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Even Jesus would not object!

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>OFBJP Admin <BJP-News


>[bJP News]: Even Jesus would not object!

>Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:12:19 -0500


>Title: Even Jesus would not object!

>Author: Tarun Vijay

>Publication: Rediff

>Nov. 24, 2000


> I live near the Gole market church in Delhi. For the

>last four

> years, my wife, two children and I visit the church

>during Christmas. Never

> have we said anything critical about Jesus or

>Christianity to our children. We

> would like them to grow up in an atmosphere, free from

>hate and acrimony.

> However, seeing the hate campaign by a handful of

>individuals masquerading as

> spokespersons for Christians, in the media, specially

>the English language one, I

> feel sad.


> We can do without the tirades of the so-called

>protectors of the faith, whom my

> Christian friend describes as 'neo-dollar-seekers' of

>the East.


> My son often asks me, "Papa, are Hindus so bad that

>they would burn a father

> and his sons alive? Do we have to be Christian and hate

>Diwali to seek

> salvation? Are Hindus pagans, heathens and are we a

>country of devils? Does

> Om Namah Shivaya mean 'let the evil forces befall upon



> All these voices, have unfortunately reached him from

>the offices of the same

> church and the literature published by its followers,

>where we go to bow our

> head before Jesus, an apostle of peace.


> Hate kills. And those who call themselves 'leaders' of

>Christians are at the

> forefront of this hate campaign against the Hindus and

>their Dharma, exactly

> in the same way as in the times of Swami Vivekananda.


> The irony is that the same Swami started celebrating

>Christmas, officially, in

> every ashram of the Ramakrishna Mission worldwide. If

>the church was not

> controlled from a foreign soil, the culture, traditions

>and civilisation of this

> great country would have had a beneficial influence on

>the indigenous church. It

> would have never thought of a hateful campaign against

>fellow non-Christians.


> The idea of establishing a national church originated

>with Indian Christians

> themselves in the early sixties. His Eminence Mar

>Athanasius Joel S Williams,

> archbishop of the Indian National Church, demanded that

>in the best interest of

> India's security and the well being of Indian

>Christians, a national church,

> devoted to Jesus Christ and loyal to the soil of India,

>should be established.


> The need arose because during the imperial time,

>whether the rulers were

> Portuguese or British, the church and the missionaries

>active in India always

> owed their loyalties to the foreign ruler. They got

>protection and 'harvested' the

> poor souls of 'heathens and pagans' (read Hindus) under

>the shadow of

> tyrannical white masters. When the nation became free

>and imperialism ended,

> it was but natural that the patriotic Christians felt

>the need to free themselves

> from the yoke of foreign churches.


> Archbishop Williams gave dozens of examples of how the

>missionaries active in

> India were loyal to the imperialist rulers and had to

>take an oath which among

> other things enjoined them, "to be loyal to Portugal in

>all the countries

> discovered or to be discovered, conquered or to be

>conquered, by Portugal.

> And to warn Portugal of any activity (political or

>otherwise) which may be

> contemplated against her."


> After the decline of the Portuguese, the British also

>prescribed a similar oath

> for all the missionaries active in British India. It

>said: "I .. (name).. swear in the

> name of god that I will be exactly faithful to all

>those prescriptions of the holy

> See… I include in this promise exact obedience to any

>rules laid down by His

> Majesty's representatives, and also an undertaking to

>refrain from doing, saying

> or writing anything either publicly or privately, to

>the prejudice of the British

> government in India."


> After Independence also, the church, thriving on

>foreign money, controlled and

> dictated by the foreigners, continued spreading hatred

>against the very people

> who were tolerant enough to shelter it and gave it the

>freedom to propagate

> Christianity here!


> Today there are several big publishing houses

>controlled and funded by foreign

> funding agencies producing tones and tones of hate

>literature against Hindus.

> The very call of the Pope on our soil to bring us to

>the fold of Christianity was

> the most unwarranted 'attack' on Hindus and other

>non-Christian faiths.


> One might even legitimately ask what is the church

>doing in the northeast?

> Rebel Christian outfits controlled and financed by

>international church

> organisations like the World Council of Churches, are

>attacking the sovereignty

> and integrity of India. There is enough evidence of it

>especially in Nagaland and

> Tripura.


> The idea of a national church has nothing to do with

>the way Christians choose

> to profess their faith. This is not nationalising the

>faith as some have argued. I

> do not believe that there is a direct relation between

>religion and patriotism.

> However, the moot point is that only if India survives

>can the faith -- any faith

> survive. The world is aware of the dirty role played by

>the Vatican in the

> disintegration of the Soviet Union and in the change of

>regime in Poland. The

> Vatican-CIA nexus has been exposed too often that it

>does not bear repetition.


> A foreign church that does not believe in the equality

>of religions, which gives a

> call for a crusade against another religion in Europe

>when its growth frightened

> it, is against the very grain of the idea called



> I believe that a majority of ordinary Indian Christians

>are different from their

> so-called 'leaders' sitting in Delhi. In pursuit of

>dollar-grants they abuse, insult,

> and defame Hindus and the nation.


> If a national church were there, no one would have ever

>thought of a Christian

> 'leader' deposing before the US Congress and thus

>insulting the India state. No

> national church would have thought of attacking Hindus

>during Diwali by

> giving or accepting a call to proselytise them.


> A national church would profess and propagate the faith

>in an atmosphere of

> mutual co-existence and respect. It would stand for the

>security and the integrity

> of the nation. It would not be a 'dollar-seeker'

>church, but a church for Bharat

> and Bharatiya people. Even Jesus would not object to



> Tarun Vijay is the editor of the RSS weekly,



> http://www.ofbjp.org


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