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Mayor's Reception of Srila Govinda Maharaj

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Mayor of Boca del Rio receives

Srila Gurudev


Bhuvan Mohan Prabhu reports


30 November 2000





Thur, 30 Nov 2000

Bhuvan Mohan Das, Veracruz,


Mayor's reception of His

Divine Grace

Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math






It is my inconceivable fortune to be able to be here in

Veracruz, Mexico, engaged in a personal service to Srila

Gurudeva, Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami

Maharaj, as his translator to Spanish. Indeed those who

can perform some direct seva to the pure Vaisnava are

such fortunate persons.


After the breathing difficulties natural of arriving and

staying for a day in Mexico City at 2,200 meters of

altitude, His Divine Grace is feeling very well. He is

very happy to see the serving mood of the Mexican

devotees and the extremely efficient arrangements

offered to him by the devotees lead by Sripad Ashram

Maharaj, Laksmirani Didi, Maduchanda Didi and others.


The house they arranged for him is very opulent, and he

has excellent private quarters and a great hall for giving

lectures every morning and afternoon.


Now, I am writing you this email to tell about the

grandiose event that took place yesterday. The Mayor

and main representatives of the city of Boca del Rio, in

Veracruz, came to take darshan from His Divine Grace

and offered him the Key to the City. The Mayor, a lady,

made the following introductory speech, which I

translated for the benefit and happiness of all devotees:




Good Afternoon.

Your Divine Grace,

Fellow representatives,

Distinguished members of the Bhakti Yoga



Our city opens its doors to receive the highest

authority of the oldest religion in the world who

visits our country for the third time.


We, as authorities, have been making our best to

offer recognition to all those personages who

enthuse higher values in their fields of activities.


And there is not a higher way of doing so than

from such an ancient religion as Bhakti Yoga.


I believe that beyond the ideological differences

anyone may carry, it is imperative that all try

hard to defend those principles and values that

exalt us as human beings.


Such is the discipline that lead Srila Govinda

Maharaj's mission by being able to harmonise

with supreme intelligence, what turns him into a

person who deserves all our admiration.


Welcome to Boca del Rio, this city is your home.


Your visit enriches us as persons and as public

authorities, receiving you here just a few days

before ending our management (term of

government) elected by the citizens, and which

we tried to fulfil in an honest and efficient way.


We all feel very proud that after the opportunity

to serve citizenship we have been able to know

such important and transcendental persons like



Sincere congratulations to the ladies group that

with so much dedication have organised all

concerning your visit and who from months ago

began preparations.


In this way, Srila Govinda Maharaj, you are our

Distinguished Visitor and we wish you enjoy the

grandiose environment Boca del Rio has to offer.


With thanks and appreciation.


The Mayor of the City of Boca del Rio.







After the speech, the First Lady of the City showed much

respect to Srila Govinda Maharaj and handed him the

Key of the City and a recognition diploma. Srila

Gurudeva also gave her three nicely hardbound Spanish

books of our Mission.


The whole ceremony was filled with the natural

affection always emanating from Srila Govinda Maharaj.

At the end, he mentioned how he was considering that as

Boca del Rio has a lady manager, the place of our higher

aspiration also is managed and controlled by a lady,



She answered pointing to her saffron-coloured dress, "I

knew that from before."

All felt much awed and happy to see their devotional



Please forgive my poor English. I am writing moved by

the best spirit of seva to Srila Gurudeva and the



-Bhuvan Mohan Das

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