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**FORMALITY IS GOING ON**Formality is going on but the

real message preaching this has stoppedsuffocating the movement. Everywhere

there is business franchise: "guru" franchise, Temple President franchise,

Tapes franchise, Books franchise, Videos franchise, CDs franchise. On top of

this there is growing "own" books/tapes business mechanisms by motivated

individuals thus preventing Srila Prabhupada's books from being sold. Many

Srila Prabhupada's books are also being edited and meanings changed so sales of

books will suffer immensely as the news spreads like wildfire. **Why?** Should

anyone want to purchase a changed book** not** authorised by Srila

Prabhupada.Note: Now we only see** formalities** In Iskcon but in reality

everything is collapsing. On the other hand-- (commodity: worshipping Srila

Prabhupada our bonafide initiating guru is right!).Ritvik tide is increasing.

That's a fact. 760422r3.mel Devotee (2): Is the Krsna movement still

growing?Prabhupada: What do you think?Brian Singer: In numbers. Yeah. I think

yes, but I don't know.Prabhupada: Yes. It must grow. If it is good, there must

be customer. And if it is bad--it is cheating--there may be some customer for

some time, **then it will be finished.** That is the test of reality and false

thing.You can cheat persons with false things for some time, but if

your**commodity is right, the customer will increase.** That's a fact. The more

people will appreciate, "Oh, here is nice commodity. Purchase it..."Note:Srila

Prabhupada said no salaries for devotees. But now huge salaries are the norm to

key members (this is an open secret): Temple Presidents and Key staff defying

Srila Prabhupada. On top of this there is the H-I-N-D-U JACKPOT at festivals

like Janmastmi etc where much money can be collected from Hindus for secret

share out among members. Is it not?730919rc.bomPrabhupada: That is very

dangerous. Then you will all fall down. If youmake a joint mess, if you go and

collect something and then eat and sleep, then everything will be... Therefore

I do not want to keep separate. The temple worship means there will be

regulative principles, that you will have to rise early in the morning, you

have to attend class, kirtana...These things, as soon as you give up all these

things, zero. Then it will be like karmis, as they are, hard labor, collecting

money, and enjoying senses. That's all. **So that is the pitfall everywhere. In

the church, temple, as soon as they get some nice income, then in the name of

"priest,sadhu,sannyasi," they do the same thing.** Therefore Gosvamis,

they left everything. That is the danger of visaya, visaya touch. Visaya

chadiya se rase majiya. As soon as we give up this sravanam, kirtanam, then it

becomes visaya. Visaya means materialism. There is no spiritualism. Ksurasya

dhara, ksurasya dhara. Ksura means sharpened razor. If you are careful, you

cleanse very nicely. If you are not careful, immediately blood. Immediately. So

the spiritual life is like that. As soon as you become little inattentive,

immediately maya captures, "Yes, come on." Then everything failure. We have got

the tendency to enjoy sense. So senses are strong. As soon as there is

opportunity, the senses will take advantage immediately. Then your whole

business finished.Note: Before the stage of Bhava where revelation takes place

everyone is a neophyte(Kanistha adhikari). Unfortunately there is a system

prevalent in Iskcon that manufactures "acaryas" by 2/3 majority votes although

they are neophytes.This concocted " voted acaryas" want to be worshiped on the

level of asgood as God--position strictly reserved for Mahabhagavat(see CC

antya24.330).Brahma-samhita 5.38 **When** the devotion of the **neophyte**

reaches the stage ofbhava-bhakti the pure eye of that devotee is tinged with

the salve of love by the grace of Krsna, which enables him to** see Krsna face

to face.** The phrase "in their hearts" means Krsna is visible in proportion as

their hearts are purified by the practice of devotion. The sum and substance of

this sloka is that the form of Krsna, who is Syamasundara, Natavara (Best

Dancer), Muralidhara (Holder of the Flute) and Tribhanga (Triple-bending), is

not a mental concoction but is transcendental, and is visible with the eye of

the soul of the devotee under trance.Note: Acarya is not by the concocted 2/3

majority voting performed by the GBC. On the Bhava stage Madhyama adhikaris

spiritually initiated by Uttama- adhikari(Prabhupada) because of offenseless

chanting relishes loving mellows with Krishna (see 4.192-4.194 antya). AFTER

bhava is prema-stage (uttama-adhikari) Acarya. This is qualification---complete

training! Watch here, see how Prabhupada **knows** the mentality to become

cheap(sahajiya) "acarya" is brewing up---this is in April 1977.770422r3.bom

Tamala Krsna: Well, I have studied myself and all of your disciples, andit's

clear fact that **we are all conditioned souls, so we cannot beguru.**

**Maybe** one day it may be possible...Prabhupada: Hm.Tamala Krsna: ...but not

now.Prabhupada: Yes. I shall choose some guru. I shall say, "Now you

becomeacarya. You become authorized." I am waiting for that. You become

allacarya. I retire completely. But the training **must** be

**complete.**Tamala Krsna: The process of purification must be

there.Prabhupada: Oh, yes, must be there. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wants that.

