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Fw: 33 - ISKCON Guru on Run From Police - Suicide Case Special

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Adridharan das <Adri


Friday, September 15, 2000 5:33 PM

33 - ISKCON Guru on Run From Police - Suicide Case Special





Newsletter of the Iskcon Revival Movement (IRM)

Issue 33


Message from Adridharana Dasa, Temple President ISKCON Calcutta:




1. ISKCON Guru on Run From Police - Suicide Case Special

2. Mayapura Filed False Rape Case



1. ISKCON Guru on Run From Police - Suicide Case Special


Rumours as well as many speculative articles in the Indian newspapers have

abounded over the last 2 months regarding the false imprisonment and

subsequent death of a devotee from the Calcutta temple. Rather then just

give my 'version' of events I have been waiting patiently to obtain the

relevant papers and documents from the court, so as to give the REAL

picture and the actual FACTS of the situation, and thus lay all the

speculation to rest once and for all. As those who read the IRM

newsletters know, we pride ourselves on sticking only with DOCUMENTED

facts, and not just gossip and rumours. I also have been in Delhi for

sometime as I liaised with our contacts in the central Government to

ensure that we definitely receive justice for the death of the innocent

devotee, Suresvara Das. Unfortunately, so desperate have our detractors

become, that this absence of mine from Calcutta was actually used as

evidence first that I had been 'assassinated', and then subsequently that I

was in hiding, even though I have never ever been accused by the Police of

any crime! Anyway having finished my work I am back here in the Calcutta

Temple if anybody wants to come and see for themselves!


The sequence of events which took place are as follows:


a) On 29th June a false rape case was filed by disciples of Jayapataka

Swami, on behalf of a Basanti Devi against Suresevara Dasa, a devotee from

the Calcutta temple. (For evidence of why the Rape allegation was false,

please see next section).


b) On August 3rd, unable to take any more false incarceration, Suresvara

allegedly commits suicide. (Some devotees even suspect foul play) However

he leaves a diary detailing those who were involved in the conspiracy

against him. These are:


1. Jayapataka Swami

2. Satadhanya Das

3. Dayaram Das

4. Birchandra Das

5. Krishnalata Dasi

7) Basanti Dasi and

7) Bhadracharu Das

8) Subhabrata Das.


c) The Prison authorities immediately file a case of abatement to suicide

at the Hastings Police station - Case No. 293 of 3/8/2000 ts.120b/306 ipc

- against the 8 accused. This is highly significant since the case is now

filed by a Government Department, and abatement to suicide is every

serious charge carrying a 7 year imprisonment term.


d) The above accused are all inter-linked in this conspiracy. Jayapataka

Swami is the Guru who runs Mayapura. Satyadhanya Das is the convicted

child molester who has been given power of attorney to act for the entire

GBC in the case against the Gurus and the GBC filed in the Calcutta High

court, and also acts as a general 'legal' man for Mayapur. Dayarama is one

of the senior disciples of Jayapataka Swami, and the Head Manager of

Mayapura. Birchandra Das and His wife Krishnalata Dasi, are the Jayapataka

Disciples who filed the false rape case on behalf of Basanti Devi with the


of a lawyer, and run the Mayapura satellite center in Calcutta, which is


at 31 Lake Avenue. The case filed at the police station ends:



Krishna Devi Dasi

the pen of Krishna Devi Dasi

wife of Bir Chandra Das

31, Lake Avenue,Calcutta"



Bhadracharu, and Subhabrata Das also help

support the running of the 31 Lake Avenue center.


e) The combination of the circumstances surrounding the death, the

incriminating diary, as well as the facts surrounding the rape allegation,

prompted the court to order that the 8 accused should be questioned, and

crucially that they be stopped from fleeing the country, which means that

their passports be confiscated. The relevant court order is given below:


"Court Order Dated : 07.09.2000


Seen the petition filed today. Investigating Officer is directed to take

effective steps in order to prevent each of the accused persons in the

Hastings Police Station Case, No. 293 of 3/8/2000 ts.120b/306 ipc from

taking any attempt for leaving India in the interest of investigation.

