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Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:12:05 -0700





A Catastrophics Newsletter



VOL IV, No 15

Oct 15, 2000


EDITOR: Amy Acheson

PUBLISHER: Michael Armstrong

LIST MANAGER: Brian Stewart



OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . by Mel Acheson

ONE STORY TOLD ROUND THE WORLD. . . . . . . . . . by Dave Talbott

HUMAN NATURE AND SATURNIAN RITUAL . . . . . . . . by Dave Talbott

STARS: NUCLEAR VERSUS ELECTRIC . . . . . . . . . . . by Don Scott

ELECTRIC UNIVERSE SNIPPETS: Part II . . . . . . . by Wal Thornhill





by Mel Acheson


During my first close encounter with Wal Thornhill, he electrified

me with a picture of Zeus holding a thunderbolt. The bolt was

football shaped with stringy things spiraling out of it. Wal

explained that it was the shape a plasmoid took in a vacuum.

"Gee-golly-cornpone!" I thought. "The ancient Greeks carved

statues of something that hasn't been seen until modern man

cranked up the current in a high-voltage lab."


Now it's happened again. At the recent seminar in Portland, the

work of Tony Peratt, author of "The Plasma Universe," (Springer-

Verlag, 1992) was called to our attention. His work shows

pictures of extremely powerful plasma discharges in his lab.

They're called "Peratt instabilities." As the current is pumped

up, the stringy things (NASA's technical jargon for Birkeland

filaments, which they re-discovered awhile back in the tail of

Venus) grow saw-toothed edges and make a tumultuous noise. (That

last is the ancient Egyptian scribe Ipuwer's jargon: "Oh that the

Earth would cease from noise and tumult be no more.") Then the

sawteeth develop into strings of triangles, ladder shapes, and

stacks of donuts.


Several well-known mythologists in attendance jumped up shouting

and pointing: "The dragon! The arrows! The ladder of heaven!

The backbone of the sky!"


Ev fired up his laptop and opened his collection of petroglyph

files. There, carved into rock walls in unmistakable detail by

ancient artists, were Peratt's instabilities. For three or four

or ten thousand years, no human eye has seen them. Not until Peratt put cathode to anode, as shown in his publications, has

there been a referent in nature for the images borne by the rocks

throughout millennia.


The ancients saw all the instabilities. They heard them. The

discharge lasts a billionth of a second in the lab. Plasma

scientists, scaling up the spark to interplanetary dimensions,

estimate it lasting for 8 to 16 years. Imagine attending a

decade-long Jimi Hendrix concert with oversize amps. And when the

discharge quenched and the "electrodes" went away, the descendants

of the eyewitnesses wondered why great grandfather drew

meaningless pictures and muttered about noise.


Mel Acheson






By Dave Talbott


Ancient peoples narrated and re-enacted the story in a thousand

ways, but when the core is exposed, it comes down to this--


"Once the world was quite a different place. In the beginning, we

were ruled by the central luminary of the sky--creator, primeval

sun-god, and father of kings-- presiding over an age of natural

abundance and cosmic harmony. This was the exemplary epoch, the

Golden Age, a standard of justice and prosperity invoked by all

later generations.


"But the ancient order fell into confusion when the king of the

world tumbled from his celebrated station. Then the hordes of

chaos were set loose and all creation slipped into a cosmic night,

the gods themselves battling furiously in the heavens.


"And yet, from this descent into chaos a new and reconfigured

world emerged, and the universal sovereign, rejuvenated and

transformed, assumed his rightful place in heaven.


A few notes:


This is the most elementary statement I can construct with respect

to the totality of world mythology. Obviously, it can not stand

on its own, however.


The reference to the sovereign power as creator, for example,

introduces a vast field of myth and symbol.


The first "snapshot" of the polar configuration and the related

"sun" pictographs depict the condition of the unified power, the

subject of the One Story, just prior to displacement of Mars and

Venus. Differentiation has already begun. Mars and Venus have

emerged visually from the embryonic cloud--the "golden seed" in

which they were jointly enshrouded in the visual center of Saturn.

