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I never said that

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That the so-called devotees victimised Srila Prabhupada's so many Gurukulis is

tragic. Even more so is those in the guise of devotees still operate in the

institution as (mis)leaders so called gurus defying Srila Prabhupada's July 9th

1977 letter. It is unfortunate that that some of these victims blame Srila

Prabhupada. I wish to clear his name. Please help me to send the message across

so atleast those victims who blame Srila Prabhupada instead of *actual

perpetrators* may understand that Srila Prabhupada is NOT to blame but it is

his many so called disciples ( dressed as vaisnavas but *envious* of Srila

Pabhupada's position as Diksa Guru for the whole ISKCON) who had every evil

intentions to go against his discipline usurp his position, properties and


Below shows just some of the misunderstandings or even in many cases open

defiance against Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada clearly stated many times

"I never said that".

74-05-08. Letter: Govinda

The enclosed newspaper story, "Krishna followers freed from police

harassment," is just further testimony of the great victory made by Caitanya

Mahaprabhu in Chicago. I understand that the Chicago area is the most lucrative

place in the world for distribution of our books and that you have done very

careful work in getting all permission. Therefore this rumor that within a few

years there will be police repression and people will have no more money to buy

books and sankirtana will stop is completely bogus. Whoever told you that is a

rascal, saying it in my name. I never said that. Rather sankirtana movement

will expand, continuing so long as we are sincere.

74-08-08. Letter: Satsvarupa

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated

July 26, 1974 and your Vyasa Puja Offering. It is very encouraging that many

professors have purchased books for themselves and are considering to order

them for their students. I very much like this program of the standing orders.

Try to increase it up to 50,000 such orders from the libraries. I have written

to Bali Mardan Goswami in this connection. Regarding the remark that

distributing a book to a professor is 100 times better than to a ordinary man,

I never said that. I said it was very important.

74-09-25. Letter: Sukadeva

Regarding your question that if I have ever said that the Society authorities

must suffer for the devotees under their protection, no, I never said that.

74-12-12. Letter: Gopijanavallabha:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated October

27, 1974 and have also seen your letter addressed to Brahmananda Swami dated

November 21, 1974. I never said that what Taitiriya was doing should be

overlooked because of getting the buildings. Anyway where are the buildings?

Bali Mardan says he will know who she is in the next 8 weeks, so just see he

has made her pregnant twice, thrice, and he does not know who she is?

75-03-18. Letter: Hanuman

Please accept my blessings. I have received one letter from Narayana dasa,

saying that he has been informed by some of your men that you are GBC there and

that he must subjugate to your authority. I never said that you were the GBC

there. You cannot say that.

76-09-11. Letter: Sukadeva

As far as the problems mentioned in your letter, especially the comments

attributed to you, I may clearly say that I never said that.

76-10-22. Letter: Sudama

I never said that your troupe should come to Bombay for the opening. That is

not very necessary.

76-10-23. Letter: Gurudasa

I never said that you should go undercover for preaching in Eastern Europe.

Everything should be done openly and very carefully. Krsna will protect your


76-10-25. Letter: Vidya

In answer to your questions; 1) Tulasi is one devotee who appears wherever

there is devotion to Krsna. 2) Tulasi's body is spiritual. 3) Yes, jewelry is

alright. 4) If possible. 5) Tulasi leaves should be offered to the Deity. 6) If

possible. 7) Yes. 8) Yes. 9) You may cut the dead branches, but what is the

necessity. 10) I never said that. 11) No. 12) Yes. 13) Use the wood for beads

as far as possible, the balance may be placed within the earth. 14) I said no

chemical sprays. 15) Undisturbed means what? 16) Use common sense and if you

have none then consult with others. 17) No. 18) Don't try to introduce

something new. The most important thing is the love and devotion.

750513mw.per Conversations

Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I heard a tape where you told us

that we should not try to read the books of previous acaryas.

Prabhupada: Hmm?

Amogha: That we should not try to read Bhaktivinoda's books or earlier books of

other, all acaryas. So I was just wondering...

Prabhupada: I never said that.

Amogha: You didn't say that? Oh.

Prabhupada: How is that?

Amogha: I thought you said that we should not read the previous acaryas' books.

Prabhupada: No, you should read.

Amogha: We should.

Prabhupada: It is misunderstanding.

Paramahamsa: I think maybe he was thinking that there was some things about some

of the Gaudiya Matha books.

Prabhupada: Maybe.

Paramahamsa: And sometimes you said that better not to..., better to read your books.

Amogha: When the devotees went to India this year, they said that Acyutananda

Swami very..., chastised them that "You should never... If I catch any of you

buying Bhaktisiddhanta's books from Gaudiya Matha then I will take it away,"

something like this.

Paramahamsa: Yeah, that was, the reason was because of, he didn't want the

devotees going to Gaudiya Matha. But there's nothing wrong with the idea of

studying the previous acaryas' books.

