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PART 2 reply to-- Krsna Talk: Is a pure devotee, the guru or an acharya, omniscient?

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Comparing Sridhara maharaja with Srila Prabhupada's teachings.


>Some devotees will say that the guru and all other great sages are

>tri-kala-jna, that they know the past present and future. But that is only

>their conjecture.


Lets hear from the *bonafide authority* Srila Prabhupada-- shall we?


SB 3.11.17 P Calculation of Time, from the Atom

Those who have reached the highest perfectional stage of mystic power and

can see everything in the past, present and future are called tri-kala-jnas.


JSD 6.4 Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled

In Srimad-Bhagavatam you will find many things which are foretold. There

is mention of Lord Buddha's appearance and Lord Kalki's appearance. (Lord

Kalki will appear at the end of the Kali-yuga.) There is also mention of

Lord Caitanya's appearance. Although the Bhagavatam was written five

thousand years ago, the writer knew past, present, and future

(tri-kala-jna), and thus he could predict all these events with perfect



710816SB.LON Lectures

Therefore we should accept knowledge from such person who is beyond these

four defects of conditional life. What is that? Illusion, mistake, cheating,

and imperfectness. So Srimad-Bhagavatam is that proof. As I told you, that

2,500 years ago, or 5,000 years ago Vyasadeva wrote about Lord Buddha's

appearance. Still, there is appearance of Kalki from this time,

henceforward, after 400,000's of years Kalki will appear. And his name, his

father's name, the place where he will appear, that is mentioned in the

Bhagavata. That means tri-kala-jna. Maha-muni, he is liberated. He is

incarnation of God. He knows past, present, future, and everything. That

knowledge is perfect. One who knows past, present, and future perfectly, we

should take knowledge from him. That is our Krsna consciousness movement,

that we don't accept any knowledge from a person who is defective in so many

ways. And what is the value of such knowledge?


720925SB.LA Lectures

So one has to take this Vedic culture to make his life perfect, and... Of

course, formerly the brahmanas were so strong. That... they did not like to

govern directly. They used to live in the forest, cultivating spiritual

knowledge, writing books. They had no interest in taking charge of

government. No. They never stood for election. There was no election. So

ksatriya-rudhira. So He purified this earth, the surface of the earth, by

washing it by the blood of these ksatriyas. This is the incarnation of

Jamadagni, or Parasurama. Parasurama. Some of the sages, saintly persons,

are still living. Still living. They are tri-kala-jna. They have no past,

present, future. When this whole universe will be annihilated, then they

will go to Vaikuntha or spiritual world personally. So Parasurama,

Vyasadeva, and many others, they are supposed to be still living.


720929SB.LA Lectures

Prabhupada: So these words are significant. Bhavisyati. Bhavisyati means "in

future He will appear." Other avataras, just like Lord Ramacandra, Krsna,

They have been described that "He appeared for doing this work." Similarly,

in future also, who will appear, that is also listed. So no pseudo

incarnation can come in, because past, present, future, everything is

described there. Bhavisyati. This Bhagavata-grantha, sastra, was written

five thousand years ago. Now five thousand years ago there was no Buddha.

But in future He will come, and that is mentioned here: bhavisyati. Not only

Buddha's name only, but His mother's name and the place where He would

appear. This is called sastra. No speculation. Fact. Either past, present,

or future, it doesn't matter. Tri-kala-jna.

So we accept knowledge from such person who knows past, present, and

future. Persons who do not know even present, what is going on, how we can

accept knowledge from him? This is not our process. Our process is to

receive knowledge from a person who knows past, present and future. Just

like Krsna and the acaryas. They know.


720930SB.LA Lectures

So we accept incarnation of God when all the descriptions are

corroborated in terms of the authorized sastra. Otherwise we reject. That is

our business. So in this verse... Why we accept Vedic scripture as solid

truth? Because there is no mistake. Otherwise, how it is predicting that

yuga-sandhyayam, "In the last conjunction of the yugas, there will appear

the Lord"? Kalkir namna, namna kalkih. "His name will be Kalki. But He is

not ordinary person." Namna kalkir jagat-patih. "He is the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. He is not ordinary man. And His father's name is..."

Janita visnu-yasasah. "His father's name will be Visnu Yasa." The Yasa title

are there in India still. One Mr. Yasi (Joshi) corresponds with us. So the

Josha, or Joshi, this title is already there. So they are brahmanas. Here,

all the descriptions are not there, but in other place, all the descriptions

are there. Not only his father's name, name, His village or the place,

Sambhal. There is still a place Sambhalpur in India. So everything is there.

We should not be misled that "Here is another avatara, here is another

avatara, here is... So many avataras." No. So this is called sastra: what

will happen after 400,000's of years, that is mentioned. Future. Just like

Lord Buddha's name was there. Bhavisyati yuga-sandhyayam. Bhavisyati.