Venus is discharging violently, putting Mars in shadow. Thus, in

this phase, Mars appears as a darker innermost sphere, what the

Egyptian language calls the "heart of the heart."


What follows this phase is the displacement, departure, or

"spitting out" of Mars and Venus as the first forms of the hero

and goddess, who now become quasi-independent, highly active

figures in the creation events. Though this activity grows

complex, I have two animations in preparation which will

illustrate the definitive motions: 1) the visual descent of Mars

and (in vital connection to this descent) the appearance of a

stream of luminous material stretching along the polar axis, 2)

the displacement of Venus from its axial position in the center of

Saturn, leading (via a more complex path) to the spiraling

cometary form of Venus.


It is from the spiraling form of Venus that the enclosure of the

gods--the primeval "earth" of the creation legend--is constituted.

The axial column arising with the descent of Mars is, of course,

the world mountain on which the celestial land comes to rest.

(According to the global tradition, the land of the gods takes

form on the summit of the world mountain: the Egyptian Mount of

Glory, Greek Olympos, Hebrew Zion, Hindu Meru, Chinese Kwenlun,

and innumerable variants.)


Hence, the components depicted in the "sun" pictographs have very

direct roles to play in more specific chapters of the One Story.


A sidebar: the One Story, as I've stated it, does not really

conclude the age of the gods, since (obviously!) the rejuvenated

sovereign is no longer present in our sky today. This is,

however, the common framework commemorated in the creation stories

and in ritual commemorations of creation and renewal associated

with the New Year celebrations. The farther back you go to

examine variations of the story, the closer you will get to the

root idea.


The final events in the age of the gods tend not to focus on the

fading of the rejuvenated sovereign but rather on the departure of

the hero and/or the goddess, these two figures having become the

prime characters in the stories. The ascension of the hero or

goddess by way of a terraced mountain or tower, a whirling cloud,

ladder, or steps to the sky, their sailing off, and/or their

translation into distant stars (planets) is the final chapter in

the age of the gods. Also, of course, the collapse of great

palaces (Samson removes the pillar, etc.), or the sinking of lost

kingdoms into the abyss, or the disbursement of ancestral "tribes"

are common ways in which the final dismemberment of the planetary

configuration found expression in the myths.


Dave Talbott





by Dave Talbott


These thoughts might be subtitled, "On Avoiding Reductionist

Approaches to the Saturn Model."


Reductionism is the practice of assimilating more to a single

theoretical principle than that principle can accommodate or

explain. Two classic examples of reductionist approaches are the

hypotheses of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Each of these

theorists is identified with a particular principle taken to the

extreme and offered as a unified explanation of human motivation

and behavior.


It's difficult for me to imagine any critically-minded person not

saying much the same thing about the Saturn model.


Is the Saturn model reductionist? Actually, it's not, though most

of the suspicions expressed are perfectly understandable in the

early stages of communication. The model simply claims that there

was an extraordinary myth-making epoch: the patterns of myth,

symbol, and ritual originated in a unique phase of human history,

one dominated by awe-inspiring planetary forms in the sky. I do

not believe that critically minded folks, after assimilating the

full range of evidence, would still suggest that the theory is

reductionist. I base this observation on actual experience.

Again and again, I've watched the suspicion disappear as people

realized that the global patterns, the only field of evidence we

are concerned with in the historical argument, REQUIRE the

celestial forms.


As a rule, it will be the new enthusiasts who run the risk of

falling into the reductionist trap. I've often noticed, for

example, a tendency for enthusiasts to suggest psychological

interpretations which do appear to exceed the explanatory power of

the model.


I would make a critical distinction between "living in Saturn's

shadow" and "being human." When individuals get in a fight, or

nations drop bombs on each other, are they being Saturnian, or

just being human? Generally, I would say that they're just being

human, though one can often find echoes of Saturnian images,

particularly where fierce religious concepts dominate. In more

ancient times, however, warring nations were consistently

Saturnian: through warfare, they sought to replicate on the

battlefield the devastation formerly wrought by the gods

themselves. And in no sense is it reductionist to observe this

pervasive influence on human memory.


