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Srimad-Bhagavatam Purports and Translation by



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SB 10.2.16 T Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Krsna in the Womb

bhagavan api visvatma bhaktanam abhayankarah

avivesamsa-bhagena mana anakadundubheh

SYNONYMS bhagavan--the Supreme Personality of Godhead;

api--also; visvatma--theSupersoul of all living entities; bhaktanam--of His

devotees;abhayam-karah--always killing the causes of fear;

avivesa--entered;amsa-bhagena--with all of His potential opulences

(Sad-aisvarya-purna);manah--in the mind; anakadundubheh--of Vasudeva.

TRANSLATION Thus the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is

the Supersoul of allliving entities and who vanquishes all the fear of His

devotees, entered themind of Vasudeva in full opulence.

PURPORT The word visvatma refers to one who is situated in everyone's

heart(isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati). Another meaning

ofvisvatma is "the only lovable object for everyone." Because of

forgetfulnessof this object, people are suffering in this material world, but

if onefortunately revives his old consciousness of loving Krsna and connects

withVisvatma, one becomes perfect. The Lord is described in the Third

Canto(3.2.15) as follows: paravareso mahad-amsa-yukto hy ajo 'pi jato

bhagavan.Although unborn, the Lord, the master of everything, appears like a

bornchild by entering the mind of a devotee. The Lord is already there

withinthe mind, and consequently it is not astonishing for Him to appear as

ifborn from a devotee's body. The word avivesa signifies that the Lordappeared

within the mind of Vasudeva. There was no need for a discharge ofsemen. That is

the opinion of Sripada Sridhara Svami and Srila VisvanathaCakravarti Thakura. In

the Vaisnava-tosani, Srila Sanatana Gosvami says thatconsciousness was awakened

within the mind of Vasudeva. Srila ViraraghavaAcarya also says that Vasudeva

was one of the demigods and that within hismind the Supreme Personality of

Godhead appeared as an awakening ofconsciousness.SB 10.2.17 Prayers by the

Demigods for Lord Krsna in the Womb TEXT 17

sa bibhrat paurusam dhama bhrajamano yatha ravih

durasado 'tidurdharso bhutanam

sambabhuva ha SYNONYMS sah--he (Vasudeva);

bibhrat--carried; paurusam--pertaining to the SupremePerson; dhama--the

spiritual effulgence; bhrajamanah--illuminating;yatha--as; ravih--the sunshine;

durasadah--very difficult even to look at,difficult to understand by sensory

perception; ati-durdharsah--approachablewith great difficulty; bhutanam--of all

living entities; sambabhuva--so hebecame; ha--positively.

TRANSLATION While carrying the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead

within thecore of his heart, Vasudeva bore the Lord's transcendentally

illuminatingeffulgence, and thus he became as bright as the sun. He was

therefore verydifficult to see or approach through sensory perception. Indeed,

he wasunapproachable and unperceivable even for such formidable men as Kamsa,

andnot only for Kamsa but for all living entities.

PURPORT The word dhama is significant. Dhama refers to the place where

theSupreme Personality of Godhead resides. In the beginning ofSrimad-Bhagavatam

(1.1.1) it is said, dhamna svena sada nirasta-kuhakamsatyam param dhimahi. In

the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,there is no influence of

material energy (dhamna svena sadanirasta-kuhakam). Any place where the Supreme

Personality of Godhead ispresent by His name, form, qualities or paraphernalia

immediately becomes adhama. For example, we speak of Vrndavana-dhama,

Dvaraka-dhama andMathura-dhama because in these places the name, fame,

qualities andparaphernalia of the Supreme Godhead are always present.

Similarly, if oneis empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to do

something, the coreof his heart becomes a dhama, and thus he becomes so

extraordinarilypowerful that not only his enemies but also people in general

are astonishedto observe his activities. Because he is unapproachable, his

enemies aresimply struck with wonder, as explained here by the words

durasado'tidurdharsah. The words paurusam dhama have been explained by

various acaryas. SriViraraghava Acarya says that these words refer to the

effulgence of theSupreme Personality of Godhead. Vijayadhvaja says that they

signifyvisnu-tejas, and Sukadeva says bhagavat-svarupa. The Vaisnava-tosani

saysthat these words indicate the influence of the Supreme Lord's

effulgence,and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that they signify the

appearance ofthe Supreme Personality of Godhead.

