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Hologram over polar openings?

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It has been suggested that the polar openings to the hollow portion of the

Earth, madyatah, might be covered by a hologram

which hides it from our view. I don't feel too comfortable with this idea,

because there is censorship of

satellite photos- why would they censor something which is already covered?

Although, you know how a hologram works- its functioning depends on the

angle. Maybe such a hologram would be designed to fool travelers from a more

sidelong angle. As such, satellite photos ould still need censoring, which

they get!


On the other hand, the Acrtic explorers MacMillan, Peary and Cook all saw a

land mass from

Ellesmere Island. If the vision/light waves were carried by thermal layers


air, they might have punched through any hologram.


I can't speculate on the nature of such technology, but there is a narration

in the tenth canto of the Bhagavat Purana which rings a bell in this regard.

Who knows?


Here is where I got it from: http://www.krsnabook.com/ch75.html


And here is the piece:



" Once upon a time, King Yudhisthira was sitting on the golden throne in the

palace constructed by the demon Maya. His four brothers and other relatives,

as well as his great well-wisher, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna,

were present and the material opulence of King Yudhisthira seemed no less

than that of Lord Brahma. When he was sitting on the throne surrounded by

his friends, and the reciters were offering prayers to him in the form of

nice songs, Duryodhana, with his younger brother, came to the palace.

Duryodhana was decorated with a helmet, and he carried a sword in his hand.

He was always in an envious and angry mood, and therefore, on a slight

provocation, he spoke sharply with the doorkeepers and became angry. He was

irritated because he failed to distinguish between water and land. By the

craftsmanship of the demon Maya, the palace was so decorated in different

places that one who did not know the tricks would consider water to be land

and land to be water. Duryodhana was also illusioned by this craftsmanship,

and when he was crossing water thinking it to be land, he fell down. When

Duryodhana, out of his foolishness, had thus fallen, the queens enjoyed the

incident by laughing. King Yudhisthira, could understand the feelings of

Duryodhana, and he tried to restrain the queens from laughing, but Lord

Krsna indicated that King Yudhisthira should not restrain them from enjoying

the incident. Krsna desired that Duryodhana might be fooled in that way and

that all of them might enjoy his foolish behavior. When everyone laughed,

Duryodhana felt very insulted, and his hairs stood up in anger. Being thus

insulted, he immediately left the palace, bowing his head. He was silent and

did not protest. When Duryodhana left in such an angry mood, everyone

regretted the incident, and King Yudhisthira also became very sorry. But

despite all occurrences, Krsna was silent. He did not say anything against

or in favor of the incident. It appeared that Duryodhana had been put into

illusion by the supreme will of Lord Krsna, and this was the beginning of

the enmity between the two sects of the Kuru dynasty. It appeared that it

was a part of Krsna's plan in His mission to decrease the burden of the



King Pariksit had inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami as to why Duryodhana was

not satisfied after the termination of the great Rajasuya sacrifice, and

thus it was explained by Sukadeva Gosvami."


I think that some type of hologram technology was definitely used by the the

demon Maya to construct the Pandava palace.


At the site " Hollow Earth in the Puranas," there are not only articles on

the Puranic angle of the Hollow Earth Theory, but on alternative science

such as the manipulation of ether, gravity, abductions and mysticism.




There is an update link at the bottom of every page.




Dharmapada Dasa

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