Consider, for example, the words of Assurbanipal describing his

military campaigns against neighboring Arabians: "Ishtar, who

dwells in Arabia, who is clothed with fire and bears aloft a crown

of awful splendour, rained fire over Arabia. The warrior Irra,

engaging them in battle struck down my foes. Urta, the lance, the

great warrior, son of Enlil, pierced my enemies to the life with

his sharp arrow. Nusku, the exalted messenger of the gods, who

makes my rule glorious, and who, at the command of Assur and

Ninlil, the valorous lady, goes at my side, guarding my kingship,

took his place before my armies and brought low my foes."

Clearly, this is not just being human, but also living in Saturn's



In essentially the same terms, the Egyptian king Seti described

his devastation of neighboring tribes as the activity of the

warring "majesty" of Amon (in the Saturn model the royal "majesty"

means the discharge streamers of Venus--the effusive, terrifying

"radiance" or "splendor" of the Great Star/Great Comet)--"I have

caused them to see thy majesty as lord of radiance... I have

caused them to see thy majesty like a circling star, which

scatters its flame in fire... I have caused them to see thy

majesty like a flame of fire, like the very being of Sekhmet, in

her tempest." Etc. etc.


In the most explicit terms, the king sought to repeat the tempest

of the Venus goddess Sekhmet, the majesty, the eye of Re, which

had vanquished the rebelling enemies of Re, the chaos fiends, when

celestial confusion and darkness had overtaken the world.


It seems quite clear to me that, while countless echoes of the

Saturn myth surround us still, one can be human without

necessarily being Saturnian. Often, when an individual is going

through a transforming experience, he will experience a sense of

imminent disaster. Generally, I don't see that experience today

as a symbol of Saturn, though various Saturnian influences might

be considered. If one looks for signs in the sky, or trembles at

the approach of a planetary conjunction, THAT is Saturnian. The

Saturn experience is not the cause of human anxiety, though it can

still affect the forms of anxiety (and presumably the scale of

anxiety under certain circumstances, such as the end of a



Belief in God is not Saturnian. But viewing God as a merciless,

bearded man on a mountain top, periodically destroying the world

IS Saturnian. And of course any tendency to cling to ancient myth

as the word of God is by definition Saturnian, though people often

cling to non-Saturnian ideas as the word of God as well.


To feel guilty is not Saturnian per se. To want to blame others

is not Saturnian either. That's just being human. To clutch at a

crucifix, an Ankh, or praying wheel in response is being human AND



Dave Talbott






by Don Scott


The Electric Sun hypothesis is a logical extension of the

Electric/Plasma Universe theory which came into being through the

seminal work of Hannes Alfven, Kristian Birkeland, P. Carlqvist

and others. The person who originated and codified these ideas is

the late Ralph E. Juergens of Flagstaff, Arizona. .The ideas

embodied by the Plasma Universe are now being developed further by

researchers such as Wallace Thornhill, Anthony L. Peratt, Eric

Lerner, and others.




"The certainty that the Sun generates its prodigious

outpourings of energy through thermonuclear reactions deep in its

interior has been with us for about half a century." [Juergens



But, there are many reasons to doubt this presently accepted

theory of how our Sun (and every other star) generates its radiant

energy. In almost every article written for the popular press,

the very first sentence usually contains some reference to the

"fact" that the Sun is, at its core, a thermonuclear fusion

reactor. The heat (energy) produced in this core then "rises to

the Sun's surface by convection (a laminar fluid flow) and is

there radiated out into space". The granulations we see on the

photosphere are supposedly the tops of these convection columns.


The fusion model was first proposed by a "great expert" who simply

rejected the idea that the Sun could be getting its energy from

outside - because he could not conceive of such a thing happening.

