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Cities And Regions Since

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Cities And Regions Since


EDITORIAL, Jun 4 1999 — The Unified field theory of Physics is well-known.

It co-relates all energy forces to a common source. It is my contention that

history and archaeology too need to be traced to a single starting point.

Currently historical and archaeological studies form a confused medley. We talk

of Aryans, Dravidians in India and Druids in Europe, Hittite, Mittani,

Phoenicians, Scythians, Sryians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Mongolians, Semetics,

Etruscans, Judaists etc. without correlating them. Another glaring drawback in

current historical studies is that countries turned Christian are unaware of

their pre-Christian history. That is to say they are conscious only of a 1000

to 1500 years of their history though humanity has been on this globe for

multi-million years. Likewise regions where Islam holds a full sway draw a

complete blank of their pre-Mohammad history. That is to say they are taught an

history of only a 1000 to 1370 years.


Since during the last millennium it was the European Christians and West Asian

Muslims who controlled world affairs, they confusedly referred to the various

ancient communities mentioned above as indistinct, incoherent echoes of a

deleted past which need not be taken seriously. That a multi-million year

stretch of human history has been merrily written off and only the fag-end of

1300 to 1600 years of history is allowed to masquerade as a substitute is a

great academic tragedy. Even that truncated bit of history has been trimmed and

twisted to suit the needs and moods of Christian and Muslim fundamentalists. For

instance, all spectacular buildings such as Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa in

Jerusalem, Cardoba's so-called mosque and Alhambra in Spain, even the Kaaba in

Mecca, the Shah-i-zind monuments and the so-called Tamerlain mausoleum in

Russia, the Ghazni Tower in Afghanistan and the Tajmahal etc. in India are all

captured pre-Islamic property. A whole false concept of Islamic architecture

has been formulated on the assumption that those edificed were built by Muslim

invaders. It is conveniently forgotten that intruders do not invade to build

but to occupy and lord it over in ready mansions and palaces.


Islamic graffiti scrawled on captured buildings and cenotaphs raised inside them

misled scholars into misbelieving those edifices to be muslim. Scholars of

so-called Islamic, Saracenic or Mogul architecture who are holding high

positions in colleges, universities and museums have never even cared to

ascertain whether Muslims ever had any architectural texts or schools of

architecture or a hereditary tradition of builders. What is more surprising is

that Muslims do not have any units of measurement of their own such as the

inch, foot and yard. In Muslim desert lands distances are mentioned from one

water-hole to another.


The traditions and terminology of Islam are all Vedic, Sanskrit. That is not

surprising since 1370 years ago there was no Islam. Take the term Islam itself.

That is the Sanskrit term "Ishalayam" meaning the Temple of God viz. The Kaaba

which housed 360 icons of Vedic deities. Mohammad was born in 570 A.D. He

proclaimed Islam in 622 A.D and died in 632 A.D. That is to say out of a span

of 62 years, Mohammad himself was a muslim for the last 10 years. For the

earlier 52 years he was a non-muslim. Since Muslim literacy is confined largely

of reading the Koran, there could be a number of questions regarding Islam

itself which even so-called muslim scholars may not be able to answer, such as:



1.No Arab before prophet Mohammad was named Mohammad. That is to say Mohammad is

not an Arabic name. How then did the prophet get the name ? 2.Why does the

Muslim era originate in the inconspicuous, inglorious retreat of Mohammad from

Mecca instead of in some other conspicuous, auspicious event such as his birth,

or the day of his victorious return to Mecca, or the day he proclaimed Islam or

the day he died ? 3.The word Musalman does not figure in the Koran; why then

are the Mohammedians known as Musalmans ?


This is just to illustrate how even the 1300 to 1600 year fag-end of history

that we profess to learn or teach is all a confused hodge-podge of half-cooked



The same is the case with Christian history. Had Christianity been a religion

founded by Jesus Christ, it should have been known as Christism or Jesusism

like Buddhism or Communism. Moreover its later syllable " nity" is not a

European word at all. Therefore it needs to be realized that Christianity is a

mal-pronunciation of the Sanskrit term Chrisn-nity also spelled as

Krishna-neeti. Since Bhagavad Geeta is the book of Krishna-neeti, what we know

as Christianity is a fossiled, broken branch of the Vedic tree, and in fact the

ancient Bhagavad Geeta cult. Consequently, the Papacy in Rome was a Vedic

priesthood until a haughty neo-convert Roman Emperor Constantine pounced on the

Vatican around 312 A.D, slew the Vedic pontiff and installed in his place a

representative of the tiny Christian sect. That is how the Christian Pope came

to inherit the inherent authority of the Europe-wide sacred sway of the holy

hoary Vedic priest known as the Shankaracharya. The icons of Lord Shiva which

the slain Vedic priest and his Vedic predecessors used to worship are still in

display in the Vaticans Etruscan museum.


