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The Great founder of the Buddhist faith, Gautama Buddha was born into

the Shakya (Shaka) clan of

Ksythrias or Royals in the Videhan (Nepalese) Dynasty around 3000 years


Gautama himself was was a decendant of the Vedic-Rishi Vamadeva, who’s

Gotra or Lineage were called

“Gautamas” and were Great Astrologers and Ayurvedcs (Medics) as well as

Sun-devotees as they were

decendants of the Sun-God, Surya.Infact, Vamadeva is also the name for

Savitar or Surya the Sun-God!

Gautama and his life reflects strongly of his family’s Solar-worshipping

heritage.The Buddha Svayambhuva

or Kashyapa, the First or Adi-Buddha was the Sun-God as well and the

fact that Gautama meditated in Gaya

in Magadha or Bihar where he had his first Converts is an ancient place

Astrological Studies and Solar worship.

Infact Mahabharata and Brihat Samhita note of the Shakyas or Shakas of

Videha or the Land of Shakas who were great Astrologers,

Ayurvedics and Sun-worshippers who migrated to Magadha and hence it


Gautama followed his family tradition of settling in Gaya.

The Buddhist Symbols such as the Svastika (Good-Well Being) itself is an

ancient Solar-Image dating back to

Vedic-Times representing the 4 Rays of the Sun or Surya-Kiran (Sun-Ray)

and also the 4 Directions, East, West, North and

South.Likewise the so-called “Buddhist Wheel” is also the Symbol of the

Sun-God Surya itself

and more specifically relates to the Agni-Chakra or “Fire-Wheel” being

the Sun and the Symbol of Atman or the Soul.It is also the

Weapon of Vishnu or Surya of whom Gautama was later lauded as an avatar


incarnation of.Again his family name “Shakya / Shaka” denotes

Sun-devotees and again shows show his family

cult influenced his own faith.

The Tantric Vajrayana-Buddhism was founded by Padmasambhava some 15

years after the death of Gautama Buddha and taken into

Tibet and the Indian Himalayan regions of Ladhak and Himachal Pradesh

and also

reflects many Vedic-Traits as well such as the Vajrayana Deities who are

forms of Agni or Fire being Shiva

and Shakti who are Vedic Indra and Indrani.They were Fire-Forms of Surya

or the Sun-God.

The Buddhist idea of Cremation and Burial in Tombs or Stupas is also an

ancient practise and Vedic Rishis

or Sages, although cremated, their ashes were often entombed in


The famed Buddhist Dieties such as Avalokiteshvara, Tara, Mahavairochana

themselves are actually the

Vedic Gods Akshobhya-Shiva, Goddess Tara and Vairochana the Sun-God or

Surya also known as

Narayana, Savitar, Vishnu, Rudra, Agni, Vivasvan amongst others.

Just as Abtibha or the “Buddha of Infinate Light” was the Supreme-Diety

of Buddhists of the Mahayana

sects in latter days, so Vishnu or Surya the Sun-God is the

Supreme-Diety of Hinduism or Vedism.

The Buddhist practices of Pranayama (Breath Control) or Yoga and

Meditation on “Aum” the Holy-Sound

are actually also Vedic Practices based on Suryan-Yoga or “Solar-Yoga”

of Ancient India.

Buddha himself being born into the Shakya Lineages of the Ikhsvaku or

Solar-Dynasty was also an incarnation

of the Sun-God or Surya as was Rama.

Infact, Buddha in Hinduism is lauded as an incarnation of Budha

(Mercury), Budha himself who is actually

Mahavishnu or the Sun-God Surya anyway!

Vishnu itself comes from the root ‘Vishnu’ - “To Pervade” and relates to

the All-Encompsing Nature of the Soul or God and also to

the Penetrating Rays of the Sun.

Buddha spoke against and was constantly at war against Mara the

Buddhist-Demon in his Yogic days before

Nirvana.Now Mara in Hinduism is known as Ahamkara (Ego) and also

Kamadeva or the God of Lust.

Lust itself created Ego or Ahamkara which binds one to Maya or the

Material-World which Buddhist conceive

as the “Wheel of Mara” or the “Kalachakra”, the “Wheel of Death”.The

Buddha-Lokas or Buddhist-Heavens

beyond this are derived from the Vedic View that the Param-Lokas or

“Transcendant Planets” are beyond the

Material-World (Maya) and hence beyond the World of Death.