Therefore, if the energy was coming from inside, and the Sun

hasn't burned up in a few billion years, the source had to be

nuclear energy.


There are at least five major things wrong with this scenario. The

first and most important is the "Missing Neutrino Problem".


1. Missing Neutrinos


A thermonuclear reaction of the type assumed to be powering the

Sun must emit a flood of neutrinos. These neutrinos have not been

found after thirty years of searching for them. A series of

grandly expensive experiments have failed to find the necessary

neutrino flux. Wouldn't a normally intelligent scientist now stop

and go back and ask if perhaps some other mechanism might be at

the root of this energy production?


Mainstream science has consciously turned a blind eye to the

possibility of any other energy producing mechanism in the Sun.

Instead, presently there is great activity trying to explain how

the flood of neutrinos that "must be there" remains invisible. It

is suggested that neutrinos must come in various "flavors", some

of which are unobservable.


A detailed description of the "Missing Neutrino Problem" is

available at:




A Quote from Astronomy Magazine Jun 1999


"The results of Davis's experiment are now the stuff of

science legend. While the cleaning solution proved successful at

capturing solar neutrinos, the surprise was how few of them there

were to catch - less than half the number predicted by

[thermonuclear] solar models. The results have since been

confirmed by other experiments, all of which use different means

of detecting neutrinos. No matter how astrophysicists adjust

their [thermonuclear] solar models, it has proven impossible to

accommodate the experimental results within standard theory. ...

With astrophysicists confident that their understanding of solar

physics was on firm ground, suspicions turned toward the neutrino

itself as the source of the problem."


WHY were they confident they were on "firm ground" when all the

experimental evidence strongly suggests just the opposite?


Some solar neutrinos have been observed - but less than half the

number required if the fusion reaction really is there in the

Sun's core. If any fusion is taking place at all, it is most

certainly not at the sun's center. The negative results from the

neutrino experiments have resulted not in any re-examination of

solar models, but rather, an intense theoretical discussion of new

magical properties that solar neutrinos "must have" because we

cannot see them.


In the Electric Sun model there is no energy produced in the core

- energy is produced at the surface and not by nuclear fusion, but

by electric arc discharge. There is no "missing neutrino" problem

in the Electric Sun model.


2. Convection of Energy Up from the Core


The accepted view of how the sun transports its energy from its

central core outward to its surface is the mechanism dubbed "non-

stationary convection." The granules that are visible on the

photosphere are, in the accepted view, the tops of laminar

columns that penetrate down toward the core. Supposedly, heat

(energy) is smoothly transported outward from the core in this

"convection zone" via these tubes. There are several problems

with this idea.


The Reynolds Number


"The Reynolds number is a dimensionless measure that combines

several physical parameters and pinpoints conditions under which a

moving fluid will behave this way or that way. The number is

essentially a ratio between forces tending to accelerate a fluid

medium and viscous forces that resist such acceleration. Under

given conditions, motions in one fluid - liquid, gas, or plasma -

will be unlike those in another fluid unless their respective

Reynolds numbers are approximately the same."


When the Reynolds number of any fluid exceeds a critical value,

flow in that fluid due to convection or any other accelerating

force will be turbulent and highly complex.


"The actual Reynolds number of the photosphere, as calculated from

observable characteristics of the plasma, turns out to be in

excess of 10^11, which is to say, at least 100 billion times

greater than the critical value! Clearly, then, any convective

motion in the photosphere should be violently turbulent and highly

disordered..." [Juergens 1979].


Again, to quote Juergens: "Many facile assertions to the contrary,

it becomes increasingly obvious that photospheric granulation is

explainable in terms of convection only if we disregard what we

know about convection. Surely the cellular structure is not to be



In the Electric Sun model there is no transporting of energy from

the core up to the surface - energy is produced at the surface.

There is no need for magical "non-stationary convection." The

"granules" are really anode tufts (electric arc discharges).