Bhavisyati means "He will come." He was not visible. This is sastra. Sastra

means tri-kala-jna. The writer of sastra should be a full cognizant of past,

present, and future. That is called unmistakable. Past, present, and future.

Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that "I know past, present, and future."


731224SB.LA Lectures

This description of the Kali-yuga is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is

called sastra. This Srimad-Bhagavatam was written five thousand years ago

when the Kali-yuga was to begin. Now, what will happen in future, everything

is given there. Sastra means... That is...Therefore we accept sastra.

Tri-kala-jna. The sastrakara, or the compiler of the sastra, must be

liberated person so that he can describe past, present and future. In the

Srimad-Bhagavatam you will find so many things which was told to be

happening in future. Just like in the Srimad-Bhagavatam there is mention of

Lord Buddha's appearance. Similarly, there is mention of Lord Kalki's

appearance. There is mention of Lord Caitanya's appearance, although it was

written five thousand years ago. Tri-kala-jna. Know, they know what is past,

present and future.


760614SB.DET Lectures



manasaiva pure devah

purva-rupam vipasyati

anumimamsate 'purvam

manasa bhagavan ajah


This is called tri-kala-jna: past, present and future. So Yamaraja or Lord

Brahma or great personalities, they, even great sages, saintly persons, they

know the three features of time. Just like yesterday I told you that there

is an astrological system; immediately they will speak what I was in my

previous life, what I am now and what will be my future life. So Yamaraja is

not ordinary person. He is given in charge; he is also one of the

authorities out of twelve authorities. Balih vaiyasakir vayam. He is one of

the authorities about religious performances. So he knows everything even

from within his mind, manasaiva purva-rupam vipasyati, what this person was

in the past, because everything is going on exactly on the rulings of the

prakrti, material nature.


721129LE.HYD Lectures

So there are so many things, problems of our life; we are neglecting. And

everything is very clearly described in the Bhagavad-gita. It is being,

explained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. We should take

advantage of these lessons in the Bhagavad-gita. Unfortunately, in the

foreign countries, before me, many other swamis went, tried to explain

Bhagavad-gita. Bhagavad-gita is very well known book of knowledge. In

America and Europe and other countries there are many translations. But the

Bhagavad-gita, such translation is taken as a mental speculation. They do

not take it seriously that this, "This is the statement by the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, and it cannot be commented with my poor knowledge.

What I am in comparison to Krsna? He is tri-kala-jna. He knows present,

past, future, everything. What do I know? So my interpretation..." Just like

"Kuruksetra means this body," or "The five Pandavas means the five senses."

If we interpret in that way, Bhagavad-gita, according to our whims, we'll

never understand what is the purport of Bhagavad-gita. We have to learn

Bhagavad-gita as it is; otherwise, we'll miss the opportunity. Just like

Kuruksetra. Kuruksetra is still there, existing. Everyone, you know. While

passing through Delhi to Punjab side you find the Kuruksetra. The, the field

is also there. It is a very big field, and in the sastra, in the Vedas, it

is said, kuruksetre dharmam acaret. So people go as a place of pilgrimage.

So you cannot interpret Kuruksetra otherwise.


750703mw.den Conversations

Prabhupada: Still there is a science, Bhrgu-samhita, which will give you

prediction of your next birth. Still there is science, Bhrgu-samhita. He'll

give you description of three lives: your past life, present life, and

future life. Bhrgu-samhita. (break) ...Bhagavata it is said bhavisyati.

Kikatesu bhavisyati. Bhavisyati means "He will appear." Why it is not

possible? You haven't got that knowledge, that is another thing. But it is

possible. (break) ...one word: tri-kala-jna. Tri-kala-jna means "one who

knows past, present, and future." Krsna says, vedaham samatitani. "I know

everything past, present..."

Brahmananda: Equally, He says. Sama titani. He knows the past, the present

and the future.

Prabhupada: And He says in another place, "It is not that we were not

existing in the past, and neither it is that we shall not exist in the

future." So this is past, present, future. Tri-kala-jna.


60625rc.nv Conversations

Prabhupada: And memory. It will reduce. Just see, compare everything,

religiosity and the power of mercifulness, pardoning, truthfulness,

cleanliness, bodily strength, duration of life--they're all reduced. Now who

can say it is not reduced? Can you say? This is called tri-kala-jna. Tatas,

what is that? Canu-dinam rajan?



tatas canu-dinam dharmah

satyam saucam ksama daya

kalena balina rajan

nanksyaty ayur balam smrtih


Prabhupada: Kalena, in due course of time, all these items, there are eight

items it will be reducing, reducing, reducing, reducing, reducing so much.

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