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Peaceful Co-Existence with Pakistan

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Mohammad Arif Siddiqi (Boca Raton, Florida)

E-mail: MSidd09

Peaceful Co-Existence with lovely Pakistan


As a student of Indian History, I don't find even one example of

south defeating the north. No matter how strong India becom

militarily, it will never be able to conqour or subjugate Pakistan

for ever. Indian Military build up is a reason why Pakistan is forced

to divert its resouces to do likewise. Look what happened the former

Soviet Union? How strong it was and what happened to it. It merely

disintegerated at the seam. India has never been a one naion. It is

so devided by laguages, cultures, custom and relegious belief that it

will face same fate as the Soviet Union. India is not a country it is

contenent. Today it is Assam and Kashmir who are fighting for

separate homeland , tomorrow who know similar forces crope up in the

South. Northern Tiger of Sri Lanka in secret are teaming up with

English /Tamil Speaking people in Southern States to start a movement

to establish an independent state there. With Kashmir and Assam and

South gone, India will be a Tiger without Head and Tail.


I think the solution lies not in subdueing and intimidating Pakistan

by Military force. The solution lies to be understanding and

compationate. One should not expect compantion from the week and

underdog. How a week Pakistan will show compation to a strong and

powerful country like India, should show maturity and wisdom to

stretch the hand of friendship towards the Pakistan. Scale down the

Military buildup. save ressources for the poor and sick and

uneducated. I am sure Pakistan then will be forced to take same path

as India. Let us live in peace. In peace young bury old and in war

old bury young.

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