3. Temperature Minimum below the Corona


Any typical source of radiant energy is expected to obey the

inverse square law. That is to say, the farther we get away from

it, the less energy we receive per unit area. A wood stove is

hottest at its core, a bit less on its outside surface, and as we

backup away from it, we feel continually less and less radiant

energy on our body. This too is the way the Sun ought to act if

it really is generating all its energy in its core and then

liberating that energy at its surface.


Instead, however, the Sun is coolest at its surface - only about

6000K! But then, as we back farther away from it, the temperature

abruptly jumps to about 2 million K in the corona.



Figure 2. Temperature profile as a function of radial distance

from the Sun's surface. Image Credit: Big Bear Solar Observatory


The standard fusion model is completely incapable of explaining

(let alone predicting) this behavior. . . . The Electric Sun model

predicts the temperature minimum and shows why it occurs (see



4. Acceleration of the Solar "Wind" Ions


The positive ions that are the main constituent of what mainstream

astronomers euphemistically call the solar "wind" move faster and

faster the farther away from the Sun they get. They accelerate!

Nothing in the fusion model predicts nor explains this observed

phenomenon. The orthodox "explanation" is that photons collide

with the ions and accelerate them.


Any student of physics who has heard of electric charge and

electric fields, knows that the way to get electrically charged

particles to accelerate is to apply an electric field to them.

The acceleration of the positively charged solar "wind" particles

is a purely electrical phenomenon. It is accurately predicted by

the electric sun model.


5. Periodic Fluctuations in the Sun's Output and Size


There is experimental evidence that the Sun vibrates in a way that

throws doubt on both the assumed convection process for heat

transportation and the thermonuclear reaction itself. There is a

fluctuation with a 27 day 43 minute period observed in the stream

of particles emanating from the sun.


In the 1970's the Sun was observed to be oscillating in brightness

with variable cycles lasting from a few minutes to nearly one



The sun actually expands and contracts in size (diameter) with a

periodicity of 2 hours and 40 minutes. Russian investigators

found a periodic rise and fall of the entire solar surface, the

amplitude of which was 10 kilometers in height. Then another

observer recorded a regular expansion and contraction of the Sun

with a period of two hours and forty minutes.


These pulsations are much more consistent with a homogeneous model

of the Sun - like a balloon whose gases are of uniform density

throughout its body. In Nature (Jan 15, 1976) two British

theorists, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard and D.O. Gough emphasized the

unlikelihood that any model can be devised for the Sun to

accommodate both the observed radial oscillations and the

thermonuclear theory. They are also consistent with a model

wherein the Sun is an isodense sphere of gas that supports, on its

outer surface, an electric arc discharge powered externally,





Juergens, Milton, Thornhill (and others) propose an electrical

mechanism for the energy release of the Sun. The major properties

of this Electric Sun model are as follows:


Most of the space within our galaxy is occupied by plasma

(rarefied ionized gas) containing electrons (negative charges) and

ionized atoms (positive charges). Every point in the plasma has a

measurable (electric) potential energy (or voltage).


The Sun is at a more positive electrical potential (voltage) than

is the space plasma surrounding it - probably in the order of 10

billion volts.


The Sun is powered, not from within itself, but from outside, by

the electric (Birkeland) currents that flow in our arm of our

galaxy as they do in all galaxies. In the Plasma Universe model

these currents create the galaxies and the stars within them. It

is a small additional step to propose that these currents also

power those stars. Galactic currents are of low current density,

but, because the size of the Sun is large, the total current

(Amperage) is high. The Sun's radiated power at any instant is

due to the energy imparted by incoming cosmic electrons. As the

Sun moves around the galactic center it may come into regions of

higher or lower total current and so its output may vary (both

periodically and over time).


Positive ions leave the Sun and cosmic electrons enter the Sun.

Both of these flows add to form a net positive current leaving the

Sun. This constitutes a plasma discharge analogous in every way

(except size) to those that have been observed in electrical

laboratories for decades.