Send copy to Investigating Officer for compliance."


[The case referred to is the abatement to suicide case filed by the Prison

authorities as stated in paragraph C above]


f) Jayapataka Swami had already fled the country as soon as his name had

become public in the diary left by Suresvara. He has also stayed out of

the country ever since, and has made no attempts to return to his base in

Mayapura, nor is he expected to do so. Rather he is continually on the

move, staying well away from India, lest he is picked up by the police for

his part in the conspiracy.


g) The Police in charge of the case have written to us officially to seek

our co-operation in obtaining information regarding the 8 accused as



"From Additional Officer-In Charge, Hastings Police Station


To Sattvik Das,



Ref: Hastings P.S. Case no. 293 Dt 3.8.2000


U/S 120B/306. I.P.C.


To comply the order passed by Ld. CMM CALCUTTA on 7.8.2000 while entering

a petition filed by you the following particulars are urgently required.

Hence if those are available in your good office, the undersigned may

please be intimated forthwith for next course of action:


1. Detailed particulars of all the eight accd persons of the mentioned

case who are cited in your petition


2. Their nationality and detailed passport particulars,


Please treat this as most urgent"



h) In the interests of justice and co-operation with the Police, we

request our readers to inform us of the following:


i) The passport details of Jayapataka Swami

ii) His whereabouts on an ongoing basis. He needs to be tracked to see if

he makes any attempt to enter India.


You can send any information and updated reports on sightings of

Jayapataka Swami to us here at: adri. All information will we

passed on to the Police.


As the letter from the Police states, "please treat this as most urgent".


Thank You. Justice must be obtained for the needless death of the innocent

devotee Suresvara Das, who lost his life as a result of the false

imprisonment which was orchestrated by Jayapataka's camp.




2. Rape Allegation Was False


The fact that the original rape allegation was simply a plot masterminded

by the Jayapataka camp to try and implicate ME has now been conclusively

proven. From start to finish, we find evidence of a conspiracy by the

Jayapataka camp to bring forward a false charge against an innocent

devotee. Let us look at the facts:


On 29th June the following allegation is filed at the Police station on

behalf of Basanti Devi, by Krishna Devi Dasi and Bir Chandra Das, the

leaders of Mayapura's satellite center situated at 31 Lake Avenue, :


"Today on 29.6.2000,as usual, after arriving from Orissa, I went to Adri

Dharan Das at 3C Albert Road, temple to collect this sum of rs 2000/.

First he refused to give me said money. Then he came out of his inside

room and asked me to go to 22 Gurusaday Road,Calcutta 700 019 for this

money and ordered that there take the money from Sureswar Das . I with

clean heart and belief went to Gurusadya Road to take money from Sureswar

Das. In the building at Gurusaday Road, Sureswar lives in a room on 2nd

floor. He took me to the room and got me seated and after giving me

various allurements and after closing windows and doors, told me that he

would enjoy me. I protested to this and told him that I would convey all

this to Adri Dharan Das. Sureswar das then told laughingly that whatever I

am doing this today I am doing on instructions of Adri Dharan Prabhu.

There is no use in frightening me and after saying this, Sureswar raped

me badly. I was shivering with body pain After this, Sureswar put my

clothes and his clothes in order and told me that I should not disclose

this to any body and threatened me in various ways.He further told that

if any body knew this, my money would be stopped., then you would starve

with your son and daughter. In this way he detained me in his room for

1.1/2 to 2 hours. After that I managed to escape from Sureswar's room and

came to Krishna 's house at Lake Avenue and told her every thing. Krishna's

husband Bir Chandra Das requested to go to Ballygunge Police Station and

report to Police and asked Krishna to write a complaint as per my version

to Police Station."

(First Information Report Filed At Police Station)


Immediately even the Police suspected it was false allegation:




She claims that she met me first at the temple. Yet on that day, the

temple was full of devotees and volunteers, since we only had 3 days left

to prepare our big Ratha-Yatra, the largest in the world, and thus I was

very busy and tied up. Thus there are many witnesses who will testify that

she did not even meet me that day.




