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Fwd: Global Media Blitz Planned to expose Pak role in Kashmir

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DeenB. Chandora



>"Ram Narayanan" <ramn


>"Deen Chandora" <deenbc

>Global Media Blitz Planned to expose Pak role in Kashmir

>Thu, 24 Aug 2000 08:25:52 -0400



>Dear Deen Chandora:


>This is great!


>Ram Narayanan

>Lobby for India on the internet at








>Y Siva Sankar in Bombay


>As the countdown for Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's visit to the

>United States in September nears zero, a group of Indian citizens has taken

>upon itself "the task of exposing Pakistan's reprehensible role in Jammu

>and Kashmir" to the world in general and the US in particular.


>Calling itself the People of India, the group is set to unleash a


>media blitz about the "reality in Kashmir". The group is seeking to create

>"the right atmosphere in the US for the Indian PM's visit".


>Full-page colour advertisements are being sought to be published in leading

>publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles

>Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Chicago Tribune, The Times

>(London), The Straits Times (Singapore), The Bangkok Post, The Jerusalem

>Post, The Japan Times, The Sunday Times (London), The International Herald

>Tribune, the Economist, Time, Newsweek, The Financial Times and



>The advertisements will project the theme 'Jehad for Pakistan, Agony for

>India' and portray peace-loving India's patience even in the face


>casualties on its side in J&K. "How much will be too much for India? You

>tell us," the group says in its appeal to Indians.


>Also in the pipeline are advertisements in French, German, Swedish,


>Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Turkish, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia,

>Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Bengali, Korean, Norwegian, Thai, Sinhalese

>and Arabic. These will be complemented with campaigns in cyberspace via

>an exclusive Web site, agonyofindia.com and chain e-mails.


>Funds for the campaign are being raised from Indians the world over,


>voluntary contributions.


>"For long, Pakistan has been indulging in negative propaganda about India

>on the J&K issue. Truth has been often distorted and projected. Now we

>will show what determined, patriotic Indian citizens can do," a member

>of the group told rediff.com


>The full-page advertisements quote the utterances of Pakistan's Chief


>General Pervaiz Musharraf, at various times (including on August 14,


>Independence Day), to drive home the point that "he himself admits Pakistan

>is a state sponsor of terrorism in J&K".


>It is learnt The Financial Times (London) has expressed reservations about

>publishing the advertisement. "We shall prevail. World-renowned


>and influential, well-connected Indians are supporters of the group," the

>source said.


>The group had unleashed a similar media blitz during the Kargil battle

>in 1999. "Even then, some publications turned cautious because they


>political overtones in the campaign. After we reasoned, all of them


>published the ads," the source said. Then, the campaign focused on the

>"atrocities committed by the Pakistan army" which was labelled "rogue


>A Web site, roguearmyout.com was launched.


>"That's how every politician in India had come to demand that Pakistan

>be declared a 'rogue state'," the source claimed.


>Leading ad agencies have been hired in New York and other major cities

>of the world to handle the latest campaign in multiple languages. "We


>that Indians the world over would respond to the campaign. Not only that.

>Indians master foreign languages spoken in the regions they live in outside

>India. So we expect that they would help us to sharpen the ad's copy


>the source said.





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