The fancied European word Papa (spelled as Pope only in English) is the Sanskrit

term "Papa-ha", i.e., Absolver from Sin. The word Vatican is Sanskrit Vatica

meaning a Hermitage. Even the Archbishop in Canterbury (U.K.) was a Vedic

Shankaracharya priesthood which was invaded, captured and converted into

Christianity in 597 A.D. Until then Canterbury was known as Shankerpury.


Thus Christianity in Europe is only 1000 to 1600 years deep. Earlier for

millions of years Europeans spoke Sanskrit and practised Vedic culture.

Biblical stanzes are known as "psalm" (pronounced as "Saam") because they have

been substituted for the Saamveda. The white Friars and the Black Friars are

the Shukla (White) Yajurvedis and Krishna (Black) Yajurvedis of the Vedic

tradition. Friar is the malpronounciation of the Sanskrit term Pravar meaning a

sage. This should impress upon all scholars and readers the necessity to look

under the veneer of Christianity to discover the grand old, sacred, holy Vedic

Sanskrit past of Europe. Both Muslim West-Asia and Christian Europe had the

Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Ayurved (Vedic Medical

Science), Vedic sculpture and all other precious Vedic arts and sciences. But

Islam and Christianity have suppressed all that multi-million year Sanskrit

Vedic history.


Likewise, unknown to modern Muslims, Islam too retains its Vedic roots. Vedas

are known as "Sruti" in Sanskrit, meaning "heard" since Lord Brahma coached the

first generation of godly human beings to recite the Vedas exactly as they heard

from Him. The Arabic synonym for "Sruti" is "Sunah" also meaning heard.Sunnis

constitute the first Arabic sect of Islam because Mohammad's ancestors were

followers of "Sunah" alias Sruti i.e., the Vedas. Mohammad himself says in the

Koran that he is telling nothing new but is reiterating all that is recorded in

the ancient most scriptures. Those ancient most scriptures, as all know, are the

Vedas. Like the Saamvedic tradition consecrated in the Biblical psalms, the

muslim call for prayer articulated five times a day from all mosque-tops too

follow the Saamvedic style of incantation in its entirety. Yet modern Muslims

and Christians through their total studied ignorance of their Vedic past have

cut themselves off from their Vedic roots. This should serve to underline the

need for setting up a World Vedic Heritage University not only to acquaint

humanity of its single source, continuous, consistent history from the very

first generation up-to-date, but also to bring about greater cohesion, peace

and unity through the realization that all humanity belongs to common Vedic

brotherhood. Islam, of course, effectively bars any probe into the pre-Islamic

past of Muslim regions. But Christians too surprisingly, though perhaps

unwittingly, frown on any study of the pre-Christian history of Christian



Christians are generally believed to be very progressive, since unlike Muslims,

they permit a discussion on the relevance of their religious practices or

doctrines. Christians also have made great studies in space technology, nuclear

research and medicine. Yet somehow the Christian ecclesiastical wing has

succeeded in effectively preventing its scholars from any probe into their

preChristian history. That is why Christian archaeologists who often find the

relics of Vedic culture tuck them away as freak objects not amounting to any

coherent, consistent finding. I had a taste of the built-in Christian aversion

to any preChristian history of Christian countries, a couple of years back.

Since Christianity in France is only about 1600 years old while human

habitation of France has a multi-million-year history, I was imaginative to

know the pre-Christian civilization of France. So I wrote to the mighty,

weighty Department of French civilization of the Harvard University, USA to

find out any information they may have on the pre-Christian life of France. And

the stunning answer I received was that Harvard does not at all study France as

a preChristian country. That epitomizes the attitude of all Christian European

scholars to the pre-Christian post of the Western scholars.


