the pulse-forming networks and the modulatorwere also

specially designed to very rigid specifications. Theyfinally got somebody to

build them. And everybody in the industryexcept one turned them down. They

finally were able to build themto the specifications, and they sold them to the

government inmatched sets of fifty at the very small sum of twenty-five

thousanddollars for each and every capacitor. And they had a hundred oneach

station. A full set of fifty for two transmitters,operational, and a full set

of spares. So that was two and a halfmillion dollars right there times 25

stations! They ran out of gold. (The project was begun with 10

billiondollars in gold. The story of the gold is documented in the bookNazi

Gold.) They ran out of money. So ITT picked up the tab. CL: And all this

technology was from the alien groups? AB: They had cooperation from the

ET's. See, they had acrashed UFO which was deliberately crashed, by agreement

withHitler, by a certain group of Pleiadians. It was loaded withtechnology.

And the reason for crashing it was that the German HighCommand, if they were

pushed, could say, "Yeah we found a crashedsaucer in the Bavarian Alps" or some

such place, "and we recoveredit, took it apart and analyzed the technology."

It certainly wasn't made public. But the remains of that craftwere found near

Peenemunde after the war was over. This was therocket testing base for the

Germans and where Wernher Von Braunoperated along with his crew. When the war

was over, hedeliberately moved his group to the west, to the Americans.

Andanother group was captured by the Russians, including, I believe,his

professor, Herman Oberth. Of course that is where the Russiansgot a head start

on rocketry over the U. S. -they had the professorwho taught Wernher Von Braun!

There may have been someone else because the Russians capturedquite a number

of intelligencia out of Germany when Berlin cameunder their control. So the

war actually received a huge boost,technologically from the Pleiadians. So far

as deals are concerned,Roosevelt made the first one in the U.S. in 1934, not

with thePleiadians, who offered to help the U.S. get out of the doldrums ofthe

huge depression we were in, but he chose a different group forwhatever personal

reasons we don't know. Called the K Group or theKondroshkin. It turns out, so

far as I can determine today, theyare the bluegreys. Not the little greys, but

a larger group calledthe blue-greys. In any case, he made his deal with

them. They made an offer toprovide a whole new technological base for the

United States atomicenergy in 1938. Roosevelt at first approved and then he

turned itdown because the military told him, "Uh uh. We can't control it

frombeginning to end. We don't know what they are going to do with itand how

they may manipulate us in the end." So they [the K-Group]disappeared in the

woodwork. In 1943 came the Philadelphia Experiment and the lock-up withthe

Phoenix Project, ripping a huge hole in space-time. This wasdeliberately done

by the aliens at the '83 end to put a rift in thefabric of space-time so large

numbers of aliens and ships could comethrough. They all had time travel

capabilities, but the rift wasneeded to get the large ships through and make a

mass invasion ofthe United States, and later Europe, of aliens (primarily

greys) andother types. When they landed at Edwards Air Force Base in theMuroc

Dry Lake as well as another air base I'm leaving a lot ofdetails out- the

government already knew all about the aliens beingon this planet. [They knew]

since 1887 with the first investigatingcommission under Grover Cleveland.

In any case, they knew that they were here, but then they cameen masse. We

were confronted by a technology that we couldn'tcounter, we couldn't handle it,

we didn't know what to do about it.So the agreement with Eisenhower and his

advisors was to sign atreaty with them, a noninterference treaty and get what

technologywe could from them-make some kind of agreement. We'd buy time andsee

what we could do about it later. That was the basis of the agreement.

Because of that, verylarge numbers of aliens came in and eventually became part

of thePhoenix Project. They were planning ahead. We didn't know whatthey were

up to. And I'm looking at this in retrospect, not what weknew then. They were

planning ahead. They knew what they weredoing. They maneuvered and manipulated

the Phoenix Project. Theydid not expect it to crash then. I am sure they

anticipate itscontinuing for another decade, at least into the '90's.

However, because certain people suddenly, if you will pardonthe expression,

"saw the light," got religion, or whatever it isthat hit them, Duncan, and a

few others, conspired to destroy thestation. And the reason for it was that

they were fed up with whatthey saw as all the evils perpetrated there. I

knew about it. I decided that I would not be part of thedestructive plot. I

said, "Yes, there is a lot wrong here, butwe've already straightened a lot of

the mess out and we canstraighten out the rest and continue this as a research

tool," asJohn VonNeumann (who is still alive today by the way) wanted. Hesaid,

"It's a research tool; we need it." Because of the time travel(remote viewing)

capabilities, he saw things coming in the futurewhich could cause very serious

threats to the United States and theWorld. But, these people had their way.

