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Srimati Radhika's Appearance Day, Sept.6, 2000

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Sri Radhikastakam


by Srila Rupa Gosvami



"I worship that Srimati Radhika, whose resteless eyes, moving like flocks

of khanjarita birds (wagtails), playfully wander in all directions, constantly

searching out Her prey, Sri Krsna. Upon sighting Him, like an expert hunter She

casts the arrows of Her provocative, sidelong glances. She is the jasmine flower

for the bumblebee Sri Krsna. Just as the jasmine elates the bumblebee, She gives

great joy to Krsna's heart, completely making Him Hers. She is very mysterious

with Her countless deep qualities.


"I worship that Srimati Radhika, who wonderfully increases the fame of

Vrsabhanu Maharja's dynasty here in Vraja and throughout the world by inducing

the prince of Vraja to give up His royal behavior and openly sport in a

carefree manner with Her and all the sakhis in Her fragrant kunda.


"I worship that Srimati Radhika, whose smiling, blooming lotus face

expertly belittles the vast glory of the brilliant sarad full moon, the lord of

the night-blooming kumud lotus, and diminishes the beauty of all the other gopis

[just as guru by diksa cuts the pride of his disciple]; whose pure amorous

desires are aroused by Aghabhid Sri Krsna's dancing sidelong glances; and wo is

endowed with waves of beauty, grace and charm.


"I worship that Srimati Radhika, whose braided hair, beautifully adorned

with clusters of many varieties of fully blossomed flowers, forcibly attacks

and reproaches the fame of the tail-feathers of an intoxicated, dancing

peacock; whose pure, unblemished cheeks are reddish and very lustrous from the

juice of the tambula remnants from Madhuripu Sri Krsna's bimba-fruit lips.


"I worship that Srimati Radhika, whose heart is always saturated with

Lalita-sakhi's pure, unrestrained affection; whose sublime nature is made more

famous due to sharing intimate friendship with Vishakha-sakhi; who is a

treasure-chest wherein She conceals the glistening, priceless, ruby of Aghabhid

Sri Krsna's prema; who bathes and dresses in Her own beauty and sweetness (Her

different bhavas for Sri Krsna).


"I worship that Srimati Radhika, who is enthroned as the queen of the

festive and supreme abode, Sri Vrndavana; who is the presiding goddess of

Karttika, the king of months; who is the foremost of Sri Krsna's innumerable

beloveds; and whose fame, which destroys sins, instills desire to serve Krsna.


"I worship that Srimati Radhika, who considers just the outermost extremity

of the very edge of the tips of Sri Krsna's toes to be millions of times dearer

than Her own life. Indeed, Sri Krsna is Her very life and She knows nothing

other than Him. As the initiating guru for the joyful gopis whose beautiful

eyes are intoxicated with prema, She instructs them in the arts of cleverly

serving Krsna, in this way displaying vast intelligence and attaining great



"I worship that Srimati Radhika, whose fair complexion resembles saffron

which has been ground upon a slab of pure gold; whose youthful pastimes are

filled with endless waves of sweetness; whose hairs stand on end in bliss upon

being embraced by Sri Krsna; whose dress is the colour of the rising sun.


"Those who lovingly and deeply recite this wonderful Radhikastakam, which

embodies Srimati Radhika's pure sweetness, will please the moon of all

auspiciousness, Sri Krsnacandra, who is playing on the banks of the Yamuna with

Srimati Radhika. Krsna Himself will cause the lotus flower of the desire to

serve Srimati Radhika to bloom in their hearts. This astaka is recited in the

poetic meter known as 'Malini'."



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