That Islam and Christianity should have such a baneful influence on the psyche

of the so-called scholars as to make them impervious to all earlier history is

a very horrific academic situation indeed. I once met a young French teacher

attached to a language institute in Pune. When I opened the topic of the

pre-Christian past of France he flared up. He refused to discuss or divulge

anything. For him France was wedded and welded to Christianity from the dawn of

time. And that was that he was not ready to hear anything which detracted from

that belief. But how long can such studied adamance last ! After all the human

mind keeps thirsting for more and more knowledge and in that quest many

bastilles have to be stormed and mowed down on the way to supreme knowledge in

every field.


In the matter of history I have a unified field theory which starting from a

single source leads to a continuous, consistent history of mankind. My

1315-page illustrated volume titled 'World Vedic Heritage' expounds that

finding of mine.


History is always a record, oral or written of past events. Christianity and

Islam being recent creations have not only no history themselves beyond 1600

and 1400 years respectively, but they also have done their worst in suppressing

and befudging or destroying all earlier accounts to leave nothing for invidious

comparison. But luckily for us Vedic records such as Shreemad Bhagvatam, the

Brahmand Puran, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat and number of other Sanskrit texts

have preserved for mankind a meticulous history from the very first generation

of human beings, nay, even from before the creation - an account of almost 2000

million years!


The Brahmand Puran stated that before the creation it was all dark. There was no

sound and no movement. Then there arose a gentle breeze. The word OM

reverberated through the high heavens. Lord Vishnu, the mainstay of all

creation, appeared in the firmament floating on a milky, frothy ocean reclining

on the coils of a huge serpent. From his navel emerged Brahma on a lotus stem

carrying the (written) Sanskrit texts of the Vedas. After him were created some

founding fathers known as ' Prajapatees' and 27 founding mothers known as

'Matrukas'. From them human procreation started. That initial stock of men and

women were of godly calibre. They were reciters of the Vedas as bees are

congenital experts in honey making. The language of the Vedas being Sanskrit

became humanity's first God-given language. That is how human procreation

started exactly in the manner in which one starts a poultry farm by procuring

an initial stock of hens, roosters and eggs. The above Vedic account has its

echoes in the Bible too. For instance, the Brahma of Vedic tradition is spelled

as Abraham in Jewish and Christian and Ibrahim in by Muslims. The very first

line of the Genesis chapter of the Bible stated "The Spirit of God was seen

floating on water." That was Lord Vishnu (The Undestructible, Undiminishing

Divinity) floating on the milky ocean exactly as recorded in age-old Vedic

scriptures. The Bible also records "first there was the word." That was the OM

mentioned in the Vedic tradition. Vedic tradition states that the Sanskrit was

mankind's first God given language. The Bible also records "At first the world

was of one speech." That language was Sanskrit. Unlike Darwin's speculation

about the evolution of the diverse species from a proto-plasm, Vedic tradition

clearly records that humanity started from a state of divine-excellence and

expertise as a full-fledged on-going concern with a perfect Godly-language

Sanskrit and a book of knowledge of all highest technologies, sciences and arts

and of moral guidance. The beginning of human life was like a drama begun by

drawing aside the curtain. Consider a drama. One doesn't know how the dramatist

conceived the plot, how and when did he write it, when did he collect the

actors, how did he train them and so on. The audience only sees a full-fledged

play being enacted before it. Similarly, humanity is unaware of the

behind-the-scenes preparation that divinity made. An occasional Darwin

indulging in idle, fanciful speculation as to how the world began and how life

and speech began is absolutely of no use.


The first era of the drama of life on earth (including human) opened as a

full-fledged on-going concern. The first act of that drama featuring men, women

and children of a divine calibre, lasting 1,728,000 years is rightly known as

the Kruta Yuga. Kruta in Sanskrit implies ready-made. The next era lasting

1,296,000 years was known as the Treta because it started with only three parts

of its original goodness. Lord Rama emerged as the hero of the world-war fought

in that era, against Ravan, a coercive demoniac world-sovereign. The era after

that was known as Dwapar (from 'dwi' in Sanskrit meaning 'two') because it

started with only two parts left of the original divine excellence. That era

lasted for 864,000 years. The Kaurava Pandava World War was fought at the end

of the Dwapar era. Now humanity is passing through its last era of 432,000

years duration, of which 5090 years have already elapsed. The present era is

known as Kali i.e., a period of rising and crime and strife. We already see its

all round baneful effects in the breakup of families and rising unconcern even

between father and son and husband and wife.


