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RE: Hindu Genocide, [world-vedic] Digest Number 66

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Namaskar! I was in Bharat (Meerut-Delhi-Chandigarh) 2 years ago when the

alleged atrocities against Christians were supposed to be happening. The

whole media, especially English language ones, were fuming with fire against

Hindus! I even happened to watch a tax-free film while there in which a

practicing Hindu woman was being shown in totally derogatory manner, casting

more her Hindu faith in bad light than herself as individual. All that

tax-free! Where are all these human-rights, religious-freedom rights, any

right but those for Hindus, now that 100 Hindu pilgrims have been massacred?

Dr. Sharma is right. It's all Nehru's doing. But we can undo this by raising

a united voice.



> vediculture [sMTP:vediculture ]

> Monday, August 21, 2000 1:01 AM

> vediculture

> [world-vedic] Digest Number 66




> This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested

> in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical,

> archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism,

> God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome.


> ------


> There is 1 message in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Fwd: Re: Hindu Genocide

> "deen chandora" <deenbc



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Sat, 19 Aug 2000 12:31:12 EDT

> "deen chandora" <deenbc

> Fwd: Re: Hindu Genocide


> Namaste,


> Please ead this e-mail ,hopefully the Hunanistic people will open the

> eyes.


> Sincerely,

> Deen B. Chandora

> Aug 19,2000



> >BhuDev Sharma <bhudev_sharma

> >SIARAM, deenbc,

> >sunil.contractor1, leeila,

> >pcdeshmukh, anugoyal, KatariaN,

> >rajkhatri, skkhurana30068, srikanth,

> >MasterFood, ANIRLOKRE, Walkingon,

> >sharmi, bnandi, narsi,

> >arunanavathe, spandit, dungra,

> >rajiv, subashrazdan, ATLREDDY,

> >nat1ids, SShah0182, sdshah, sonnss,


> >aaam, VShastri, sqm,

> asr12,

> >Ranjitrana, btariyal,

> >globaltech.conexn, srtiwari,

> >patti.tripathi, m_valand, girijavijay,

> >mbasu

> >Re: Hindu Genocide

> >Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:16:33 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Dear Dhirendrabhai:

> >

> >Thanks for your voice. I am myself quite concerned

> >about it. Over hundred Hindu pilgrim have been killed

> >while going to Amarnath. Other than blaming Abdullah

> >there is no action. If even one person going on Haz

> >was killed by some terrorist group, there would have

> >been cry all over.

> >

> >Where are those persons who consider all persons equal

> >and all blood red?

> >

> >I am sure there will be others feeling equally hert.

> >

> >Regards,

> >

> >BhuDev Sharma

> >

> >--- SIARAM wrote:

> > > August 18, 2000

> > >

> > > Friends,

> > >

> > > Why are we all keeping quiet when innocent people

> > > are being slaughtered?

> > > Where are the Human Rights activitists who beat

> > > their breasts when one

> > > Christian is killed? The persecution and genocide of

> > > Hindus will continue in

> > > the same way as it happened with the Jews. When the

> > > Jews were being thrown

> > > into the gas chambers by the Nazis, the same

> > > secularists, communists and

> > > Vatican clergies masquerading as secularists were

> > > trying to please Hitler and

> > > his cronies. Unless we all speak up loudly now, this

> > > genocide will continue

> > > till Hindus are reduced to a small minority in India

> > > like Parsees.

> > > Rgds

> > > Dhiru Shah

> > >

> > > August 18, 2000

> > >

> > > Search Rediff

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Rajeev Srinivasan

> > > Hindu pilgrims massacred; but the show must go on

> > > It is no great surprise to me that the so-called

> > > 'ceasefire' by the shadowy

> > > Hizbul Mujahideen in Jammu and Kashmir came to an

> > > ignominious end. As I said

> > > in my previous column ('Beware of Greeks bearing

> > > gifts!') it was a propaganda

> > > exercise for the separatists and the Pakistanis to

> > > claim that see, they were

> > > willing to talk, it was India that was intransigent.

> > >

> > >

> > > For once, India did the right counter-propaganda by

> > > immediately responding to

> > > the 'ceasefire' offer. With such alacrity that the

> > > Pakistanis (and their

> > > puppet, the Hizbul Mujahideen man Salahuddin in

> > > Islamabad) were caught on the

> > > wrong foot. They might actually have had to sit down

> > > and negotiate with the

> > > Indians, which they really don't want to do.

> > > Therefore, Plan B was put into

> > > action.

> > >

> > > That was the brutal massacre of a hundred Indians,

> > > including Hindu pilgrims

> > > on the Amarnath Yatra and Hindu laborers from Bihar

> > > and Madhya Pradesh. This

> > > was trigger-happiness, intended to a. show the

> > > Indians who was boss, b. cause

> > > mass outrage and calls to abort the talks. But the

> > > Indian government still

> > > did not withdraw from the negotiations; the Indian

> > > public did not rise up in

> > > anger.

> > >

> > > Therefore Plan C had to be hastily constructed: add

> > > some unreasonable

> > > demands. Yes, ask for Pakistan to be included in the

> > > talks post-facto -- this

> > > is guaranteed to be rejected by India. Thereafter,

> > > feigning injured

> > > innocence, the Hizbul Mujahideen wrings their hands

> > > about Indian

> > > 'unreasonableness' and goes back to business as

> > > usual, murdering people.

