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Alchemy and yogis

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Who is going to get cracking on this? I want a piece of the pie since I

brought it to everyones attention- seriously!


>From Mystic Perfections Vindicated, Easy Journey revisited:




The reader of Puranic lore also comes across various comments relating to

alchemy. It is generally outlined that a yogi can ingest mercury and excrete

gold. We won't go into the question of exactly how the yogi does this

without poisoning himself, but the reader should not be taken aback by the

idea of biotransmutation of elements. It happens everyday. On page 417, Mr.

Cater cites the research of Louis Kervran, who established that, in

controlled experiments, chickens produce many times the calcium provided in

food and water.


We will quote Sanatan Goswami of the Gaudiya Vishnu worshippers who says

that " As one can transform bell metal into gold by treating it with

mercury, one can also turn a lowborn man into a brahmin by initiating him

properly into the activities of [ Vishnu worship ]." The comments on

spiritual development by Sanatan Goswami are well taken, but what is

interesting to our analysis is the fact that bell metal is mentioned along

with mercury.


The transmutation of elements, biological or otherwise, is explained by Mr.

Cater as follows: " This is accomplished by soft particles ( low frequency

photons and electrons ) which carry hard protons and electrons into an atom

and deposit them there. " ( page 417 ) On page 420, he tells us to " ...

consider mercury. Concentrations of soft electrons can deposit electrons in

the nucleus of a significant portion of the atoms. A proton can be

transformed into a hydrogen atom, or a neutron can be ejected from the atom.

During the process, some of the other neutrons can also be ejected and the

mercury atom is transformed into a gold atom. If one of the neutrons loses

its electrons by the subsequent interactions, and the electrons stripped off

are recaptured by soft electrons, then the gold atoms change back into a

mercury atom.


Suppose small particles of gold are present in the mercury when this occurs.

As soon as a nearby mercury atom is transformed, it will be captured by the

gold aggragate. Gold is more stable than mercury and the cohesive fields

around a gold atom are far more extensive and powerful than those around a

mercury atom. Therefore, the captured gold atom becomes a permanent part of

the gold aggragate. By this process, all the mercury can eventually be

transformed into gold. Hydrogen will also be produced during the

transformation. "





Posted by Dharmapada/Dean

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