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PART 3 Omniscience Reply to: Krsna Talk: Is a pure devotee, the guru or an acharya, omniscient?

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>Additionally it may be mentioned that according to Webster's Thesaurus some

>synonyms for 'omniscience' are as follows: God; the Creator; the Almighty;

>the Supreme Being; our Heavenly Father; the Lord; and Allah. None of these

>synonyms however are applicable to a pure devotee, the guru, or the

>acharya. So our conclusion is obvious < 'omniscience' is a quality of the

>Supreme Lord and not a quality of the pure devotee, the guru, or the



60608mw.la Conversations

Bharadvaja: I understand, Srila Prabhupada, that the pure devotee can be as

pervasive as Supersoul?

Prabhupada: Hmm?

Bharadvaja: By the mercy of Supersoul, he can be present in many places at


Prabhupada: Yes. By the grace of Krsna, a devotee can become anything.

Duryodhana-guru: So in other words that means the pure devotees can be


Prabhupada: Everything. God is omniscient, so a pure devotee can become

omniscient by the grace of God.

Radhavallabha: Srila Prabhupada explains that Varuna is omniscient.


SB 4.22.59 P Prthu Maharaja' s Meeting with the Four Kumaras

Yamaraja, or Dharmaraja, as the superintendent of death, has to judge the

criminal living entities who have committed sinful activities throughout

their lives. Consequently Yamaraja is expected to be most expert in judicial

matters. Prthu Maharaja was also highly learned and exceedingly exact in

delivering his judgment upon the citizens. No one could excel him in

opulence any more than estimate the stock of minerals and jewels in the

Himalaya Mountains; therefore he is compared to Kuvera, the treasurer of the

heavenly planets. Nor could anyone discover the secrets of his life any more

than learn the secrets of Varuna, the demigod presiding over the water, the

night, and the western sky. Varuna is omniscient, and since he punishes

sins, he is prayed to for forgiveness. He is also the sender of disease and

is often associated with Mitra and Indra.


Madhya 20.353 T Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Instructs Sanatana Gosvami in

the Science

sarvajna munira vakya----sastra-'paramana'

ama-saba jivera haya sastra-dvara jnana'


sarva-jna munira vakya--the words of the omniscient muni (Vyasadeva);

sastra-paramana--evidence of revealed scriptures; ama-saba--all of us;

jivera--of the conditioned souls; haya--there is; sastra-dvara--through the

medium of revealed scriptures; jnana--knowledge.


"The Vedic literatures composed by the omniscient Mahamuni Vyasadeva are

evidence of all spiritual existence. Only through these revealed scriptures

can all conditioned souls attain knowledge.


Isopanisad 13

Here is a correct description of the Supreme Lord, given by the Lord

Himself. The words sarvasya pra-bhavah indicate that Krsna is the creator of

everyone, including Brahma, Visnu and Siva. And because these three

principal deities of the material world are created by the Lord, the Lord is

the creator of all that exists in the material and spiritual worlds. In the

Atharva Veda (Gopala-tapani Upanisad 1.24) it is similarly said, "He who

existed before the creation of Brahma and who enlightened Brahma with Vedic

knowledge is Lord Sri Krsna." Similarly, the Narayana Upanisad (1) states,

"Then the Supreme Person, Narayana, desired to create all living beings.

Thus from Narayana, Brahma was born. Narayana created all the Prajapatis.

Narayana created Indra. Narayana created the eight Vasus. Narayana created

the eleven Rudras. Narayana created the twelve Adityas." Since Narayana is a

plenary manifestation of Lord Krsna, Narayana and Krsna are one and the

same. The Narayana Upanisad (4) also states, "Devaki's son [Krsna] is the

Supreme Lord." The identity of Narayana with the supreme cause has also been

accepted and confirmed by Sripada Sankaracarya, even though Sankara does not

belong to the Vaisnava, or personalist, cult. The Atharva Veda (Maha

Upanisad 1) also states, "Only Narayana existed in the beginning, when

neither Brahma, nor Siva, nor fire, nor water, nor stars, nor sun, nor moon

existed. The Lord does not remain alone but creates as He desires." Krsna

Himself states in the Moksa-dharma, "I created the Prajapatis and the

Rudras. They do not have complete knowledge of Me because they are covered

by My illusory energy." It is also stated in the Varaha Purana: "Narayana is

the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and from Him the four-headed Brahma was

manifested, as well as Rudra, who later became omniscient."


SB 6.3.10 P Yamaraja Instructs His Messengers

The order carriers of Yamaraja, being very much aggrieved because of

their defeat by the four Visnudutas, wanted to bring them before Yamaraja

and, if possible, punish them. Otherwise they desired to commit suicide.

Before pursuing either course, however, they wanted to know about the

Visnudutas from Yamaraja, who is also omniscient.

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