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Hindu bashing thru the decades

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Hindu-bashing through the decades


By Mayank Jain


May 18, 1997


"Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully... The

effect of

education on the Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who

has received

an English education ever remains sincerely attached to


religion. Some continue to profess it as a matter of

policy, and

some embrace Christianity. It is my belief that, if

our plans of

education are followed up, there will not be a single


among the respectable classes in Bengal, thirty years

hence, and

this will be effected without any efforts to

proselytise; without

the smallest interference with religious liberal, by


operation of knowledge and reflection. I heartily

rejoice in this

project"-so said T.B. Macaulay in a letter to his

father in 1836.


Macaulay's project was secular and vet the main aim of

the project

seems to have been Christianising India 'without the


interference with religious liberty' and without any

efforts to

proselytise. Secularisation of Indian education

therefore, was just

a mask or a smokescreen behind which the main intention


de-Hinduisation and Christianisation of Hindu society


Strangely, at that time secularism in Europe was

fighting an

ideological battle against theocratic stranglehold of

the Church on

the state and individual whereas in India a grossly?


secularism was being used as a mask for spreading


Even if Macaulay's aim of Christianising India did not

succeed as

much as he would have liked. the new education system

ensured a

considerable self-alienation of elitist Hindus from

their parent



Macaulay's project of 'educating' Indians was centred


distorting, misinterpreting and misrepresenting Hindu


No effort was spared to defile and debase Hinduism. The


section of Hindu society was subjected to meticulous


and brainwashing. They began considering Indians of

ancient times

bigoted, uncivilised, superstitious, cowardly and

prejudiced. This

in the long run created ideal germinating conditions

for the

implantation of Marxist thought categories in


Hindus. 'Brown in skin' but 'English by taste and


they later joined the opponents of Hindu society-Islam,

Christianity and Marxism. Small wonder that

Hindu-baiters are

generally Islamophiles too. Enemies of enemies are



The first person to form a communist party outside

Russia, comrade

M.N. Ray, carried a deep animus towards his parent

culture and

wished to strike a crushing blow on Hinduism with the

active help

of Islam and a bloody revolution. He wrote in the

early thirties

and published in -1937 a book tilled, The Historical

Role of Islam

which is utterly contemptuous towards Hinduism and full

of love and

admiration for Islam. He writes, "...the educated

world has

rejected the vulgar theory that the rise of Islam was a

triumph of

fanaticism over sober and tolerant people. The

phenomenal success

of Islam was primarily due to its revolutionary

significance and

its ability.. to lead the masses out of the hopeless


created by the decay of antique civilisations not only

of Greece

and Rome but of Persia and China-and that of India."


The credit goes to Macaulay that the intellectuals of

Hindu Society

started looking at themselves with western eves, they

were thus

convinced about the 'hopelessness' of Hinduism and

every thing

Hindu became 'foolish, inferior and reactionary'. They

felt like

traitors to the Hindu nation and later on with an


alliance with Islam they formed a united front against

the Hindu

society to disrupt its perennial values and to hijack

the Indian

establishment after Independence.


M.N. ROY? writes: "No civilised people in the world is

so ignorant

of Islamic history ,and contemptuous of the Mohammedan

religion as

the Hindus... The average educated Hindu has little

knowledge of,

and no appreciation for, the immense revolutionary

significance of

Islam .... the expansion of Islam is the most

miraculous of all

miracles ...He expects Hindus to do a 'dispassionate'


'scientific study of this fascinating chapter in the

history of

mankind'. And yet, there is no scientific study on any

aspect of

Islamic theology or Hindu spiritualism in the entire

book. He

should have put to scientific test the origin of Islam,

its concept

of monopoly of a unique God, unique prophethood,

division of human

society in terms of believers and non-believers, the

acts of loot,

plunder, rape and murder performed by the believers on

non-believers and Islamic iconoclasm. M.N. Roy had no

knowledge of

Islamic theology and could only lead us to funny

conclusions. His

conclusions have nothing to do 'with scientific

analysis because

science is based on hard facts and not on mindlessness.


Macaulay's brown children who subsequently became

Marxists are also

the Trojan horses of Islamic imperialism. Superiority

of Muslim

military machine, for them, was superiority, of Muslim

culture as

well. They started looking down at their own people and


like bloated brown sahibs and possessed a deep-seated


complex vis-a-vis the modern west. They gained a false

sense of

self-confidence by taking to the ways of their

conquerors and

finding faults in all expressions of Hindu society.

M.N. Roy says,

"...there lived in India multitudes of people who had

little reason

to be faithful to Hindu laws and the traditions of


orthodoxy, and were ready, to forsake their heritage

for the more

equitable laws of Islam which offered them Protection

against the

tyranny of triumphant Hindu reaction."