She claims that she was raped for up to 2 hours at 22 Gurusadaya Road.

Now 22 Gurusadaya Road on that day was packed out with Rathayatra Festival

workers. They were preparing 10,000 prasadam laddus and painting 300 ten


by three foot banners. They were also doing mechanical work for the Carts


floats which were required for the upcoming Rathayatra as mentioned.

Thus there were plenty of witnesses and any untoward activity would easily

have been detected. She was seen arriving by the security guards at around


10-30 - 11 a.m. in the morning of the 29th, with her 7 year old son, and

then seen

leaving around half 'n' hour later.

When leaving it was noted by the guards that as she left she was jolly and

smiling, and showed no signs of having had anything happen to her. She

made no attempt to flee, no attempts to ask for help, nor was she

disturbed in any way, but actually she walked out normally with her 7 year

old son, and even greeted the security guards with 'Hare Krishna'!.

Obviously all of this is totally inconsistent with her story that she was

taken upstairs and raped 'badly' and was 'shivering with body pain', for

up to 2 hours.




Though she was seen leaving at around 11 a.m, she did not report the crime

to the Police till 9.30pm in the evening.The Police report states:



"(a) General Diary Reference:- Entry No. 2673 ,time 21.31hrs

(b) Occurrence of offence:- Day THURSDAY, date 29.6.2000, Time at about


© Information received date 29.6.2000, time 21.30 hours.


8. Reasons for delay in reporting the complaint:- Nil"


She claims she went to the Jayapataka Disciple's camp in Calcutta after

the alleged rape for help. So what was she doing there with them for up to

9 hours? She even states in the Police report above that she has no reason

for the delay in reporting the complaint.




In the reports she filed with the police, she actually manages to have MY

name registered a total of *SEVEN* times, which is more times than she

mentions her alleged attacker, even though she admits I was not even

present at the scene of the crime. This again is evidence that the real

aim was simply to somehow implicate ME through this false story.




Suresvara is immediately arrested and then he and Basanti Devi are taken

to TWO independent hospitals for medical examinations. The Police

apppointed medical examiners report as follows:


Report 1 on Basanti Devi


No visible marks of injury on body seen.


1. *** There is no evidence to substantiate that VG (Victim Girl) was

subject to forcible sexual intercourse. ***


2. As to recent sexual intercourse will be given after receipt of FSC

report on preserved swab + shade.


3. Will be given after receipt of FSL report on preserved swab + shade.


4. No visible mark of injury seen on the private parts.


5. She is well accustomed to sexual intercourse.


Report 2 on Basanti Devi


No external injury detected on her person or vulva.


Clearly this is completely inconsistent with the claim that she was raped

'badly' for up to 2 whole hours, such that she was 'shivering with body

pain'. The medical evidence indicates that NONE of this actually happened.





The final nail in the coffin is that that the FSL report referred to

above, which looks for traces of semen inside the alleged victim, found

that there was *** NO SEMEN *** inside the alleged victim.




On July 24th, Jayapataka sends the following message on the com, giving his

support for the false rape allegation, and stating it is definitely true:


"Meanwhile his own devotee raped a devotees widow and although he knows he

had sex with her he has publicly gone in the media stating it was a plot

against him. [...] As far as I am concerned Yasomati Nandana and Adri are

now totally discredited to use an innocent women who is a rape victim as a

pawn in ritvik politics is ridiculous and sinful. [...] It is clear that

it is a genuine case."


In the same message he also claims that I 'set-up' the rape, which as we

have just seen is just a fabrication:


"Adri didn't have to send this woman to Suresvara who was several

kilometres away in a secluded place to get her Rs.2000 stipend. [...] She

was promised 2 lakhs stipend for her maintenance and instead it was

reduced to 2000 per month and when she begged to get it from the lady

cashier in the Calcutta temple Adri refused and sent her to this lusty

devotee who not only harassed her but forced her to satisfy his carnal

desires before giving her the Rs.2000 stipend."

