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Soul has no pain.

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731217mw.la ConversationsPrabhupada: Yes. Every planet is

described, what is the constitution, what are the forms of the living entities

there. Everything is there. Bhagavata never says that "These, all the other

planets are vacant. Only this planet is full of living entities." Bhagavata is

not so rascal. These rascals may say. Their theory is that "All other planets,

they are vacant. Only this planet is filled with..." This rascal theory is not

in the Bhagavata. We see that there is living entity in the water. There is

living entity within the sand. How you can say there is no living entity in

other planets?Rupanuga: They say that "Life as we know it here does not exist."

Human life.Prabhupada: No, how you can say so? The condition is the same. Every

planet is made of earth, water, air, fire, the five elements. So if under these

condition there are living entities in this planet, why not in that condition

living entities in other planets? That is their ignorance. That is their bluff.

The different condition of the planets is that some planet is fiery, some planet

is gaseous, some planet is watery. That may be, but after all, they are made of

these five elements. And each element, we find there is living entity. So it

may be mixture or pure, there must be living entities. And in Bhagavad-gita it

is said sarva-ga. Even in the fire there is living entities. And why not? If

living entities can stay in water, why not in fire?Rupanuga: On the sun

planet.Prabhupada: Oh yes. There are also living entities. They are very

glowing, fiery. Therefore the whole sun planet is glowing.Rupanuga: By their

bodily light.Prabhupada: Yes. Here is only one sun planet, and in Vaikuntha all

the planets are like sun. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita it is stated, na tad

bhasayate suryo na sasanko na pavakah. There is no necessity of electricity or

moonlight or sunlight. Here it is necessity because here only glowing planet is

the sun. But in the Vaikuntha, each and every planet is glowing. Therefore there

is no need of sun. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Na tad bhasayate suryah.

There is no necessity of illumination of sun, moon or electricity.Prajapati:

Spirit soul, it is also luminous like that?Prabhupada: Yes. (break) ...is

luminous, how it is keeping your body warm? As soon as it goes away,

immediately cold. Immediately cold. Finished, all temperature finished. These

are the evidences.Rupanuga: It is said that the soul glows with a light

brighter than a thousand suns. In the Vedas. Yes?Prabhupada: I do not remember.

Maybe. (break) The soul is more valuable than the sun, because the sun is, after

all, a matter, and the soul is spirit. Therefore the vast difference of value.

You cannot revive the life of a dead body by thousands of suns' heat. It is not

possible. It can burn, but it cannot give light.Svarupa Damodara: Just like if

we compare the velocity of light and the velocity of soul, it is...Prabhupada:

Far, far greater.Svarupa Damodara: Yes, far different. It can be immediately on

the...Prabhupada: Just like Krsna says, tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti,

"Immediately comes to Me." So just see the velocity. Tyaktva deham. As soon as

he gives up this body, immediately goes to Krsna. So see... Where is Krsna? You

cannot estimate even this material world. And then you enter the spiritual

world. And then you go to the highest planet of the spiritual world, Goloka

Vrndavana. So you cannot calculate how far it is, neither by driving your

aeroplane of mind and vayu, you can reach there. But the soul is so powerful

that immediately goes there. Just like mind. You are here, many thousand miles

away, 25,000 miles away in somewhere, immediately goes, mind goes.Svarupa

Damodara: Just at will.Prabhupada: At will. So the soul is still finer.

Intelligence is finer than the mind. And soul is finer than the intelligence.

So just imagine what is the velocity. Soul is so powerful. By yogi, simply

giving up this material body, they can capture the sun rays and immediately go

to the sun planet. Beams of the sun. This is science. Where is that

science?Prajapati: Srila Prabhupada, are thoughts made of matter or

spirit?Prabhupada: Yes. Thoughts actually made by spirit, but it is covered by

matter. Therefore in the material condition you can think only of matter. Just

like this body is covered by so many material things, but actually, the spirit

is covered. So the soul being spirit, so long it is covered by matter, it

cannot act spiritually. It is obstructed. Not obstructed. Covered. It cannot be

obstructed. If you like, you can get out of the covering of the matter. So

matter cannot obstruct. But it is the will of the soul. Therefore it is called

tatastha, marginal.Prajapati: When we feel pain or discomfort, that is covering

also?Prabhupada: That is to the material. Soul has no pain. It is the material

covering. Just like this chilliness. We are affected by the body, material

body, not the soul. Matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah. That is

stated in the Bhagavad-gita. This pleasure and pain is due to the material

covering. Otherwise soul is unaffected. Asango 'yam purusah: "This purusa, the

soul, is unaffected by any material condition." The same example as I give,

that you have a good car. You are identifying yourself. But you are not the

car. You are affected if the car is smashed, because you have got absorption in

the car that "This is my car." The other man is not affected. Similarly, due to

our absorption, aham mameti, "It is my, it is mine," we are suffering.Rupanuga:

The False ego.Prabhupada: False ego.Rupanuga: Very subtle.Prabhupada:

Yes.Rupanuga: This process of identification with the body. So we identify with

the body...Prabhupada: Aham mameti janasya moho 'yam. This is illusion. He is

not that, but he is thinking, "I am this." That is animalism. The animal is

always thinking that "I am this body."Giriraja: So if somebody no longer

identifies with the body, what is his perception of a painful

condition?Prabhupada: He tolerates. He knows. Just like the same example. You

are not the car . If your car is smashed, although you feel sorry, but you know

that "I am not a car." That is the position.Rupanuga: So the pain is experienced

by the consciousness that is spread all over the body?Prabhupada: That is false.

That is called illusion. You are not painful, but you are thinking that "I am

painful." But that is illusion.Svarupa Damodara: But we are

conditioned.Prabhupada: Yes.Svarupa Damodara: That is why we experience from

very, our childhood that I feel pain when somebody hits me.Prabhupada: No. Just

like we all know that "I am not this body." But why you are covering the body?

So long you are in material condition, you have to do that. The same example.

Although you are not the motorcar, but if there is some accident, you have to

take care of it, because you have to work on it. Therefore this body, although

I am not this body, I have to work in this material world with this body. That

is the vehicle. You cannot neglect it, neither you become identified. This is

knowledge. Yuktahara-viharas ca. That is recommended, yuktahara, "as much as

necessity." But these people, they are taking the body as everything. They have

no information of the soul.Rupanuga: They cannot tolerate it. Like the prisoner

cannot tolerate being in the prison house without knowledge. They cannot get

along.Svarupa Damodara: So our consciousness is affected by our

conditioning.Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore Krsna consciousness is the perfect

consciousness.Svarupa Damodara: Just like the yogis. They live in the Himalayas

without any cloth. They take bath in ice water. They don't feel

anything.Prabhupada: No.

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