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The spy who loves Kashmir

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The spy who loves Kashmir





He's revered by many Pakistanis for converting jehad into


a weapon against Russians in Afghanistan. Lt Gen (retd)


Hamid Gul, former chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence


(ISI), is also credited with drawing up the blueprint of


insurgency in Kashmir. This General Zia-ul-haq


confidante may be removed from the rough-and tumble of


contemporary Pakistani politics, but he claims that he still


inspires thousands of Pakistanis to join the jehad, this


time in Kashmir. AASHA KHOSA spoke to him in his


sprawling house in Askari, on the outskirts of





Q:Should India and Pakistan keep Kashmir


on the backburner and patch up in the larger interests


of development of the region?



A:I agree that undivided India was a prosperous society.


Together, we could regain that glory. For instance,


friendship between India and Pakistan could result in a


short-cut route to Europe. But what comes in the way is


Kashmir, and only India can help there.



Q:One feeling in India is that Pakistan won't stop its


jehad even if Kashmir were offered to it on a platter,


since it is posited that Pakistan was created for


Muslims and India for Hindus.



A:Pakistan has been created for Islam and not for Muslims.


An Islamic state is a state where the Islamic order prevails.


It does not necessarily mean that We (Pakistan) need to


divide India. There are many myths, one of which is that the


two-nation theory must be demolished. It's believed that we


(Pakistan) as a nation exist only because of the two nation


theory. Thus, if there is fear on the Indian side, there is


greater fear in Pakistan that India is out to destroy it.



Q:But isn't India in a defensive posture? Even during


the Kargil war, we refused to go on the offensive and


transgress the LOC.




A:I wish this decision (to go on the offensive) had been taken


at that time. Let's finish this business (Kashmir) once for all.


Either we make peace of we fight it out.



Q:A new thinking has started among Kashmiris that an


independent Kashmir is a viable solution. Would


Pakistan be comfortable with this decision?



A:INDIA will lose the entire game if an independent Kashmir


is allowed to exist. Independent Kashmir means the


fragmentation of India, since there are around 15 separatist


movements going on there. China will also veto an


independent Kashmir, since they would face problems in


Sianking, Tibet and Taiwan. Pro-independent people are


more dangerous to the interests of both the countries. It is


better that we stick to the UN resolution, which is in


complete harmony with the sub-continental division.



I know that world powers want Kashmir to be independent.


Maybe they don't want Ladakh, northern areas of Pakistan


and even Jammu. Western powers have interests in


containing China and a free Kashmir would give them a


foothold in the Valley.




Q:What have been Pakistan's gains and losses in its


decade-long support to Kashmiri insurgents?



A:WE have gained a lot because our offensive continues.


This is a psychological and political offensive. The Indian


army is fully trapped and is vulnerable. Therefore, Pakistan


enjoys relative security.



Q:Your tactics of death by thousand cuts (to the enemy)






A:Yes, this was my strategy in Afghanistan and it's the same


in India. There's still time for India to escape the situation. In


five years, the situation will get far more dangerous.



Q:Isn't jehad causing problems for Pakistan as well?



A:BUT what else do we have? You (India) keep bullying a


smaller country like Pakistan. By the way, the same jehad


was eulogised by Americans at one point in time. I was


quite a darling at that time of the world powers.


Mujahideens too were darlings at Western airports. But


now, we realise that they were being used.



Q:What is Pakistan's current equation with the US?



A:The people of Pakistan have distanced themselves from


the US. Indians, though, are experimenting with western


powers. But how long will it last? American is far too


domineering, and I don't think India is going to take it as


easy as Pakistan did.



Q:Did Pakistan gain at all from its involvement in


Afghanistan, apart from a gun culture and social





A:WE couldn't handle the situation. The Americans moved in


too quickly, and created a situation where people like me


had no role. Now, I'm making attempts to consolidate the


fallout of our achievements in Afghanistan on my own.


But we haven't given up on Afghanistan. We are trying to


unite the warring Afghan factions. Morarji Desai, in fact,


was a sagacious man. He did not approve of Russia's


invasion of Afghanistan. But subsequent Indian leaders


failed to appreciate the situation in which Pakistan found


itself. History tells you that any Central Asian power that has


crossed the Oxus river has ended up fighting battles in


Panipat. Had we not contained the Russians, India would


have lost far more.



Q:How many years do you give yourself on Kashmir?



A:Very soon, if India does not heed our advice. Give


Kashmiris the right of self-determination; if not, let India


finish off Pakistan. Because as long as Pakistan exists, the


problem of Kashmir will keep burning. No government in


Pakistan can afford to give up Kashmir. Therefore, we must


talk directly about things which bother both countries in the


settlement of Kashmir. Pakistan too should be ready to


give self-rule to Kashmir.



2000 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay)Ltd.

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