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Lord Shiva

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Lord Shiva



Swami B.A.Paramadvaiti

(VINA) 2-25-99.




Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah!


"Some call Lord Siva the Supreme God, taking evidence from Siva

Purana and it's famous statement: "Siva's tu bhagavan svayam.Siva

is the Supreme God" Yet Vaisnavas take him as: ""Vaisnavanam yata

sambhuhSiva is a great vaisnava" as states the Srimad Bhagavatam.


What does Lord Siva himself say?


The following is taken from Srila Sanatana Goswami's 'Sri Bhrad

Bhagavatamrtam' third chapter mundaine Name, where Maharaja Pariksit

narrates to his mother Uttara the following conversation between Lord

Siva and Narada Muni:


"Sri Parikshit said: "Sri Narada, at a distance on his approach to

Shivaloka could notice Shiva engaged in worshipping Sri

Sankarshanadeva (other self of Sri Vishnu) in an ecstatic mood roused

by the enchantment of singing His Glories and stately dancing while

his most favourite Nandi-shvara was playing on a musical instrument

and with great pleasure shouting, 'glory, glory to the geat god'; and

Sri Umadevi in all her devoutness was acclaiming her lord with

clapping, out of great joy. Sri Narada met Sri Shiva, first making

obeisance and then pleasantly playing on his veena. In an extremely

adulatory mood he sang all those glories that he had heard about

Shiva from his own father Sri Brahma. Sri Narada was actually dancing

with great joy and when he could compose himself he tried to take the

feet-dust of Sri Shiva, but Sri Shiva who was practically intoxicated

with drinking the nectar of Sri Krishna -Prema caught hold of Sri

Narada before he could fall at his feet and with a warm -embrace

said, "What are you saying Narada, you who are the dearest one to the

Lord of Vaikuntha?"


So saying he took Narada along with him and sat on his Vrishasana but

Sri Narada went on reciting Rudrasadanga Vedic hymns and other

panegyrics describing the Lordship of Sri Shiva over the universe,

just to characterise Sri Shiva's eminent enviable position as the

supreme recipient of Sri Krishna's favour. Sri Shiva, the prime

exponent of Vishnu -Bhakti, true to his devotional fervour and in

keeping with the characteristics of a faithful devotee of God felt in

his heart of hearts that his natural humility should not allow such

improper aggrandisement of himself. So he closed both his ear-holes

putting his own fingers into them and with an angry gesture

said, "Oh, Narada, hold your tongue, don't cast aspersions on my

fidelity to the Lord by praising me beyond limits. It is highly

improper to refer to me as the lord of the universe; I am not even to

be recognised as subservient to a devotee of Sri Krishna, for my

aspiration is to crave for the favour of being chosen as the servant

of the servants of Sri Krishna!'


Sri Pariksit said: "Oh mother, Narada could realise that his

exaggerated encomium of Shiva as being almost on a level with Sri

Krishna's Lordship might have annoyed him at heart, so he promptly

replied, "Dear sir, I was not at all exaggerating but merely reciting

your inherent greatness as one who alone can measure the depth of the

ocean like unfathomable qualities of Sri Vishnu and Vaishnavas and

through whom that glory or Vishnu is unfolded in the universe. The

great Vaishnavas ever crave for your kind favour and Sri Krishna

Himself feels pleasure to narrate your glories. And many a time He

Himself taking different forms, even looked for Your favour."


Sri Pariskhit continued: 'Sri Shiva felt extremely abashed at heart

and could not compose himself so he quickly got up from his seat and

silenced Narada by putting his palms over his lips and said, "Don't

misuse your tongue by uttering such childish remarks, you must learn

the magnanimous mysterious Leela of my Lord which is beyond the

understanding of even the intelligentsia. Verily my Lord Sri Krishna

is the fathomless ocean of Mercy. Very many times foolishly I have

committed the greatest offence at His feet, Yet His affection is so

great that He does not look upon me with and indifferent eye."


Sri Narada observing the genuine love and devotion of Shiva for Sri

Krishna became extremely delighted and once again touched the feet of

Shiva and went on saying>: "You are so dear to Sri Krishna that

nothing of your act, whatsoever it may be will be considered as

offensive by Him."......


(from Sri Brihat Bhagavatamrita, by Srila Sanatana Goswami, Sree

Gaudiya Math, Madras, Chapter three Super - mundaine Nama)




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