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**Blasphemy**Madhya 10.182 Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

said, "Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, what are yousaying? Lord Visnu, save Me! Such

glorification is simply another form of blasphemy."PURPORTSri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu was a little embarrassed by the Bhattacarya'sstatement; therefore He

uttered the name Visnu to save Himself. **The Lord herein confirms that if one

is overestimated, glorification is just another form of blasphemy.** In this

way He protests this so-called offensive statement.Now we can see from the

above very clearly that these 2/3 majority votes "gurus" are actually being

**blasphemed by their sentimental followers**.Since these "gurus" have been

**voted** they are not qualified as acarya ---they do not have Krishna's

pastimes televised in their hearts to transmit diksa to the madhyama-adhikari.

So why should they be worshipped as good as God. Yet we see their followers

placing their photos on alters and conducting puja----this is conditioned soul

or idol worship. Is it not? This is as the above quote specifies **if one is

overestimated , glorification is just another form of blasphemy**.Why is the

GBC promoting this blasphemy? They should know to wash the feet and take

"carnamrita?" of a conditioned soul is not accepted in the sastra. Photos of

conditioned souls are not worshippable. This worship is meant for Acarya pure

devotee( Srila Prabhupada) the actual representative of the Lord.So if the 2/3

majority voted "gurus" are so unintelligent to allow thisthen it just goes to

show you how sentimental their followers are.Srila Prabhupada many times

mentions the cheaters and the cheated so here is the example.All Glories To

Srila Prabhupada our Bonafide Jagat Diksa and Siksa Guru!Hare Krishna Hare

Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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