The Sun's radiative lifetime will extend only until the solar

charge (and therefore, its electrical potential [voltage]) equals

that of its galactic surroundings. Incoming cosmic ray protons,

which bombard the Earth and Sun from every direction, represent

currents (solar "winds") from higher voltage stars which liberate

positive ions with sufficient energy to overcome the Sun's

repelling voltage and impinge on its surface. (Is this mechanism,

by which the Sun is able to regain some + charge, significant in

extending its ultimate lifetime? No one knows at this point.)


Because of the Sun's positive charge (voltage), it acts as the

anode in a plasma discharge. As such, it exhibits many of the

phenomena observed in earthbound plasma laboratories, such as

anode tufting. The granules observed on the surface of the

photosphere are anode tufts.


To be continued


Don Scott






by Wal Thornhill


[ed. note: this is a continuation (with slight overlap) of Wal's

brief review of Electric Universe principles. See full text and

photos at: http://www.holoscience.com/eu/eu.htm parts 6-10].




Plasma physicists argue that stars are formed by an

electromagnetic "pinch" effect on widely dispersed gas and dust.

The "pinch" is created by the magnetic force between parallel

current filaments that are part of the huge electric currents

flowing inside a galaxy. It is far more effective than gravity in

concentrating matter and, unlike gravity, it can remove excess

angular momentum that tends to prevent collapse. Stars will form

like beads on a wire until gravity takes over.


The late Ralph Juergens, an engineer from Flagstaff, Arizona, in

the 1970's took the next mental leap to suggest that the

electrical input doesn't stop there and that stars are not

thermonuclear engines! This is obvious when the Sun is looked at

from an electrical discharge perspective. The galactic currents

that create the stars persist to power them. Stars behave as

electrodes in a galactic glow discharge. Bright stars like our Sun

are great concentrated balls of lightning! The matter inside stars

becomes positively charged as electrons drift toward the surface.


The resulting internal electrostatic forces prevent stars from

collapsing gravitationally and occasionally cause them to "give

birth" by electrical fissioning to form companion stars and gas

giant planets. Sudden brightening, or a nova outburst marks such

an event. That elucidates why stars commonly have partners and why

most of the giant planets so far detected closely orbit their

parent star. Stellar evolution theory and the age of stars is an

elaborate fiction. The appearance of a star is determined largely

by its electrical environment and can change suddenly. Plasma

physicists and electrical engineers are best able to recognize

plasma discharge phenomena. Stellar physics is in the wrong hands.




Earth-like planets and moons are similarly "born" by electrical

expulsion of part of the positively charged cores of dwarf stars

and gas giants. That explains the dichotomy between the dense

rocky planets and moons and the gaseous giant planets. In the

Electric Universe model, gravity itself is simply an electrostatic

dipolar force. So planetary orbits are stabilized against

gravitational chaos by exchange of electric charge through their

plasma tails (Venus is still doing so strongly, judging by its

"cometary" magnetotail, and it has the most circular orbit of any

planet) and consequent modification of the gravity of each body.

Planets will quickly assume orbits that ensure the least

electrical interaction. Impacts between large bodies are avoided

and capture rendered more probable by exchange of electric charge

between them. Capture of our Moon becomes the only option, it

cannot have been created from the Earth. Evidence of past

planetary instabilities is written large on the surfaces of all

solid bodies in the solar system. That evidence is in the form of

electric arc cratering.




Electric discharges between closely approaching bodies takes the

form of "thunderbolts of the gods", or distinctively shaped

helical plasmoids. Such plasmoids were sculpted by many ancient

cultures when depicting Jupiter hurling his thunderbolt.


Jupiter's thunderbolt raises questions about the history of

mankind and the Earth that have never before been asked. When it

comes to dating planetary surfaces, plasmoids cause characteristic

electrical arc scarring in the form of sinuous channels and neatly

circular craters with steep walls and occasional central peaks.