They put a special implantinto Duncan's head so that when we, as the original

Duncan Cameronand myself as Edward Cameron, came through from the

PhiladelphiaExperiment and went through the station (for twelve hours) we

wereretumed to the Elderidge; then the Elderidge returned to '43. Atthat

point, that phase was over and it completed the time loop. Then the word

went out, "Now is the time" and Duncan releasedthis thing from his subconscious

into the machine. The transmitter(which already by that time had its own

personality) created thisbig monster, solidly in 3-D, twelve to fifteen feet

high and [it]literally came out of the subconscious. It went around

smashingbuildings and people and it was discovered trying to break into

theradar tower. The tower was much too strong for it to break into.The only

way to stop it was to destroy the transmitter, and that'swhat was done. And it

faded out into some other reality. It wasphotographed in May of 1986. But

the final chapter on Montauk was not written. Wediscovered a month ago [Aug.,

1992) that Montauk was reactivated.And that's what I wanted to get in here. We

do not know who isdoing it. We have seen the evidence. New coax cable runs,

newpower transformers being put in on the power substation. The newones are

labeled "non PCB." Because now the law is that transformerscan no longer be

filled with PCB as a cooling agent: if they blow upor break open it's an

extreme hazard to the environment. So theyuse an environmentally safe

coolant-a different form of liquid inthe transformers and they have big labels

on them that say non-PCB.I have pictures of this, from my trip a month ago.

There are newcoax cable runs around the base which are brand new. The radar

tower now has a new steel door where it used to bewide open and you could walk

in. They put a new steel door in withdouble padlocks so you can't get in. The

back garage entrance doorfor trucks and delivering heavy stuff is now sealed

from the inside.And we found other evidence that shows that it's being

reactivated. Preston has been approached by the govemment to become

thedirector of the New Montauk project, And they told him they alsowant Duncan

as part of it. There are new workers there. There arenew entrances to the

underground. One person we know has beenthrough the outer door and there is an

inner locked door with a redlight on it. You have to have special access badges

or you'll bestopped. We did not attempt to go in because we didn't feel we

wanted torisk it. And we do not know where the project may go, but wesuspect

that one of the goals is to extend the time rift ('43 to'83) onward to '93

because '93 is a subnode point in the 20-yearcycle, and August, '93 will be a

very critical area again and theyprobably want the station activated before

August of '93. That'swhat we feel technically they are up to. But what the

end purposeis for we are not sure. It may be to extend the time tunnel,

thatis, the time rift, for purposes of their own. There are a lot of things

on this project we don't know. Someof the things they used it for we still don't

know. We have neverhad access to the classified records of Lincoln Labs at

M.I.T.(Cambridge, MA). They have not been able to take Duncan and myself

out becauseof the fact that we help hold the whole time rift stable. It

willstabilize itself by the year 2003 unless they reopen it. Then youhave

another can of worms to deal with. They just don't realize what risks they

are running inreopening that thing. The rift was stabilized in '63, or this

NorthAmerican continent would now be under salt water. Not from the year2000,

but it would have been in 1963. There was a special projectcreated, now well

covered, to restabilize the reverse time wavewhich would have hit the forward

one in '63 at the node point andwrecked this continent. It was due to the

fact that they had this time rift, andbecause it was unstable in the way it was

generated (like a standingwave in an RF transmission line). You may not

understand RF theory,but you get a reverse wave in an unterminated or

improperlyterminated line. Time is a wave as well. You can have a forwardtime

wave and you can have a reverse time wave. If the two of equalamplitude hit

each other at a node point, which is the earthsynchronization point, like

August 12th, 1963, they can be extremelydisruptive, physically, to the physical

structure of the earth. And being that this project took place in the United

States, onLong island, those who looked at it in theory said it would havecaused

an extreme disruption of geological matter, pulling it out ofthe earth, in the

North American Continent. It would have wound upwrecking the tectonic plates,

and the North American continent,other than the mountains, would have wound up

under salt water-500to 700 feet of it by estimate. It didn't happen,

obviously- we're here. The '63 project,"Atlanticus Not Revisited," was

successful in damping that reversetime wave. This is an area of science and

technology and physicswhich most people know nothing about. We hope that if

the project is revived that it will be usedproperly rather than improperly as it

was in the past, though therewere some very good uses for the Montauk Project.

In a larger view,it might be better left buried. Only time will tell what

willhappen, and whether or not I will play any part with it. They havenot asked

me. They don't want to. All we can do is hope for thebest for the future and

that the mistakes of the past will beunderstood and that somehow the future

will come out the better forit in spite of the problems we know we face.(1)The

Montauk Project - Experiments in Time, Preston B. Nicholswith Peter Moon. Sky

Books, Box 769, Westbury, N.Y. 11590

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