(Message sent by Jayapataka on Com, July 24, 2000 4:57 AM)


Thus Jayapataka's hand in this crime is clearly there, for he immediately

promotes the false allegation, and uses it as a tool to try and implicate

me, his arch-enemy - which was the real purpose behind this false rape

allegation in the first place.


a) It is also interesting to note how Jayapataka insists the allegation was

definitely true, even though he also claims he had nothing to do with the



b) How would he know that it was 'definitely a genuine case', when he had

not even seen any of the evidence? We can see he is very eager to promote

the result of his handiwork.


c) Also please note how he intentionally misleads the conference of

Vaisnavas by stating that the 22 Gurusadaya Road was a 'secluded place' -

when he knew very well that it was a hive of frantic activity as

preparations were being made for the Ratha Yatra - and that in the daytime

there are always persons milling round. He tries to make out that she went

to the foot of the Himalayas rather than to the heart of Calcutta city!



Thus the whole complaint is false from start to finish - and was cooked up

by Jayapataka's camp to try and somehow implicate me. Having not being able

to defeat the IRM philosophically, having not been able to EXPEL them,

having not been able to get any joy in the court, - they finally cook up a

false allegation against one of our devotees, in the hope of implicating me.

(Indeed so desperate have they become at the fact that even this plot of

theirs has now fallen apart and actually rebounded on them, that we have

been informed that they even considering storming the temple with 200



Unfortunately their little criminal enterprise has now back-fired on them in

a big way, an innocent devotee is dead, and all the facts are now coming

back to haunt Jayapataka.


No wonder he is on the run!


Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, and please keep your

letters, and e-mail addresses of other devotees who should be added to our

list, flowing in. A hard copy of our main position paper 'The Final Order'

is available on request. All other IRM papers can be accessed through the

EDITORIAL SECTION of the IRM website at




If you would like to receive any of the back issues of the Newsletter please

let me know.


No 1. Invitation to Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja

No 2. GBC Lose First Round of Court Case

No 3. The Story VNN Refused to Publish

No 4. Poison Theorists Accuse Adri of Complicity

No 5. Iskcon Continues to Promote Child Abusers

No 6. Invitation to Malaysia

No 7. United World Body Formed

No 8. Does Srila Prabhupada Support Poisoning Theory?

No 9. PADA Attacks IRM Position

No 10. PADA Continues to Present False Evidence

No 11. GBC Funded Video says Ritvik Spiritual

No 12. Child Rapist Selected by Gurus to Defend their Legitimacy

No 13. GBC Facing Perjury Charge in Calcutta High Court

No 14. Sahajiyism Makes a Comeback in Iskcon.

No 15. Govt. Minister Inaugurates Bangalore Rathayatra

No 16. Iskcon Calcutta Triumphs Following Arson Attack

No 17. Fighting Lies with Truth Not More Lies

No 18. GBC Resolutions Continue to Provide Laughter

No 19. Indian Leaders Endorse IRM Position that GBC Confused

No 20. Convicted Child Abuser Officially 'Returns' to Parampara

No 21. GBC Special Issue - GBC Chairman Admits ISKCON 'Disintegrating'

No 22. Krsna Confirms Iskcon Rebirth - New York Special Issue

No 23. Hare Krsna Explosion Begins in New York as IRM Temple Opens

No 24 IRM Launches Media Campaign to Defend Srila Prabhupada

No 25 GBC Teaches That 'Living Gurus' NOT Required

No 26 BBT Admits Books Changed to Fit GBC Philosophy

No 27 Big Breakthrough for Krishna in Singapore

No 28 Bangalore Tops World Book Distribution

No 29 City of New York to Honour Srila Prabhupada

No 30 Gurukula Lawsuit Special - The Facts

No 31 BBC Glorifies Srila Prabhupada to the World

No 32 Harinam Revived in World famous Times Square


Your comments, questions and feedback are appreciated. Please write to me at



Your Servant, Adridharan das


If you do not want to keep receiving this Newsetter please return with


in the subject box and we will remove you from the mailing list.

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