Such craters are universally misinterpreted as impact craters. The

sinuous channels are wrongly classified as riverbeds or lava

channels. Minutes or hours of electrical scarring can produce a

surface like that of the Moon, which is later interpreted in ad

hoc fashion to be billions of years old. Hemispheric differences

in cratering are expected in this model. And for the sceptics,

subdued electric arc machining of a planet-sized body continues to

this day on Jupiter's innermost moon, Io. See the news items on

this website for many successful predictions about the discoveries

that would be made as close-up images of Io became available.


Planetary geologists are not trained to recognize electric arc

scarring otherwise they would have seen at a glance the

characteristic cathodic surface erosion and cathode jets on Io.

They are definitely not volcanos as we know them from geology





Most people are unaware that we have no understanding of how

lightning is created in clouds. The simplest answer is that

lightning is not generated there at all. Clouds merely form a

convenient path to Earth for electricity originating in space.

Without clouds it is possible to have a "bolt from the blue".

That is happening on Venus (although the sky certainly isn't

blue). Weather systems are driven primarily by external electrical



Consequently the Sun has weather patterns. And the most distant

planet, Neptune, has the most violent winds in the solar system

though it receives very little energy from the Sun. Electric

discharges from space cause Mars' huge dust devils and planet-wide

dust storms. They are responsible for Jupiter's Great Red Spot and

the "spokes" in Saturn's rings. It is why Venus has lightning in

its smog-like clouds and its mountain-tops glow with St. Elmo's

fire. It is why the Earth has lightning stretching into space in

the form of "red sprites" and "blue jets", and why tethered

satellites "blow a fuse".


However, nobody is trained to consider electrical energy input to

weather systems.


The image [ed. note: see image at:

http://www.holoscience.com/eu/synopsis/9.elecweather.html]on the

right is NASA artist's view of lightning on Venus during the

descent of one of the Pioneer probes. Venus has no [water] clouds

yet it suffers intense lightning. This argues against the popular

notion of what causes lightning.




It seems that when a dwarf star or gas giant planet "gives birth"

to a rocky satellite, parent and child usually remain closely

bound. Our solar system, with its widely spaced orbits and chaotic

features, appears to be the result of a recent cosmic "traffic

accident". This seemingly wild conjecture is supported by the

global stories of prehistoric planetary encounters. So to use our

situation as a measure of a normal planetary system will give

wildly misleading ideas of how life begins and estimates of the

likelihood of life elsewhere in the universe. The most benign

situation for life in an Electric Universe is inside the

electrical cocoon of a brown dwarf star. Radiant energy is then

evenly distributed over the entire surface of any planet orbiting

within the chromosphere of such a star, regardless of axial

rotation, tilt, or orbital eccentricity.


The exceedingly thin atmosphere of such stars has the essential

water and carbon compounds to mist down onto planetary surfaces.

The reddish light is ideal for photosynthesis. Such a model

provides one reason why the Search for Extra-Terrestrial

Intelligence (SETI) project is unlikely to succeed. Any advanced

civilization on such a planet will be unaware that the universe

exists outside its own stellar environment, and radio

communication through the glow discharge of the star is



Our education systems are not suited to the broad

interdisciplinary knowledge required in an Electric Universe.


©Wal Thornhill 2000

See the home of The Electric Universe at









Subscriptions to AEON, a journal of myth and science, now with

regular features on the Saturn theory and electric universe,

may be ordered from this page:




Other suggested Web site URL's for more information about













Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered, 10 Pensée Journals may be

ordered at the I-net address below:



A collection of used and out-of-print books on the subject of

catastrophics is now available from Mikamar Publishing. E-mail

the website directly, or write to THOTH to request a list of

available titles.




The THOTH electronic newsletter is an outgrowth of scientific and

scholarly discussions in the emerging field of astral

catastrophics. Our focus is on a reconstruction of ancient

astral myths and symbols in relation to a new theory of planetary

history. Serious readers must allow some time for these

radically different ideas to be fleshed out and for the relevant

background to be developed. The general tenor of the ideas and

information presented in THOTH is supported by the editor and

publisher, but there will always be plenty of room for

differences of interpretation.


We welcome your comments and responses.


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