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Austrailia, the Aborigines and an unusal origin?

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P N Oaks, in his

book World Vedic Culture, points out that the aborigines of austrailia have

their origin in what are popularly known as the Dravidian races. He says:


" Australia Ancient Indian ships cruised all the seven seas as is

evident from terms tike navy' (which is a Sanskrit term) and

Indian Ocean (" from South America to Australia) and the

various land-masses incorporating the name India. The name

India has been so famous through the ages as to get its

centext stretched across time and distance to Red Indians

and Indianapolis, for instance.


Archaeological evidence of ancient India's distant sailing schedules is

available in the form of a naval bell with a Tamil inscription fished out

from the sea off the Australian coast.


Australia itself is the Sanskrit term 'Astralaya' (ate)

i.e. a land of missiles. That name suggests that in ancient times numerous

missiles were tried out in Australia. It could be that Australia is a ddsert

because of nuclear explosions. If modem scientists have - a way to ascertain

whether ancient Australia was subject to nuclear explosions, and if so, hew

long ago, that would be a significant contribution to research in ancient



The origin of place-names such as Brisbane and Sydney also needs to be

probed into. It is possible that like

the name of the continent itself they too ere of Sanskrit origin.


Australia's native population is of south-Indian origin and so is their

language. They are known to wear the sacred Hindu, Vedic mark (Tilak) on

their forehead. There exists a close similarity between the Tamil language

and the

language of Australian Maories:


Instead of looking upon the aboriginal Maories of

Australia as a host community, Christian settlers from Europe

have tended to shun and abhor it and have generally

refused to inquire into its antecedents. Deprecating this

tendency, a kindly European lady has observed " To rank the

the Australian native as a moron and gorilla man is to do him a

very, very grave injustice. Deceived by a physiognomy sullen in

repose, the protruding chin and the receding forehead of

the, ape, and those long tenuous fingers that are peculiarly

helpless with the tools of our modern civilization, the earlier

ethnologists were hasty in their judgments. To look closer and

with kindlier eyes is to discover that the aboriginal is

redeemed by the delicate, sensitive ear of the true musician,

quiet, quick laughter of a very real sense of humour, left

far behind in the race of ages, marooned on an island-

continent of sunny climate he never bothered to build

himself a house because he did not need it." ( Page 544 - 545 )


There is a drawing provided by Mr. Bhasin from the

book Long Missing Links, page 185.


In relation to the Hollow Earth Theory, the Southern opening is supposed to

be below Austrailia between present-day Mc Murdo Sound and Vostok, visible

on any map. The Radarsat mapping satellite showed weak resonances from this

area, which is consistent with a gradually-curving opening. There is a

drawing of the Radarsat

Image, also.


I have not had luck posting images through because of byte limits,

so I am not even going to try. I am going to post both images at:


At least for now, so if you want to see them, go and copy them or whatever.




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