Everytime a Marxist uses scare-words like 'Brahminical


and the 'caste system', Hindus are expected to hang

their heads in

shame and keep quiet. They are expected to learn from


progressivism' and their 'proletarian paradise, the art

of forming

- 'egalitarian society'. Said Sita Ram Goel. "Here we


erstwhile traffickers in slavery and white trade

trumpeting about

'brotherhood, and social service, and brushing aside

the whole of

Hindu society as beehive of Brahmin domination, caste


degradation of women and bonded labour. Hindu society

has Yet to

make a muster-role of their societies, and bring into

open the true

character of 'brotherhood' and 'social service' from

the annals of

their remote as well as recent history... Hindu society

has yet to

peep into their 'proletarian paradise', and raise the

curtain on a

vast slake empire sustained by mass-slaughter and


terror. The day Hindu society does that, the socialist


will lose its sting, and not know where to hide its


mein." (Defence of Hindu Society, Voice of India. p.5)


Hindu society in its long history has known no slaves.

has not

indulged in usurping other people's lands. never

terrorised the

weak (the principal dharma of Kshatriya has been

protection of the

weak), never used arms against non-combatant men, women


children, never allowed any-one to clean or carry human


matter etc. The ancient Hindu scholar Chanakya

prescribes a severe

punishment on all those who would ask someone to clean

or carry

human faecal matter. It is quite clear from Hindu

tradition that

people used to defecate in open, or behind a bush as

mentioned in

the Manu Smriti, the Shandilya Smriti, and the

Bhardwaja Smriti.


This by itself eliminates the possibility of using the

services of

any community to clean or carry human waste. The

so-called Bhangi

community never existed before the coming of Muslims.

The entire

Sanskrit literature does not contain a single word

which could

describe Bhangi. It was the contribution of the

'Progressivism' of

Muslims that a toilet was put right inside the house in


with their purdah system. A large contingent of

captured soldiers

of defeated Hindu armies used to perform the shameful

task of

carrying human waste on their heads hitherto punishable


accordance with Hindu laws, Ignorant, motivated and


Marxist historians Put the blame on Brahmins for the

sorry plight

of Bhangis (who were actually Kashatriyas).


The main item on the agenda of Macaulay's brown

children is the

weakening of Hindu society by dividing it on caste


Jawaharlal Nehru writes in a letter (of October 12,

1933) to Asaf

Ali, "I realise that there is some feeling among the

Muslims that

the Harijan movement is aimed at strengthening Hindus


This is, of course, without foundation but nonetheless

it is

there. As a matter of fact the aspect of Harijan

Movement which

appeals to me most is that it will weaken the Hindu in

the sense

that it will create a, spill amongst them. I like such

splits ..."


Nehru relished tile weakening of Hindu society just

like a good

brown sahib (western educated). Hindu society is an

open society

and well-intentioned advice towards reform from Guru


Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Sri


Bankim Chandra, Subramaniyam Bharati and others was

accepted with

profound willingness to rejuvenate and reawaken itself.

On the

other hand, Macaulay's 'progeny' are the sworn enemies

of Hindu

society. who indulge in the profitable pass-time of


They spare no effort to create, exaggerate and

propagate the

so-called weaknesses of Hindu society by raising

scare-words like

Brahminism, casteism, obscurantism, polytheism.

revivalism, etc-


"What have the Hindus done to these disciples of Christ

that every

Christian child is taught to call the Hindu 'vile' and


and the most horrible devils on earth? ... Look again

at the books

published in Madras against the Hindu religion. If a

Hindu writes

one such line against the Christian religion, the

missionaries cry

fire and vengeance... What is meant by those pictures

in school

books for children where the Hindu mother is painted as


her children to the crocodiles in the Ganga? ... What

is meant by

those pictures which paint a man burning his wife at a

stake with

his own hands, so that she may become a ghost, and

torment the

husband's enemy? ... I have heard one of these

gentleman preach in

Memphis that in every village of India there is a pond

full of

bones of little babies." (Selected from the Complete

Works of Swami

Vivekanand, Advaita Ashram, p.483).


A deep sense of hatred was nurtured in the western

minds by

selling false stories and pumping millions of dollars

in Christian

propaganda apparatus the world over. In India the

white man's

burden was shouldered by the brown person. Along with


Marxist and Islamic cohorts. this is a formidable

'united front'

against Hindu society. This front is very much alive.

Unless the

Hindi people looks through the long-term evil designs

and expose

their ideological goals. the future of Hindu society

may be at


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