Amaraajnaya guru hana. "You become guru." (laughs) But be qualified.

Littlething, strictly follower...Tamala Krsna: **Not rubber stamp.**Prabhupada:

**Then you'll not be effective. You can cheat, but it will notbe effective.**

Just see our Gaudiya Matha. Everyone wanted to become guru,and a small temple

and "guru." What kind of guru? No publication, nopreaching, simply bring some

foodstuff... My Guru Maharaja used to say,**"Joint mess,"** a place for eating

and sleeping. Amar amar ara takana(?)(Bengali): "Joint mess." He said

this.Note: Gradually nobody will go----once cheated twice shy! So

the"customers" are going away no amount of (CHAKRA?) Public Relations campaign

will bring them back. Why should anyone want to become a slave of a 2/3

majority votedconditioned soul "guru"? Notice how the key members Presidents

etc earning huge amounts from this game **this is why** they do not want ritvik

initiations **set up by Srila Prabhupada himself**. Is it not?750407mw.may

Satsvarupa: Srila Prabhupada, sometimes you say only a very smallpercentage can

take to Krsna consciousness.Prabhupada: Yes.Satsvarupa: But yesterday morning in

your lecture you were saying it can expand to ten thousand, million, or ten

million.Prabhupada: Yes, if you take the proper way it can be

increased.Satsvarupa: Is that just up to our preaching?Prabhupada: Yes. That

will depend on your purified preaching activities. If you again become

materially victimized, then you cannot do it. If you remain on the spiritual

platform, if you try, then it will increase. Anandambudhi-vardhanam. It will

increase. As soon as there is any contemplation of sense gratification, then

the spirit will be lost. Then instead of Christianity, it will be

"Churchianity," officially going to the church, doing nothing, **and gradually

nobody will go.**Rupanuga: Like the Christians.Prabhupada: Yes. Everywhere.

Christians... Now who are coming here, in so many temples? Nobody is coming.

They have made it a business, "Oh, the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's birthday, you come

here." And somebody will come, collect some money, and then there is no

business--go away.Note: Temples--means of livelihood result:

deteriorate---neglect.760924SB.VRN Just like immediately our Subhavilasa Prabhu

was asking me that "We have seen so many temples. Why they are so neglected?" Is

it not your question?And why they should not neglect it? The, mostly, the

temples, they havebecome the **means of livelihood.** That is the defect.

Temple is not meant for means of livelihood. **Then it will deteriorate.** How

long you can falsely worship Deity and make show of arati? You cannot go on

very long time. That is not possible. You'll be disgusted. Unless there is

feeling, bhava, that "Here is Krsna. Krsna has very kindly come here to

receive, to take, accept my humble service. He's so great that He cannot be

approached by a person like me." Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan.Note: "History

repeats itself"----- as goes the saying.Common sense: who in his right mind

will want worship 2/3 majority voted conditioned soul "gurus" and fill their

pockets and their key men. Success: collecting Hindus for livelihood

donations----bas! Is it not?760502rc.fij They are satisfied if they could

construct one temple and beg some ricefrom the neighborhood: "Sir, we have got

some temple," that's all. They are satisfied. The spirit of preaching

forward--papi tapi jata chilo, hari-name uddharilo--that is stopped. So by

hari-nama, by chanting, by this way, to live little peacefully in the temple

and eat and sleep, that much they have got. If that is the success, that

success they have got. And this was condemned by my Guru Maharaja, that "To

earn some money by showing Deity in the temple and eat and sleep--better you

become a sweeper in the street and earn your honest livelihood and live." This

is cheating. This was condemned. To construct a temple.... Just like the

Vrndavana Gosvamis are doing. They thought that "This is our business. Some

innocent people will come here and offer some.... Bas, that's our good income."

According to the temple's popularity, they think, "This is our success."

Therefore they are deteriorating. So that is not success. Success is his who is

pushing forward the preaching method.

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