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They Have Arrived

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They Have Arrived

Tue, 19 Sep 2000 13:06:11 EDT



Hidden Meanings www.hiddenmeanings.com




Last month I sent a memo concerning the sighting of otherworldly matter

stuck in another dimension or parallel universe in the Nebula NGC 1999

located in the constellation Orion.


I have found significant comparisons to be made with this scientific

discovery and ancient scriptures.


Well the plot thickens and I truly believe there is evidence to suggest

that light beings observed by scientists in Orion have touched down upon

the earth.


I offer this for your consideration. If indeed alien or other worldly

entities have been spotted on the earth and their discovery fulfills the

mythological prophecies of the Bible, would you not say that the great

time is at hand.?



Afloat In A Cosmic Hall Of Mirrors


Discovered in NGC 1999 a nebula in the constellation Orion. Dark Energy

either trapped in another dimension or stuck in what amounts to a

parallel universe.


Quote: It now appears more certain then ever that most of the universe

is made from some unworldly dark matter that can pass right through

ordinary matter barely leaving a trace.


So alien or other worldly energy has been discovered in Orion in another




Now let me show you the curious connections between this other worldly

discovery and ancient writings.


1. According to the article, scientists have named this energy

quintessence. The dictionary shows the word quintessence has connections

of origin to Bodhisattva which is the highest form of consciousness in

Buddhism and to the word Pentecost which is the descent of the Holy

Spirit (other worldly energy) upon the earth.


2. The other worldly or alien energy spotted on the earth is called Wimp

(weakly interactive massive particle). Scientists state that this energy

though massive is very weak. The Bible states that the meek shall

inherit the earth. Psalms 37:11 Is this what was being referred to?. If

so they have now been seen.


3. Astronomers from the university of Rome have made a dramatic claim in

this article that they had detected a wind of Wimps blowing through the

earth. The Bible states that the Holy Spirit (other worldly energy)

comes upon the earth as a Rushing Mighty Wind. Acts 2:2


4. These astronomers state that this energy is dark matter that neither

emits or reflects light . The Bible states that the day of the Lord is

darkness and not light, even very dark with no brightness in it. Amos



5. This report states that another essence of other worldly matter that

scientists are studying in relation to this discover is another form or

dark energy called mirror matter. The Bible states. Now we look through

a glass darkly, but then face to face. 1 Cor 13:12


6. According to the report, this energy is either trapped in another

dimension or stuck in what amounts to a parallel universe in Orion. The

Bible states, can you loose the bands of Orion ?, Job 38:31.


So as reported in the New York Times, an other worldly, alien, force has

been discovered in a parallel universe or dimension in Orion, and once

it was seen upon the earth by astronomers in Rome, riding on the wings

or earthly wind.


And since the Bible predicts the descent of this other worldly force

upon the earth as a mighty wind, can the time be far off. I think not.

The Book of Life has been opened via the human genome, DNA, and now



Please keep in touch and I will keep you updated.


By the way. If you would like a copy of this New York Times article

please send me your mailing address and I will mail it to you.



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