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Sri Radhikastakam (3)




Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami






"May that Srimati Radhika - whose bodily complexion snatches away the pride

of a goden lotus flower tinged with kunkuma, whose bodily fragrance reproaches

the fame of a fragrant lotus sprinkled with saffron powder, and who fulfills

all the desires of the prince of Vraja, Sri Krsna - always bestow upon me the

service of Her lotus feet.




"May that Srimati Radhika - whose dazzling, colorful silk sari defeats the

splendour of coral, who is a garden of all varieties of blooming flowers which

attract the maddened bumblebee Sri Krsna who comes to play amongst Her flowers,

and who worships the sun-god in order to meet with Krsna eternally - always

bestow upon me the service of Her lotus feet.




"May that Srimati Radhika - whose softness defeats the fame of delicate

budding flowers, whose body's coolness is worshipable for the moon,

sandalwood-paste, the lotus, and camphor, and whose touch dispels the heat of

Gopi-jana-vallabha Sri Krsna's amorous desires - always bestow upon me the

service of Her lotus feet.




"Although Laksmi-devi is honoured by all the worshipable damsels of the

universe, the opulence of her great beauty and ever-fresh youthfulness is

overshadowed by that of Srimati Radhika. Nor can Laksmi-devi surpass Her by her

natural loving and playful disposition. May that Srimati Radhika always bestow

upon me the service of Her lotus feet.




"May that Srimati Radhika - who is expert in all the celestial arts of the

rasa-lila, like dancing, singing, and joking; who is adorned with supernatural

prema, enchanting beauty, wonderful dresses and ornaments, and all divine

virtues; and who is the topmost youthful maiden of Vraja - always bestow upon

me the service of Her lotus feet.




"May that Srimati Radhika - who by Her ever-fresh beauty, ever-fresh

playfulness, and ever-fresh wealth of affection causes all the young maidens of

Vraja, who are bound in love to Sri Krsna, to tremble in anxiety; and who is

immersed in samadhi upon Sri Krsna's beauty, attire, and playful pastimes -

always bestow upon me the service of Her lotus feet.




"May that Srimati Radhika - who in divine ecstasy manifests perspiration,

hairs standing on end, trembling, tears, and a choked voice; who is adorned

with indignation, joy, and contrariness; and who wears splendid jewel-studded

ornaments which delight Sri Krsna's eyes - always bestow upon me the service of

Her lotus feet.




"May that Srimati Radhika - who upon being separated from Sri Krsna for

even half a moment becomes distressed by the ever-arising feelings of Her own

lowliness and great restlessness, and who upon meeting Krsna through the

intense efforts of one of Their messengers is relieved of all Her mental

anguish - always bestow upon me the service of Her lotus feet.




"Srimati Radhika, whose darsana is rarely attained even by Parvati-devi and

other goddesses, who gives great pleasure to Her sakhis, who Herself becomes

elated upon meeting with Sri Krsna, and who is Krsna's dearest lover, very

quickly makes that person who prays to Her singing this astaka a recipient for

the nectar of Her service. This astaka is recited in the poetic meter known as




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