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Summit for World Peace

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>"Nilsen" <cnilsen

>"waltjaros Jaros" <waltjaros, "Vrin Parker"

><vedic108, "Vida Ellins" <thinkarc19,

>"Venna Howard" <veena, "Susan Brous"

><susan, "skipping Tokay" <skipping,

>"rachel tallmadge" <wasabi_girl247, "Pete Bogardus"

><pfsbogie, "peg lofsvold" <lofsvold, "Michael

>Taylor" <miket, "Melanie Oomman" <melaniefcc,

> "Kylas Naggarjuna" <kylas7, <jmoon, "Irwin

>Noparstak" <ihnoparstak, "cindy clague"

><clague, "Beverlee Patton"

><bepatton, "Barry Noble" <nobelb, "Nan

>Phifer" <nphifer

>Fw: Summit for World Peace

>Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:19:34 -0700


>I'm forwarding this from Vida (she's out of town). The Baha'i Center is at

>1458 Alder Street (some parking behind the building.) For information, call

>the Center's secretary, Joan Haworth-Liu at 689-8915. Hope to see you


>Love, Ginny

>Summit for World Peace



> >Dearest Ginny,

> >Have you heard about this Summit?

> >Does your church plan to do anything special?

> >We plan to get together on Monday,

> >28 August, at the Baha'i Center at 7:00 p.m.

> >for an evening of prayers for the success of

> >this gathering. You're welcome to join us,

> >or bring anyone along.

> >Warmest love,

> >Vida

> >=======

> >One Thousand Religious Leaders to Gather at the United Nations in a

> >Historic Summit for World Peace

> >

> > NEW YORK, July 26 /PRNewswire/ -- For the first time in history,

> >religious and spiritual leaders of the world's diverse faith traditions

> >will come together in New York on August 28th to discuss how to forge a

> >partnership of peace with the United Nations. More than 1,000 leaders

> >are expected. The goal of the Religious Summit is to identify ways that

> >the worldwide religious and spiritual communities can work together as

> >interfaith allies with the United Nations on specific peace, poverty and

> >environmental initiatives.

> >

> > All regions of the world will be represented, as will the major faith

> >traditions of Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism,

> >Indigenous, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism and

> >Zoroastrianism.

> >

> >The Religious Summit convening on August 28th, at the United Nations,

> >will bring together recognized religious and spiritual figures including

> >religious leaders from current zones of conflict -- such as Sierra

> >Leone, the Balkans, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Philippines, Rwanda and Sudan

> >-- to discuss the roles they can play in reducing religious tensions.

> >The Summit is being convened by an independent group of interfaith

> >leaders, religious scholars and theologians.

> >

> > Confirmed participants include:

> > * His Excellency Francis Cardinal Arinze-President of the Pontifical

> > Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue at the Vatican

> >

> > * Venerable Samdech Preah Maha Gosananda-the Buddhist Nobel Prize

> >nominee

> >

> > * His Excellency Abdullah Salaih Al-Obaid-Secretary General of the

> >

> > MuslimWorld League

> > * Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau-Chief Rabbi of Israel

> >

> > * His Excellency Dr. Mustafa Ceric-The Grand Mufti of Bosnia

> >

> > * Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz-Leading Talmudic Scholar

> >

> > * Reverend Konrad Raiser-Secretary-General of The World Council of

> > Churches

> >

> > * His Eminence Sheik Ahmad Kuftaro-The Grand Mufti of the Syrian Arab

> > Republic

> >

> > * His Grace Njongonkulu Ndungane-The Archbishop of Cape Town

> > * His Holiness Abune Paulos-Patriarch of Ethiopia

> > * Swami Dayanand Saraswati-representing the Shankracharya in India

> > * Mata Ammritanandamayi-Hindu leader

> > * Reverend Jesse Jackson-Christian Leader and Special Envoy to

> >President Clinton

> >

> > * Chief Oren Lyons-Faithkeeper of the Onondaga Nation

> > * His Holiness Karekin II-Patriarch of the Armenian Church

> >

> > The occasion will assemble leaders rarely seen together at religious

> >gatherings, such as the Jingu Daiguji of the Grand Shrine at Ise, the

> >Patriarch of Thailand, and Chief Patriarch Ehsin Watanabe of Mount Hiei

> >from the Tendai School of Buddhism in Japan. Numerous spiritual leaders

> >from the indigenous traditions around the world-such as Andean leaders

> >from the line of the Incas-are also planning to participate.

> >

> > Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who will address the gathering on August

> >29th, has said, "This gathering of the world's preeminent religious and

> >spiritual leaders in a united call for peace will hopefully strengthen

> >the prospect for peace in the new millennium." H.E. Theo Ben Gurirab,

> >the President of the 54th session of the General Assembly is also

> >expected to address the opening ceremony on August 28th.

> >

> > At the Summit, the leaders will discuss how to harness the power of

> >religious tolerance and spiritual faith to educate and mobilize their

> >communities to focus on reducing divisions and ancient antipathies.

> >After meeting at U.N. headquarters these leaders will continue to engage

> >in two-day working group sessions at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel to devise

> >special initiatives to address regional conflict, poverty issues, and

> >environmental problems.

> >

> > Bawa Jain, Secretary-General of the Summit, has been deeply involved in

> >global interfaith work for many years. The Summit is steered by an

> >International Advisory Board of religious leaders, theologians, scholars

> >and its strategic partners, which include the Harvard University Center

> >for the Study of World Religions; Scholar's Group at Harvard Divinity

> >School; the United Nations University for Peace; the Earth Council; the

> >World Faiths Development Dialogue; the World Resources Institute; the

> >Forum on Religion and Ecology; the World Conference on Religion and

> >Peace; the Parliament of the Worlds Religion and the Interfaith Center

> >of N.Y. Serving as Honorary Chair of the Summit is Ted Turner.

> >

> > Funding for the World Peace Summit is being provided by the U.N.

> >Foundation/Better World Fund, founded by Ted Turner, Ford Foundation,

> >Ruder Finn, Inc., the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Carnegie

> >Foundation, the Modi Foundation, and the Greenville Foundation among

> >others. A number of religious groups are providing financial support by

> >sponsoring meals and in-kind contributions.

> >

> > Anticipated outcomes of the Summit are a Declaration for World Peace

> >and plans for the establishment of an ongoing International Advisory

> >Council of Religious and Spiritual Leaders that can serve as a resource

> >for the U.N. Secretary-General and the U.N. system in its conflict

> >prevention and resolution efforts.

> >

> > "There has been a phenomenal response from religious leaders around the

> >world. They see this as a unique opportunity to join efforts with the

> >United Nations in a worldwide interfaith initiative. Our goal is that

> >religious leaders from different traditions will work together to help

> >resolve global problems," said Summit's Secretary-General Bawa Jain, who

> >has been traveling to many regions speaking with religious leaders about

> >the goals of the Summit.

> >

> > Beliefnet.com is the official web partner of the World Peace Summit and

> >will be doing a live webcast of the event.

> >

> >




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