It may be observed that the cosmic machine created by divinity is like any other

machine which gives a trouble-free service for a long initial period. Succeeding

era's are comparatively shorter (each by 432,000 years). Yet the deterioration

in the quality of human life decelerates with every passing era.


In the succession described above, Vedic culture and Sanskrit language pervaded

the whole world under the unitary rule of Vedic sovereigns. Kauravas and

Pandavas were the last Vedic sovereigns in that time. They fought a very

devastating internecine war with highly destructive biological and nuclear

weapons. That war starting on November 15 (in modern terms) of 5561 B.C lasted

just 18 days. But the war was so devastating that it shattered, tattered and

battered the global Vedic-Sanskrit social, cultural, administrative and

educational system that pervaded the pervaded the world for millions of years

earlier. As a result, there followed a long period of chaos and ignorance. Far

flung prosperous communities trapped distant lands such as Australia and Fiji

became isolated when communications broke down and gradually sunk into an

aboriginal condition. Later as things settled down broken regional such as

Syria, Assyria, Egypt, China and India surfaced, limping along following a

broken Vedic tradition. At that stage being bereft of the uniform Vedic

teaching (of the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ramayan and Mahabharat) humanity

broke-up into a number of cults such as Romans i.e., Ramans (followers of

Rama); Chrisnans (followers of Chrisn) now malpronounced as Christians;

Samaritans (followers of Smrutis such as Manusmruti); Stoics i.e., Staviks

(those believing in meditation); Essenese (followers of Isan, the father-god

Lord Shiva); Palestinians (followers of Pulastin); Judaists i.e., Yedu's of

Lord Krishna's clan; Sadduceans (i.e., Sadhujan meaning monks) and Malencians

(i.e., Mlenchhas meaning those who lapsed into undisciplined behaviour). That

in the broad outline is World history from the very first generation of human

beings to our own. All communities such as Scythians and Phoenicians were

splinters of the world Vedic society shattered by the Mahabharat War. Similarly

all modern languages and dialects spoken around the world are fragments of



Recently, I have published a book titled 'Fowlers' Howlers' pointing out how the

etymology set out in the Oxford English Dictionary by its editors H.W. Fowler

and F.G. Fowler has gone awry because they are unaware of English being a

branch of Sanskrit. Any Englishman would simply blink if asked why London has

only has Upminster but no Downminster? And why an expert mathematician is

called a Wrangler? Problems such as these can be solved only by recourse to

Sanskrit. Under the Vedic system, boys when 5 to 8 years old were sent to

Sanskrit hermitage schools. There they studied for 12 to 20 years in a celibate

state. They were known as Brahmacharis (i.e., Bachelors). The consonants

'B-ch-r' common to both are proof that the English (European) word Bachelor is

a malpronounciation of the Sanskrit word Brahmachari. Not only that the modern

'Bachelor' degree is incongruously conferred even on married or unmarried women

though even the English dictionary rules out the use of the word Bachelor in

relation to a woman. There are many such emphatic proofs indicating that the

network of Sanskrit-Vedic Hermitage schools covered the whole world in ancient

times. Those schools were known as Guruculams. And since the Sanskrit word

'Gow' is pronounced as 'Cow' in English, it should be apparent that the modern

word 'curriculum' is an hangover of the Vedic 'guruculam'.


Another major indication of the Vedic social system having been in vogue all

over the ancient world is found in the so-called Christian marriage procedure

which is entirely Vedic. The word Wedding is in fact 'Vedding' since the union

is solemnized through Vedic chants. The Vedic term is "Pani-Grahan" meaning

(the groom) clasping the hand (of the bride). The European term 'taking the

bride's hand in marriage' is an exact translation of the Vedic Sanskrit term



Likewise covering the bride's face with a Muslin veil, lining up bride's maids,

an elderly relation formerly 'giving away the bride' (Vedic Kanyadaan),, tying

the apparel of the bride and the groom into a knot, the showering of the

newly-weds with rice-grains is all total Vedic procedure. When the groom clasps

the hand of the bride a sacred thread is tied around their wrists indicating a

hust-band (in Sanskrit) i.e., a hand-tie. The word 'husband' in English is that

Sanskrit word 'hust-band' (with the letter 't' missing') indicating that the

male whose hand is being tied to that of his bride, has no right thereafter to

run after another women.