Gautama;s teachig that Devas or Gods were lower-beings than the Buddhas

and that they were bound to

Passions is not unlike Hindu Traditionlist views that Demi-Gods such as

Yama, Vayu, Indra, Chandra, Brahma,

Sukra, Varuna etc. are also lower-beings vound by Passions or Rajo-Guna.

In Hinduism it is Lord Vishnu (Buddhist Amtibha) and Lord Shiva

(Buddhist Avalokiteshvara) that are

Greater than the Devas or Demi-Gods.Hence again we see a Buddhist-Vedic


Vishnu himself is Surya the Sun-God as Brahmajyothi or the “Light of

God” and Shiva himself is Indra

or Rudra the “Fire-Form” or Agni-Rupan of Surya as his Wrathful Aspects

as Bhairava, Mahakala etc. which

are also seen in Buddhism in the same way.

Mahakala and Mahakali the two famous Buddhist “Protectors of Dharma” are

cognate with their Vedic

Counterparts which are lauded as “Destroyers of Ego” and “Divine Wrath”

which restore the Soul back to

it’s former state as One with God or Enlightened by removing the Ego.

The Buddhist concept that Goddess Tara incarnates as the “Buddha-Mata”

or “Mother of Buddhas” also

comes from a purely Vedic Perspective.As noted earlier, Buddha in Hindu

scriptures, more specifically

in the Parashara Hotra Shastra and Astrological Treatise, is an

incarnation of Budha or Mercury. Now Budha or

Mercury in Vedic Lore was the Son born of the Hindu Goddess Tara through

her affair with Soma or the Moon-God.Tara herself is

the wife is Brihaspati (Jupiter) of Akshobhya-Shiva in Hindu Lore,

however as she is in

Buddhist Lore.

We see that the later Buddhist Stayues depicting Buddha portrayed him in

Northern-Dress of dress of the

Himalayan Peoples in Covered-Robes rather than the traditional “Brahmin

Robe” of Hindus of which only

later we see him wearing.This also shows his connection as an

incarnation of the Sun-God and his Family History as traditionally the

Sun-God and Shakyas or Nepalese in Hindu Scriptures are Dressed in Robes

which Cover their Chest down to their Feet, unlike other

Hindu Priests of which it comes between the Knee and Ankle

as the Dhoti.This is a strong influence of his family Solar-Cult as well

as his Hair-Style which is done in a bun

in a Traditionaly Hindu style as mentioned by Rishi Vaishihta in the

Rg-Veda.Accordingly, Vaisishta’s disciples are to

wear their Hair in a Knot and wear White Robes.

Most interestingly in Buddhism, however, we see that Deer commonly

depicted along with the Lotus (Padma) which

Buddhists like Hindu regard as a Source of Life.The myth of Buddha being

portrayed upon “Thousand Pettaled Lotus”

at his Nirvana in the cencept of him attaining the Crown-Chakra where

the Thousand-Petteled Lotus is located.

The Naga or Serpent who guards Buddha in his Meditation also has a

strong Vaishnava or Solar-Cult influence as the

Naga or Serpent Shesha who guards Lord Vishnu and is a form of the


The ancient Himalayas com[sring of Nepal, Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and

Ladhak was origanally termed “Shaka-Dvipa”

the “White Island” because of the snow there and comprised of many

tribes such as Daradas, Kiratas, Hunas, Kinnauaras

and Nagas who were Sun-worshippers or Vaishnavas, devotees of

Vishnu.Infact Kashmir was the “Centre” of this Culture

along with Magadha in Bihar as Kashyapa and Narayana the Sun-Gods were

associated with Kashmir.Later with Buddhism,

Magadha or rather Gaya in Magadha and Kashmir, especially Ladhak region

became the Centres of Buddhism which are

remnants of the Solar-Cults.It was actually Kashmiri and Ladhaki Monks

who took Vajrayana or Tantric-Buddhism into

Nepal with Padmasambhava who had his first converts in Ladhak being the

tribals Nagas and Kiratas.

The Dragons or Serpents of later Buddhist peoples were also parts of the

Naga-Cult of the Naga and Kirata Peoples of Eastern India,

Tribal Nepal and Himalayan-India who ruled Himalayan pockets for many

years.It later spread to China under Himalayan Monks and

with the Southern India Monk Bodhidharma who took Vedic Martial Arts and

Budhdism into China where it was later known as

Chan or Zen.

The Saffron-Robes worn by Buddhist Monks are also remnants of the Vedic

Solar-Cult who’s saffron Colour represented

the Golden-Colour of the Sun.Hence, Gautama and his Buddhist Faith are

nothing but a form of Aditya-Dharma or Vedic Solar-Faith.

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