> > >

> > > The theatrics have backfired: anybody who cares

> > > could see that India acted in

> > > good faith, and it was Salahuddin and the Pakistanis

> > > that sabotaged the

> > > talks. So no little gold stars for the dictator

> > > Pervez Musharraf; his

> > > propaganda ploy got him no plaudits whatsoever. So

> > > it is back to square one

> > > -- Situation Normal All Fouled Up.

> > >

> > > Except for one small detail -- one hundred innocent

> > > people, mostly Hindus,

> > > who were murdered. In particular, many were

> > > pilgrims, going on an arduous

> > > pilgrimage to the ice cave at Amarnath. Pilgrims are

> > > always treated with

> > > deference everywhere in the world, for their

> > > closeness to the Infinite. Yet,

> > > the Indian media did not see fit to dwell on them; I

> > > don't remember seeing

> > > anywhere a full list of the people killed, their

> > > family backgrounds, any

> > > details about them. I know nothing about who these

> > > unfortunate people were.

> > > They have already been forgotten.

> > >

> > > And I don't remember seeing the professional Human

> > > Rights mafia raising a

> > > ruckus. Let me pick on the most visible of these

> > > 'progressives' -- Shabana

> > > Azmi, Teesta Setalvad, Communalism Combat, SAHMAT.

> > > Not to speak of John Dayal

> > > and the National Christian Council or whatever. Not

> > > one of them, unless I am

> > > gravely mistaken, even turned an elegantly coiffed

> > > hair. You see, the dead

> > > were Hindus, so they were not human. So they had no

> > > human rights. QED. Only

> > > Muslims and Christians have rights.

> > >

> > > Can you imagine the fuss if 50 Muslim or Christian

> > > pilgrims were slaughtered

> > > in India? Do you remember the breast-beating about

> > > attacks on Christians? The

> > > god-awful fuss made over exactly one missionary

> > > ('Death of a Missionary')

> > > burned to death? The mea culpas are still

> > > resonating. The manhunt for the

> > > perpetrators was most energetic. We get periodic

> > > interviews with the

> > > missionary's saintly wife who forgives all and

> > > sundry for all their sins,

> > > whether they committed any or not. I wouldn't be

> > > surprised if the Vatican

> > > saints Graham Staines any day now, even if he was

> > > not a Catholic.

> > >

> > > Where are the interviews with the wives of the Hindu

> > > laborers and the

> > > pilgrims? Why doesn't anybody care if they forgive

> > > the killers of their kith

> > > and kin? Are they even getting any compensation

> > > money? I suppose not. They

> > > have already been forgotten. They are only Hindus.

> > >

> > > This is what it means to be a Hindu in the great

> > > Socialist Progressive

> > > Secular Republic of India. You are a second-class

> > > citizen. Jawaharlal Nehru

> > > must be laughing in his grave -- he has succeeded in

> > > what he set out to do:

> > > destroy Hinduism. He put in place a perfect system

> > > of apartheid, one in which

> > > the silent majority is explicitly handicapped and

> > > exploited by law; and they

> > > believe they deserve it. While the 'minorities' are

> > > coddled. How this is

> > > different from the erstwhile white-supremacist

> > > regime in South Africa I

> > > really am not sure.

> > >

> > > The Nehruvian Indian Constitution is a

> > > discriminatory document, as it

> > > expressly curtails the freedoms of Hindus, but not

> > > of 'minorities'. For

> > > instance, Hindu religious institutions come under

> > > government control and

> > > grand theft, but not Muslim or Christian ones.

> > > Hindus are not allowed to run

> > > schools, but 'minorities' are. The list goes on and

> > > on. It is apartheid,

> > > codified.

> > >

> > > Each of these dead Hindus is a victim of Jawaharlal

> > > Nehru's megalomania. For

> > > it occurred to me recently that Nehru was

> > > anti-Lincoln. Whereas Abraham

> > > Lincoln gave his life to preserve the American

> > > Union, Jawaharlal Nehru gave

> > > the lives of several million Indians to destroy the

> > > Indian Union; primarily

> > > to massage his ego. As I said in my previous column

> > > 'Let Us Now Praise Famous

> > > Men,' Nehru was the reason for Partition, for the

> > > Kashmir problem, for

> > > Pakistan. He and his dynasty have been India's

> > > sorrow.

> > >

> > > As India looks fearfully to August 15 and the mayhem

> > > on that day, it is worth

> > > remembering Saadat Hassan Manto's words: "There,

> > > behind barbed wire, on one

> > > side, lay India; and behind more barbed wire, on the

> > > other side, lay

> > > Pakistan. In between, on a bit of earth which had no

> > > name, lay Toba Tek

> > > Singh." We in the subcontinent all seem to inhabit

> > > an illusory homeland, just

> > > like that disappeared village, Toba Tek Singh.

> > >

> > > All thanks to the wholly unnecessary Partition. All

> > > the other nations that

> > > were partitioned in the binge of partition in the

> > > mid-1900s have reunited or

> > >

> >=== message truncated ===

> >

> >

> >=====

> >Bhu Dev Sharma, Professor of Math (On Sabbatical)

> >Xavier University, New Orleans, LA 70125, USA

> >(President, World Assn. For Vedic Studies)

> >Mailing address- B-74, Takshila Colony, Garh Road, MEERUT - 250004, UP,


> >bhudev_sharma; http://www.xula.edu/~bsharma;

> >http://www.sunsar.com/WAVES/, http://www.vedicwaves.com

> >

> >

> >

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