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Tibetan Peak

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Since I have a few minutes on my hands and it is on my mind, I might as well

relate something which Joseph H. Cater passed on to me in a telephone

conversation, and which he has not fit in to any of his books. It seems that

when he was younger, he managed to get around and do a few personal

interviews in order to gather up some evidence, something like a scienctific

field worker.


Anyway, he interviewed and got personal testimony from a WWII pilot who

used to fly " The Hump " from India to China with supplies for the

resistence. At one point, the guy's group was jumped by Japanese aircraft

and had to scatter; this particular pilot was driven quite a ways North.

Somewhere in the Nan Sahn province he came out of some clouds to find a huge

mountain looming ahead of him. He ended up taking his craft to its ceiling

of 40,000 feet- even from that altitude, he and his crew could not perceive

the top of the mountain! They tried going around it but couldn't make it

because it was too wide to fly around.They ended up aborting and flying back

in India.


This mountain would make Everest look like a " foothill " Cater says. Cater

feels that it must have been a good eight miles high. He made a comment

about a secret sect of Buddhists living inside of it, or something like

that. Who knows what it could lead to.


Maybe this is why China is so adamant about keeping Tibet, to keep

adventurers away. Maybe that is why they went in in the first place.


This suggests a conpiracy on quite a large scale. Even astronauts would be

included. I keep thinking that China and the West are just playing " good

cop, bad cop " with India when it comes to Tibet.


You all might find Seven Days North of Tibet to be interesting, I think I

have mentioned it before:



The " Update " link at the bottom leads to my list where we discuss the

Hollow Earth Theory all the time; we do a lot of HE chat that doesn't

exactly coincide with any type of Vedic theme, so not everything would get

posted here.


Dharmapad /Dean

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