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Situation in Pak Controlled Kashmir worse than in J&K

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>OFBJP Admin <BJP-News


>[bJP News]: 'Situation in PoK worse than in J&K'

>Sun, 3 Dec 2000 17:06:38 -0500


>Title: 'Situation in PoK worse than in J&K'

>Author: PTI

>Publication: Times of India

>Dec. 4, 2000


> NEW DELHI: Some leaders from


> Kashmir (PoK) have said the people in PoK


> "worse-off" than their brethren in Jammu and

>Kashmir and

> blamed Pakistan for using the area for its

>"own vested

> interests".


> Terming PoK as a training ground for

>militants, these

> leaders said "development in that part of

>Kashmir is a

> distant dream and people are missing even

>most important

> necessities of life."


> A senior leader from PoK's Rawalakote area


> Mumtaz Khan said "In PoK even the right hand

>does not

> know what the left is doing."


> Khan, who was here to attend a seminar, said

>the PoK area

> is full of militant camps and it seems the

>people in these

> areas were living in a "guerilla warfare



> Speaking on the developmental front in PoK,

>Khan said

> "The area lags by ages behind Jammu and

>Kashmir, where

> development had moved at almost the same

>pace as that of

> other cities in India."


> Khan, who has sought political asylum in

>Canada, says even

> the medical facilities in PoK were "pitiable

>and god forbid,

> if an epidemic broke in there, it could

>prove to be a

> catastrophe."


> Founding father of JKLF Nazir-ul-Haq feels

>that Pakistan

> has neglected the area and has only used the

>region for its

> own vested interests.


> About the continued opposition to giving

>peace a chance in

> the state by Pakistan, Mumtaz Khan said

>"there is

> deep-rooted psyche in Pakistan, instilled by

>its political

> leaders and military rulers, that Kashmir is

>the only cause

> for the people of Pakistan."


> The PoK leader, whose party stands for

>independent Jammu

> and Kashmir, also flayed Pakistan for gross

>violation of

> human rights in PoK and northern areas.


> Khan, who has been raising voice against

>these violations in

> the United Nations Human Rights Conference,

>said people

> from Kashmir should be allowed to cross over

>to PoK so

> that their perception about that area would



> Khan said "If I am asked to compare PoK with

>Jammu and

> Kashmir, the former lags ages behind."


> He said PoK has absolutely no powers and has

>only to

> follow the diktats from those at the helm of

>affairs in

> Islamabad.


> "The moment there is a change of guard in

>Islamabad, the

> PoK government also ensures effective

>changes as per the

> wishes of masters," Khan said.


> Nazir-ul-Haq also endorsed the views of slow


> pace in PoK and said Pakistan has even

>illegally annexed the

> northern areas including Gilgit and



> Haq, who has formed Jammu and Kashmir


> liberation front said his party along with

>the people of PoK

> would continue their struggle against it.


> Disputing the claims of militant groups like

> Lashker-e-Toiba (leT) and

>Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, haq Said

> "These groups are determined neither to

>allow peace to

> return to Jammu and Kashmir nor to PoK as

>they would be

> jobless... But has anyone asked them why are

>you spreading

> terror. Islam religion disapproves of it."


> He said in the name of jehad (armed crusade)

>no one can

> continue to harm the interests of people as

>"This is the most

> heinous crime even as per Islam, whose

>warriors they claim

> to be."


> Mumtaz Khan also doubted the sincerity of

>Pakistan in

> implementing the UN resolution on Kashmir

>saying "For so

> many years, Pakistan has not even

>implemented its own

> Supreme Court order which said northern

>areas including

> Gilgit and Baltistan were a part of disputed

>Jammu and

> Kashmir and should be restored back."


> However, Pakistan continues with its earlier

>order of

> annexing these areas and has even

>implemented draconian

> Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)

>Law to quell

> any uprising in the region.


> He said his party was of the belief that an


> struggle was more needed in PoK rather than

>Jammu and

> Kashmir as Pakistan had completely spoiled

>the area by

> setting up training camps for militants. PTI


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