Prabhupada: No. Who said? That is wrong. We are following previous acaryas. I never said that.

Paramahamsa: All of your commentaries are coming from the previous acaryas.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Jayadharma: But that wouldn't mean that we should keep all the previous acaryas'

books and only read them.

Prabhupada: That is already there. You first of all assimilate what you have

got. You simply pile up books and do not read--what is the use?

Jayadharma: First of all we must read all your books.

Prabhupada: Yes.


760607mw.la Conversations

Mahendra: Eating maha-prasadam is also fasting.

Prabhupada: Who says?

Mahendra: You said that to Paramahamsa Swami once.

Prabhupada: And you heard from Paramahamsa.

Mahendra: No, I was in the room. It was when he was trying to observe Caturmasya.

Prabhupada: I never said that.

Mahendra: Oh, okay, I must have heard wrong.

Prabhupada: If there is service and, on my fasting, service will be stopped,

then I can take. First consideration, service. Now if somebody feels weak, he

can take maha-prasada, render service.


760731rc.par Conversations

Bhagavan: The boys, they should learn how also to cook?

Prabhupada: Huh? I never said that. Why you are bringing that question? I said

the girls should be. Cooking is not boy's business. But cooking is not a very

difficult art. If they want, the boys can... (coughs) There are so many, in the

Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu it is stated, how Radharani was qualified. So these

things should be taught to the girls. If the girls are taught to give service

to the husband to the greatest satisfaction, there will be no disagreement.

75-09-02.Omk Letter: Omkara

Please accept my blessings. I have seen your letter dated August 17, 1975 and

have noted the contents. I never said there should be no more marriage. By all

means legally you can get married. How can I object? They misunderstand me.

Unless it is there from me in writing, there are so many things that

"Prabhupada said."

I have no objection to marriage, but to bless it by a fire sacrifice, that I

am thinking that if they don't stay together, then it is not good. But if they

can remain together for one year, then there can be fire sacrifice. But

changing three times in a month husband and wife, that is not good.

Finally Srila Prabhupada knew these Most Dangerous "spiritual masters" and also

warned this in his books:

Madhya 1.218 The Later Pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Srila

Narottama dasa Thakura says, chadiya vaisnava seva nistara payeche keba: unless

one serves a Vaisnava, he cannot be delivered. The spiritual master initiates

the disciple to deliver him, and if ... two brothers, Rupa and Sanatana, who

had just been initiated by the Lord. When a Vaisnava sees that another Vaisnava

is a recipient of the Lord's mercy, he becomes very happy. Vaisnavas are not

envious. If a Vaisnava, by the mercy of the Lord, is empowered by Him to

distribute the Lord's ... is, if they are truly Vaisnavas. One who is envious

of the success of a Vaisnava is certainly not a Vaisnava himself, but an

ordinary mundane man. Envy and jealousy are manifested by mundane people, not

by Vaisnavas. Why should a Vaisnava be envious of another Vaisnava who is

successful in spreading the holy name of the Lord? An actual Vaisnava is very

pleased to accept another Vaisnava who is bestowing the Lord's mercy. A mundane

person in the dress of a Vaisnava should not be respected but rejected. This is

enjoined in the sastra (upeksa). The word ... or neglect those who are envious

or jealous. There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaisnavas in this

Krsna consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. There is

no need to serve a jealous person who is in the dress of a Vaisnava. When

Narottama dasa Thakura says chadiya vaisnava seva nistara payeche keba, he is

indicating an actual Vaisnava, not an envious or jealous person in the dress of

a Vaisnava.

Isopanisad 12

The pseudo religionists have neither knowledge nor detachment from material

affairs, for most of them want to live in the golden shackles of material

bondage under the shadow of philanthropic activities disguised as religious

principles. By a false display of religious sentiments, they present a show of

devotional service while indulging in all sorts of immoral activities. In this

way they pass as spiritual masters and devotees of God. Such violators of

religious principles have no respect for the authoritative acaryas, the holy

teachers in the strict disciplic succession. They ignore the Vedic injunction

acaryopasana--"One must worship the acarya"--and Krsna's statement in the

Bhagavad-gita (4.2) evam parampara-praptam, "This supreme science of God is

received through the disciplic succession." Instead, to mislead the people in

general they themselves become so-called acaryas, but they do not even follow

the principles of the acaryas. These rogues are the most dangerous elements

in human society. Because there is no religious government, they escape

punishment by the law of the state. They cannot, however, escape the law of the

Supreme, who has clearly declared in the Bhagavad-gita that envious demons in

the garb of religious propagandists shall be thrown into the darkest regions of

hell (Bg. 16.19-20). Sri Isopanisad confirms that these pseudo religionists are

heading toward the most obnoxious place in the universe after the completion of

their spiritual master business, which they conduct simply for sense


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