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[world-vedic] Vasudeva Krsna-----reply to Toke

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Toke Lindegaard Knudsen wrote to Dasi:


>You suggestion about neglecting texts like Rgveda and only study

>bhakt texts is unreasonable. The bhakti traditions evolved from the

>Vedic religion, so the Vedas and later non-bhakti texts help in

>disclosing the development of the bhakti traditions and to

>understand them better. If we do not look outside the bhakti

>traditions themselves we end up with a very narrow and sectarian



So--- Toke ----we now have to accept your MENTAL SPECULATIONS that " The

bhakti traditions evolved from the Vedic religion, "--what garbage! Have

you got proof for this? Provide

translations word to word EXACT meanings from sanskrit text of where you

found bhakti traditions EXACTLY "evolved" from Vedic religion. This is YOUR

NARROW SECTARIAN PICTURE----this is how YOU want EVERYONE to to accept



>Indeed it is available at my university. However, Bhaktivedanta

>Swami does not presents the Bhagavatapurana as it is, rather he

>interprets it through his own tradition and cultural background. I

>think there are better translations available.


Yes we KNOW how ENVIOUS you are against His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta

Swami Prabhupada. YOU think you are BETTER at UNDERSTANDING

Bhagavatapurana --than His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami

Prabhupada.--So your suggestion---to go for better translations?---You are

too PUFFED UP to understand Bhagavatapurana.

This is talking straight.


760507SB.HON Lectures

So here Sukadeva Gosvami is addressed as maha-bhaga. Maha means great,

and bhaga means fortunate. Because he is very fortunate, he is describing

Srimad-Bhagavatam. Again Bhagavatam, the same word bhaga comes. Bhagavat.

Bhagavat. Vat, this word, is used when the meaning is "possessing." Asty

arthe vatup. Bhagavan, bhagyavan and bhagavat. Bhagavat means one who has

power to possess the Supreme Lord. He is called bhagavata. There are two

kinds of bhagavata: one is grantha-bhagavata and one is person bhagavata. A

devotee, he is called bhagavata, and the book in which the pastimes or

characteristics of Bhagavan is described, that is called Bhagavata. So this

Srimad-Bhagavata... Sri means beauty. Again vat. Bhagavat, Srivat. Sri means

very beautiful. So every sloka you'll find very, very beautiful. Five

thousand years ago these verses were written. There is no comparison. Nobody

can write such verses even up to date. It was written by Vyasadeva,




Quite frankly Mr Toke --forget Srimad Bhagavatam its---- not for you.

The transactions between Bhagavan and Bhakta which makes Bhakti ---contained

in Srimad Bhagavatam are BEYOND your approach.


Vedas come from-----KRISHNA. And ----KRISHNA is the compiler. KRISHNA Is the

knower and by all the vedas KRISHNA is to be known.


Bhagavad gita AS IT IS




Bg 15.15 T The Yoga of the Supreme Person


sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto

mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca






I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and

forgetfulness. By all the Vedas I am to be known; indeed I am the compiler

of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.


sarvasya--of all living beings; ca--and; aham--I; hrdi--in the heart;

sannivistah--being situated; mattah--from Me; smrtih--remembrance;

jnanam--knowledge; apohanam ca--and forgetfulness; vedaih--by the Vedas;

ca--also; sarvaih--all; aham--I am; eva--certainly; vedyah--knowable;

vedanta-krt--the compiler of the Vedanta; veda-vit--the knower of the Vedas;

eva--certainly; ca--and; aham--I.




I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge

and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas I am to be known; indeed I am the

compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.


The Supreme Lord is situated as Paramatma in everyone's heart, and it is

from Him that all activities are initiated. The living entity forgets

everything of his past life, but he has to act according to the direction of

the Supreme Lord, who is witness to all his work. Therefore he begins his

work according to his past deeds. Required knowledge is supplied to him, and

remembrance is given to him, and he forgets, also, about his past life.

Thus, the Lord is not only all-pervading; He is also localized in every

individual heart. He awards the different fruitive results. He is not only

worshipable as the impersonal Brahman, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,

and the localized Paramatma, but as the form of the incarnation of the Vedas

as well. The Vedas give the right direction to the people so that they can

properly mold their lives and come back to Godhead, back to home. The Vedas

offer knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and Krsna in

His incarnation as Vyasadeva is the compiler of the Vedanta-sutra. The

commentation on the Vedanta-sutra by Vyasadeva in the Srimad-Bhagavatam

gives the real understanding of Vedanta-sutra. The Supreme Lord is so full

that for the deliverance of the conditioned soul He is the supplier and

digester of foodstuff, the witness of his activity, the giver of knowledge

in the form of Vedas and as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna,

the teacher of the Bhagavad-gita. He is worshipable by the conditioned soul.

Thus God is all-good; God is all-merciful.

Antah-pravistah sasta jananam. The living entity forgets as soon as he

quits his present body, but he begins his work again, initiated by the

Supreme Lord. Although he forgets, the Lord gives him the intelligence to

renew his work where he ended in his last life. So not only does a living

entity enjoy or suffer in this world according to the dictation from the

Supreme Lord situated locally in the heart, but he receives the opportunity

to understand Vedas from Him. If one is serious to understand the Vedic

knowledge, then Krsna gives the required intelligence. Why does He present

the Vedic knowledge for understanding? Because a living entity individually

needs to understand Krsna. Vedic literature confirms this: yo 'sau sarvair

vedair giyate. In all Vedic literature, beginning from the four Vedas,

Vedanta-sutra and the Upanisads and Puranas, the glories of the Supreme Lord

are celebrated. By performing Vedic rituals, discussing the Vedic philosophy

and worshiping the Lord in devotional service, He is attained. Therefore the

purpose of the Vedas is to understand Krsna. The Vedas give us direction to

understand Krsna and the process of understanding. The ultimate goal is the

Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vedanta-sutra confirms this in the following

words: tat tu samanvayat. One can attain perfection by understanding Vedic

literature, and one can understand his relationship with the Supreme

Personality of Godhead by performing the different processes. Thus one can

approach Him and at the end attain the supreme goal, who is no other than

the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this verse, however, the purpose of

the Vedas, the understanding of the Vedas and the goal of the Vedas are

clearly defined.


ys mahesh

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