It is hoped that this brief account will induce some scholars to undertake an

in-depth study of human history from the very first generation of godly human

beings millions of years ago in a continuous sequence coming down to our own

times. The present archaeological sequence of an ice age, a Pleistocene age, a

stone age etc. seems to be sheer untenable speculation like Darwin's theory of

evolution of life. Historic relics found in Carthage, Egypt, the British Isles,

Denmark, Italy etc. all indicate the prevalence of Vedic culture throughout the

world. Muslim hands craftily suppressed all archaeological investigation and

try their best to keep the world uninformed of any pre-Islamic relics in their

regions. Any such finds a quickly destroyed. Kaaba, the main muslim shrine in

Mecca itself contains a number of closely guarded secrets.


The very through manner in which Christian and Muslim religious tutoring and

training has rendered the minds of Christians and Muslims totally impervious to

all earlier history is all appalling. For instance, Muslims and Christians are

totally unaware of even the very meaning of the names of their own cities and

regions since those are all Sanskrit. How many Muslims would know that Arabia

alias Arvasthan and Turkey alias Turagasthan are Sanskrit words signifying a

land of horses ? Likewise Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was Bhagawad-nagar

i.e., The City of God. European countries still retain their Sanskrit names.

Russia is Rishiya (land of sages), Siberia is Shibiria (land of temporary

hutments), Austria is Astriya (land of missiles), Hungary is Sringery

(signifying a scenic country), Romania is Ramaaneeya (i.e., enchantingly

beautiful region), Denmark gets is name from Danu and Mark (two leading members

of the Vedic Daitya clan), Bulgaria is Bul-gareeya (i.e., strength of high

order), Belgium is Balam-Ajeyam (i.e., invincible strength). All this points

the need to reopen and reorientate the study of all history and archaeology.


What has hitherto been understood to be mere Hindu or Indian culture or at best

Southeast Asian culture has been in fact Universal Vedic culture of all

humanity from the very down of creation. Only when that culture got gradually

eclipsed from other regions (due to Christian and Muslim coersions) and got

confined to the Sindhu (Indus) region, then it acquired the regional name

Sindhuism pronounced as Hinduism.That is how universal Vedic culture got the

regional name Hinduism.That is why the word Hindu does not figure in any basic

Vedic scriptures.


Hinduism alias Vedic culture does not pin down a person to any scriptures,

prophet or mode of worship or prayer. Because being a universal culture of all

mankind it embraces all human beings from Staunch theists to Stark atheists. As

much Muslim and Christian modes of worship and prayer could happily form part of

Vedic culture provided Muslims and Christians give up their penchant for

conversions through coercion or temptation. Because the basic rule of the Vedic

club is non-interference in anybody's theological and spiritual thinking. It is

hoped that the analysis presented above would induce serious scholars all over

the world to found an Academy alias University of World Vedic Heritage, with

centres in major state capitals to train teachers, writers, speakers and

researchers in Universal Vedic history. Such centres should display large

sketches or sculptures of Lord Vishnu reclining on the eternal serpent, as the

main stag of all creation. All activities at such centres should begin early

every morning with Vedic recitations. At such centres there will be no

distinctions of cast or creed, high or low. Sanskrit should be a compulsory

subject for all since all Vedic scriptures are in Sanskrit. Sanskrit will also

be promoted as a conversational language.


It will be made clear to all that the term Vedic times signifies the day of the

creation and nothing less. The Vedic slogan "Krunwanto Vishwam Aryam" implies

training every human being to lead a life of dutiful selfless service like a

mother devoted to the service of her household. The serious and age long lapse

in proper study of Vedic history as explained above has also resulted in

misinterpretation of the word Arya as a haughty overhearing person denouncing

others as non-Aryans and therefore inferior. This should underline the need for

universal study of Vedic history. Readers eager and willing to actively work for

and promote the establishment of World Vedic Heritage Academy with centres in

all regions may correspond with the writer at:


P. N. Oak

Plot no.9, Goodwill Society,

Aundh, Pune 411 007


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