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>Skanda-Murugan articles

>Tue, 05 Sep 2000 14:58:22 -0400




> Book Review, Golden Quest


> The Golden Quest, Volume Two: Skanda, by Hilda Charlton, pb, 118 pages,

>US$7.95, Golden Quest Publishing, P.O. Box 190, Lake Hill, N.Y.,

>12448-0190, USA.


> Skanda is a short collection of 42 channeled writings, or "lessons"

>that Hilda received in the five years just prior to her passing in 1988,

>nearly all from Lord Skanda, or Kartikkeya. They focus on the unique

>time of transition of the Sat Siva Yuga we are now in, with inspired and

>detailed instructions for its maturation. Here is a sample: "I [skanda]

>stand here today to dispel your fears and awaken in you the courage of

>Soldiers of Light. When you cry out to Me for help, there am I,

>instantly! I give you the gift today of courage, a courage of the God



> Intwined in Hilda's translation of this divine message is an

>interpretation of Skanda's Vel as "Goddess Jyothi," with which some may

>take exception as non traditional. Like any collection of channeled

>messages, these may not bear the grey-steel light of a doubting



> Hilda Charlton spent 18 years in India. Her visits to the famed

>Kathirgama temple to Skanda in Sri Lanka are engagingly recounted at the

>beginning of her book. She describes a firewalker there, "All she could

>see was a bright red carpet. She fearlessly danced down the bed of

>coals, and even though her sari was trailing in the fire, it did not



> After her return from India, Hilda taught the importance of

>unconditional love, giving and forgiving, constant remembrance of God

>and the fundamental unity of the world's religions.


> Reviewed by Deva Rajan





>What Is the Nature of Lord Karttikeya?



>Lord Karttikeya, Murugan, first guru and Pleiadean master of kundalini

>yoga, was born of God Siva's mind. His dynamic power awakens spiritual

>cognition to propel souls onward in their evolution to Siva's feet. Aum.



>Lord Karttikeya flies through the mind's vast substance from planet to

>planet. He could well be called the Emancipator, ever available to the

>call of those in distress. Lord Karttikeya, God of will, direct

>cognition and the purest, child-like divine love, propels us onward on

>the righteous way through religion, His Father's law. Majestically

>seated on the manipura chakra, this scarlet-hued God blesses mankind and

>strengthens our will when we lift to the inner sky through sadhana and

>yoga. The yoga pada begins with the worship of Him. The yogi, locked in

>meditation, venerates Karttikeya, Skanda, as his mind becomes as calm as

>Sharavana, the lake of Divine Essence. The kundalini force within

>everyone is held and controlled by this powerful God, first among

>renunciates, dear to all sannyasins. Revered as Murugan in the South, He

>is commander in chief of the great devonic army, a fine, dynamic soldier

>of the within, a fearless defender of righteousness. He is Divinity

>emulated in form. The Vedas say, "To such a one who has his stains wiped

>away, the venerable Sanatkumara shows the further shore of darkness. Him

>they call Skanda." Aum Namah Sivaya.





>What Are the Main Karttikeya Festivals?




> Vaikasi Vishakham celebrates the anniversary of Lord Karttikeya's

>creation. Skanda Shashthî is a six-day festival honoring His conquest of

>light over darkness. Tai Pusam is a time of sadhana and public penance.





>On Vaikasi Vishakham day, Lord Karttikeya's birthstar, Vishakha

>nakshatra, in May-June, elaborate abhisheka is conducted in all His

>temples. It is a time of gift-giving to panditas and great souls,

>weddings, feedings for the poor, caring for trees, spiritual initiation,

>dîksha, and conclaves of holy men. Skanda Shashthî is celebrated on the

>six days after the new moon in October-November with festive processions

>and pujas invoking His protection and grace. It honors Karttikeya's

>receiving the vel, His lance of spiritual illumination, jnana shakti,

>and culminates in a dramatic victory celebration of spiritual light over

>asuric darkness. Tai Pusam occurs on Pushya nakshatra in

>January-February. During this festival we fast and perform public

>penance, called kavadi, seeking Karttikeya's blessings to dispel our

>selfishness, pride and vanity. His special monthly days are Krittika

>nakshatra and Shashthi, the sixth tithi after the new moon. The Vedas

>say, "Like the cry of watchful birds swimming in water, like the loud

>claps of thundering rain clouds, like the joyful streams gushing from

>the mountain, so have our hymns sounded forth to the Lord." Aum Namah








>URL for Kauai 1999 Skanda Shasti

>(including photos)

>A Daily Chronicle of Kauai's Hindu Monastery ... Satguru Sivaya

>Subramuniyaswami Kauai's Hindu Monastery, USA November 13, 1999 - Shubha


>Hail to the Great Ones who know the Unknowable and hold Truth in the

>palm of their hand! Welcome to TAKA, Today at Kauai Aadheenam. Most will

>know that it is Skanda Shasti, that wild, glorious, potent, energetic

>annual festival for Lord Murugan. Today's homa was for this Great God,

>Son of Siva, Master of Yoga, Healer of Healers, First Sannyasin and

>second in the race for the mango.





>The Dancing with Siva Lexicon Page (example)

>... same peace and enlightenment his guru has achieved. See: guru,

>satguru, guru-shishya system.


>Gurudeva: "Divine or radiant preceptor." An affectionate, respectful

>name for the guru.


>Guru Gita: "Song of the guru." A popular 352-verse excerpt from the

>Skanda Purana, wherein Lord Siva tells Parvati of the guru-disciple

>relationship. See: guru, Sri Guru Gita.


>guru hut: A building in Rishi Valley on San Marga which is used only by

>Gurudeva to give darshan.


>Guru Jayanti: Preceptor's birthday, celebrated ...



>The Vedic Experience


>(newspaper article)





>(vedic anthology website)


>The Vedic Experience

>An Anthology of the Vedas for Modern Man

>By Professor Raimon Panikkar













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