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[world-vedic] Digest Number 80

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--- vediculture wrote:

> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor


> This is an information resource and discussion group

> for people interested in the World's Ancient Vedic

> Culture, with a focus on its historical,

> archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics

> about India, Hinduism, God, and other aspects of

> World Culture are welcome.





> There are 9 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Mahesh Raja does not uderstand Vedic

> Culture---AT ALL!

> "Anthanarik "

> <anthanaric

> 2. Digest Number 79

> Badrinarayan dasa

> <bnarayan


> "Mahesh Raja" <mahesh.r

> 4. Re:Hindu Chauvinism and Bigotry, Read and

> Believe.

> "Anthanarik "

> <anthanaric

> 5. SANNYASA ASRAMA*****PART 1/5*****

> "Mahesh Raja" <mahesh.r

> 6. Mystic Perfections Vindicated

> Ronald Landry

> <webhawks


> "Indira dasi" <indira

> 8. Skanda-Murugan articles

> "vrin parker"

> <vedic108

> 9. ExBeatle Harrison"Nothing Higher than Hare

> Krsna Mantra."

> "Brin Davan"

> <Vaidika1008








> Message: 1

> Wed, 06 Sep 2000 00:52:32 -0000

> "Anthanarik " <anthanaric

> Mahesh Raja does not uderstand Vedic

> Culture---AT ALL!


> Heilsan Mahesh Raja,


> Vedic culture, is the culture of the people and

> religion of the

> Vedas. I realize that you are a Hari Krsna. Is that

> vedic proper? No.

> Vedic proper is the study of the Veda's, its culture

> and its people

> as it was circa 1000 BCE and before. You are using

> your

> imaginings by creating a pseudo-vedic culture.

> That's not what vedic

> culture was. Who are your sources besides the latter

> non-vedic

> proper, Mahabarata? Being vedic culture is one of my

> main areas of

> focus, I use the sources that are legitimate.




> Anthanarik












> Message: 2

> Wed, 6 Sep 2000 09:00:43 -0400

> Badrinarayan dasa <bnarayan

> Digest Number 79


> Would you please drop me from your mailing list? I

> am traveling now in

> Southeast

> Asia, in remote areas, and the hook-ups for getting

> my mail are often very

> shaky.

> Long files are harder to down load and recently

> there has been something

> with

> files from you that cause me to lose my connection.

> I appreciate your work

> so

> please don't get the wrong idea. But out here I need

> a system which only

> carries

> what is absolutely essential for me to function.


> So confirm receipt of this message and please drop

> me. .


> I have two addresses: 103471.2315


> bnarayan


> Thank you









> Message: 3

> Wed, 6 Sep 2000 00:01:57 +0100

> "Mahesh Raja" <mahesh.r






> (A Vyasa-Puja offering of five prayers glorifying

> special characteristics

> of Srila 108 Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Goswami

> Thakura. Presented on the

> commemoration of his appearance, by His Divine Grace

> A.C. Bhaktivedanta

> Swami Prabhupada, at the Radha-Damodara temple,

> Vrindavana, India, in 1961.)


> First Vasistya


> 1. On this day, O my master, I made a cry of grief;

> I was not able to

> tolerate the absence of my guru.

> 2. On this auspicious day I have come with this

> offering just to worship

> you, remembering your lotus feet.

> 3. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's judgement is that

> renunciation is most

> important. Not only that, but such knowledge must be

> delivered to every

> conditioned being.

> 4. The beginner in devotional service has no ability

> to solve this dilemma,

> but you are a maha-bhagavata, you have given us

> direction.

> 5. One bewildered by ignorance, what kind of

> renunciate can he be? He will

> only be a "phalgu-vairagi"; renouncing externally.

> 6. Renunciation is actually the result of real

> spiritual emotion. Without

> such feeling it is simply known as show-bottle.

> 7. But there is another "show-bottle" for the

> purpose of preaching. That is

> the Lord's sannyasa by which the Mayavadis are

> defeated.

> 8. Lord Caitanya's Philosophy is beyond varnasrama;

> it is Bhagavata dharma,

> for putting an end to all cheating processes of

> religion.

> 9. Performing dry renunciation there can be no real

> preaching. Therefore

> "Yukta vairagya" is given the highest essential

> understanding.

> 10. "That sannyasa which I have given you" is for

> preaching in devotion. The

> faithless sense enjoyers are unable to understand

> this.


> Second Vasistya


> 11. Generally the sannyasis renounce everything and

> go and stay in the

> mountain caves, but you, O master, keep your

> sannyasis in mansions of

> marble.

> 12. To see a sense enjoyer is just like drinking

> poison, but you, O my

> master, go far and near, even abroad, to give them

> your darsana.

> 13. Mlecchas and Yavanas are forbidden to enter the

> Hindu temples, but you

> my Lord, make them chairmen and sit them in the

> assembly of devotees.

> 14. Hindus are not allowed to cross the ocean, but

> you send your devotees

> overseas to preach.


=== message truncated ===





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