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Inanna Returns

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Inanna Hyper-Luminal gives the reader the experience of being

multidimensional. Our potential to access realities in various

dimensions is latent within each and every one of us. When we began our

adventure in the time/space continuum, we knew who we were. In this

phase of the cycles of time, we have simply forgotten how to travel

beyond the five senses. As this age draws to its inevitable conclusion

and the veils are lifted, we will regain this endowment.


We are living in the Twilight of the Age of Conflict, or, as it is known

in Sanskrit, the Kali Yuga. This is the final of four cycles which go to

make up a day, a Kalpa, in the Mind of God. Because the veils of

illusion in this cycle are at the depths of density, the Age of Conflict

offers us the greatest opportunity to acquire life's real



The first or golden age is the Age of Wisdom, the Krita Yuga. Prime

Creator, in its desire to experience itself, separates itself into

numerous creator gods. All the gods begin to manifest their desired

forms knowing they are equal parts of Prime Creator. In this age they

express themselves freely, knowing and fully remembering who they are;

their thoughts become form. The gods begin to project portions of

themselves into the data-collecting vehicles they have created---meaning

they incarnate into bodies to further experience their creation. They

begin to feel a sense of loss and a longing for their original state.


In the second age, the Age of Ritual or Treta Yuga, the vibrational

frequencies of the created universe begin to diminish and the gods

compete with each other for creative space. They desire power over each

other and contemplate how to coerce the other gods to play their games.


They conceive rituals to bridge the potential un-formed world with the

world of form. Initially, rituals allow the gods playing in form to

access raw power from the un-formed, the Void. Although a weakened means

of focused conscious thought, ritual becomes the intermediary

mechanistic tool used to manipulate creative power from the "form" side

of creation.


As the frequencies continue to fall, individual gods discover how to

control the others. By exploiting the use of ritual, they trick the

other gods into worshipping them, and thus generate an abundance of

energy which they use to create all manner of fantastic illusory worlds.

These clever gods build immortal/spirit bodies to inhabit the

hierarchical worlds they create, and no longer incarnate in physical

bodies, but rather enjoy the experiences of those who are incarnating.


In the third age, the Age of Doubt or the Dvapara Yuga, the frequencies

of creation move further toward density. The gods in form begin to

doubt; from doubt they lose memory, and forget who they are. They can

still see the gods who are not in a third dimensional form and---in the

course of forgetting---begin to worship them.


The wily gods who have ceased to incarnate continue to build illusory

worlds, the phantasmal hierarchies of heavens and hells. While the gods

in form become trapped in the cycles of reincarnation; they forget who

they are and doubt the divinity within them.


The fourth age, the Age of Conflict or the Kali Yuga, is the period we

have been living in for the last 6000 years. The frequencies of time

have further slowed, and the visible world is surrounded by a dense web

of somnolence. Our experience of time is altered; thus, the phantasmal

worlds have become invisible to those of us living in this physical

Newtonian realm. Today only a small number of people are able to see the

so-called invisible world; their ability to see has been inherited

genetically because it was not bred out of their DNA. In other cycles

such "sight" was our God-given right; but in the Kali Yuga, the veils

are tightly drawn.


Because the gods have lost their capacity to know and to remember,

writing---itself a symptom of the Kali Yuga---is established as the only

means of transmitting knowledge. There is no evidence of written history

in the previous three cycles because it was not needed. What we do know

of those cycles is based on memorized oral transmissions inscribed

during the Kali Yuga. Knowledge was passed from generation to generation

orally. Our command of memory today is a pathetic semblance by

comparison. Only in the most ancient of texts, such as the Puranas, the

Mahabharata, and certain Taoist and Tibetan writings, do we get a

glimpse into the previous three cycles.


The Mahabharata and the Puranas contain lengthy predictions of what the

Kali Yuga will be like, even foretelling the availability of

"fast-food"---another symptom of this dark age.


In the Age of Conflict, the gods forget who they are and lose their

innate ability to access their own inner divinity. Ironically, those

tricky gods in their phantasmal hierarchies are just as trapped as those

incarnating in the precarious and repetitive physical world---but they

are predictably reluctant to give up their power and change.


In order to make way for the next cycle, a new Age of Wisdom,

radiant-light Beings from outside this universe enter to break up

existing realities. In the final phases of the Kali Yuga, they venture

to assist all of the gods who long for their freedom. These Beings are

gently guiding the creation of an enhanced data-collecting vehicle to be

used by us in the coming golden age when we will again remember who we



Who wants to live forever in a created reality that has become stuck and

frozen in a stagnant state?


As always, Prime Creator is moving on!


V.S. Ferguson, Seattle, 1996

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