TEXT 18SB 10.2.18 T Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Krsna in the Womb

tato jagan-mangalam acyutamsam samahitam sura-sutena

devi dadhara sarvatmakam atma-bhutam kastha

yathananda-karam manastah SYNONYMS

tatah--thereafter; jagat-mangalam--auspiciousness for all living entitiesin all

the universes of the creation; acyuta-amsam--the Supreme Personalityof Godhead,

who is never bereft of the six opulences, all of which arepresent in all His

plenary expansions; samahitam--fully transferred;sura-sutena--by Vasudeva, the

son of Surasena; devi--Devaki-devi;dadhara--carried; sarva-atmakam--the Supreme

Soul of everyone;atma-bhutam--the cause of all causes; kastha--the east;

yatha--just as;ananda-karam--the blissful (moon); manastah--being placed within

the mind. TRANSLATION Thereafter, accompanied by

plenary expansions, the fully opulent SupremePersonality of Godhead, who is

all-auspicious for the entire universe, wastransferred from the mind of

Vasudeva to the mind of Devaki. Devaki, havingthus been initiated by Vasudeva,

became beautiful by carrying Lord Krsna,the original consciousness for

everyone, the cause of all causes, within thecore of her heart, just as the

east becomes beautiful by carrying the risingmoon.

PURPORT As indicated here by the word manastah, the Supreme Personality

ofGodhead was transferred from the core of Vasudeva's mind or heart to thecore

of the heart of Devaki. We should note carefully that the Lord wastransferred

to Devaki not by the ordinary way for a human being, but bydiksa, initiation.

Thus the importance of initiation is mentioned here.Unless one is initiated by

the right person, who always carries within hisheart the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, one cannot acquire the power tocarry the Supreme Godhead within the

core of one's own heart.The word acyutamsam is used because the Supreme

Personality of Godhead isSad-aisvarya-purna, full in the opulences of wealth,

strength, fame,knowledge, beauty and renunciation. The Supreme Godhead is never

separatedfrom His personal opulences. As stated in the Brahma-samhita

(5.39),ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan: the Lord is always situated with

allHis plenary expansions, such as Rama, Nrsimha and Varaha. Therefore the

wordacyutamsam is specifically used here, signifying that the Lord is

alwayspresent with His plenary expansions and opulences. There is no need to

thinkof the Lord artificially as yogis do. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena

manasapasyanti yam yoginah (Bhag. 12.13.1). Yogis meditate upon the Supreme

personwithin the mind. For a devotee, however, the Lord is present, and

Hispresence need only be awakened through initiation by a bona fide

spiritualmaster. The Lord did not need to live within the womb of Devaki, for

Hispresence within the core of her heart was sufficient to carry Him. One

ishere forbidden to think that Krsna was begotten by Vasudeva within the wombof

Devaki and that she carried the child within her womb. When Vasudeva was

sustaining the form of the Supreme Personality ofGodhead within his heart, he

appeared just like the glowing sun, whoseshining rays are always unbearable and

scorching to the common man. The formof the Lord situated in the pure, unalloyed

heart of Vasudeva is notdifferent from the original form of Krsna. The

appearance of the form ofKrsna anywhere, and specifically within the heart, is

called dhama. Dhamarefers not only to Krsna's form, but to His name, His form,

His quality andHis paraphernalia. Everything becomes manifest simultaneously.

Thus the eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with fullpotencies

was transferred from the mind of Vasudeva to the mind of Devaki,exactly as the

setting sun's rays are transferred to the full moon rising inthe east. Krsna,

the Supreme Personality of Godhead, entered the body of Devakifrom the body of

Vasudeva. He was beyond the conditions of the ordinaryliving entity. When Krsna

is there, it is to be understood that all Hisplenary expansions, such as

Narayana, and incarnations like Lord Nrsimha andVaraha, are with Him, and they

are not subject to the conditions of materialexistence. In this way, Devaki

became the residence of the SupremePersonality of Godhead, who is one without a

second and the cause of allcreation. Devaki became the residence of the Absolute

Truth, but because shewas within the house of Kamsa, she looked just like a

suppressed fire, orlike misused education. When fire is covered by the walls of

a pot or iskept in a jug, the illuminating rays of the fire cannot be very

muchappreciated. Similarly, misused knowledge, which does not benefit the

peoplein general, is not very much appreciated. So Devaki was kept within

theprison walls of Kamsa's palace, and no one could see her

transcendentalbeauty, which resulted from her conceiving the Supreme

Personality ofGodhead. Commenting upon this verse, Sri Viraraghava Acarya

writes,vasudeva-devaki jatharayor hrdayayor bhagavatah sambandhah. The

SupremeLord's entrance into the womb of Devaki from the heart of Vasudeva was

aheart-to-heart relationship.

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