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Philosophy of Scientific Reasoning

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>Ray Wolfe <raywolfe


>Philosophy of Scientific Reasoning

>Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:17:21 -0800


>I thought this well-written essay might convey the nature of scientific

>proof and how it differs from other proofs or interpretations of truth and

>fact. Cheers!



>The Scientific Method



> 1.1: What is the "scientific method"?


>The scientific method is the best way yet discovered for winnowing the

>truth from lies and delusion. The simple version looks

>something like this:


> 1.Observe some aspect of the universe.

> 2.Invent a theory that is consistent with what you have observed.

> 3.Use the theory to make predictions.

> 4.Test those predictions by experiments or further observations.

> 5.Modify the theory in the light of your results.

> 6.Go to step 3.


>This leaves out the co-operation between scientists in building theories,

>and the fact that it is impossible for every scientist to

>independently do every experiment to confirm every theory. Because life is

>short, scientists have to trust other scientists. So a

>scientist who claims to have done an experiment and obtained certain

>results will usually be believed, and most people will not

>bother to repeat the experiment.


>Experiments do get repeated as part of other experiments. Most scientific

>papers contain suggestions for other scientists to

>follow up. Usually the first step in doing this is to repeat the earlier

>work. So if a theory is the starting point for a significant

>amount of work then the initial experiments will get replicated a number of



>Some people talk about "Kuhnian paradigm shifts". This refers to the

>observed pattern of the slow extension of scientific

>knowledge with occasional sudden revolutions. This does happen, but it

>still follows the steps above.


>Many philosophers of science would argue that there is no such thing as the

>scientific method.


> 1.2: What is the difference between a fact, a theory and a hypothesis?


>In popular usage, a theory is just a vague and fuzzy sort of fact. But to a

>scientist a theory is a conceptual framework that

>explains existing facts and predicts new ones. For instance, today I saw

>the Sun rise. This is a fact. This fact is explained by

>the theory that the Earth is round and spins on its axis while orbiting the

>sun. This theory also explains other facts, such as the

>seasons and the phases of the moon, and allows me to make predictions about

>what will happen tomorrow.


>This means that in some ways the words fact and theory are interchangeable.

>The organisation of the solar system, which I

>used as a simple example of a theory, is normally considered to be a fact

>that is explained by Newton's theory of gravity. And

>so on.


>A hypothesis is a tentative theory that has not yet been tested. Typically,

>a scientist devises a hypothesis and then sees if it

>"holds water" by testing it against available data. If the hypothesis does

>hold water, the scientist declares it to be a theory.


>An important characteristic of a scientific theory or hypotheis is that it

>be "falsifiable". This means that there must be some

>experiment or possible discovery that could prove the theory untrue. For

>example, Einstein's theory of Relativity made

>predictions about the results of experiments. These experiments could have

>produced results that contradicted Einstein, so the

>theory was (and still is) falsifiable.


>On the other hand the theory that "there is an invisible snorg reading this

>over your shoulder" is not falsifiable. There is no

>experiment or possible evidence that could prove that invisible snorgs do

>not exist. So the Snorg Hypothesis is not scientific.

>On the other hand, the "Negative Snorg Hypothesis" (that they do not exist)

>is scientific. You can disprove it by catching one.

>Similar arguments apply to yetis, UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster. See also

>question 5.2 on the age of the Universe.


> 1.3: Can science ever really prove anything?


>Yes and no. It depends on what you mean by "prove".


>For instance, there is little doubt that an object thrown into the air will

>come back down (ignoring spacecraft for the moment).

>One could make a scientific observation that "Things fall down". I am about

>to throw a stone into the air. I use my observation

>of past events to predict that the stone will come back down. Wow - it did!


>But next time I throw a stone, it might not come down. It might hover, or

>go shooting off upwards. So not even this simple fact

>has been really proved. But you would have to be very perverse to claim

>that the next thrown stone will not come back down.

>So for ordinary everyday use, we can say that the theory is true.


>You can think of facts and theories (not just scientific ones, but ordinary

>everyday ones) as being on a scale of certainty. Up at

>the top end we have facts like "things fall down". Down at the bottom we

>have "the Earth is flat". In the middle we have "I will

>die of heart disease". Some scientific theories are nearer the top than

>others, but none of them ever actually reach it. Skepticism

>is usually directed at claims that contradict facts and theories that are

>very near the top of the scale. If you want to discuss ideas

>nearer the middle of the scale (that is, things about which there is real

>debate in the scientific community) then you would be

>better off asking on the appropriate specialist group.


> 1.4: If scientific theories keep changing, where is the Truth?


>In 1666 Isaac Newton proposed his theory of gravitation. This was one of

>the greatest intellectual feats of all time. The theory

>explained all the observed facts, and made predictions that were later

>tested and found to be correct within the accuracy of the

>instruments being used. As far as anyone could see, Newton's theory was the



>During the nineteenth century, more accurate instruments were used to test

>Newton's theory, and found some slight

>discrepancies (for instance, the orbit of Mercury wasn't quite right).

>Albert Einstein proposed his theories of Relativity, which

>explained the newly observed facts and made more predictions. Those

>predictions have now been tested and found to be

>correct within the accuracy of the instruments being used. As far as anyone

>can see, Einstein's theory is the Truth.


>So how can the Truth change? Well the answer is that it hasn't. The

>Universe is still the same as it ever was, and Newton's

>theory is as true as it ever was. If you take a course in physics today,

>you will be taught Newton's Laws. They can be used to

>make predictions, and those predictions are still correct. Only if you are

>dealing with things that move close to the speed of light

>do you need to use Einstein's theories. If you are working at ordinary

>speeds outside of very strong gravitational fields and use

>Einstein, you will get (almost) exactly the same answer as you would with

>Newton. It just takes longer because using Einstein

>involves rather more maths.


>One other note about truth: science does not make moral judgements. Anyone

>who tries to draw moral lessons from the laws

>of nature is on very dangerous ground. Evolution in particular seems to

>suffer from this. At one time or another it seems to have

>been used to justify Nazism, Communism, and every other -ism in between.

>These justifications are all completely bogus.

>Similarly, anyone who says "evolution theory is evil because it is used to

>support Communism" (or any other -ism) has also

>strayed from the path of Logic.


> 1.5: "Extraordinary evidence is needed for an extraordinary claim"


>An extraordinary claim is one that contradicts a fact that is close to the

>top of the certainty scale discussed above. So if you are

>trying to contradict such a fact, you had better have facts available that

>are even higher up the certainty scale.


> 1.6: What is Occam's Razor?


>Ockham's Razor ("Occam" is a Latinised variant) is the principle proposed

>by William of Ockham in the fifteenth century that

>"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate", which translates as

>"entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily". Various other

>rephrasings have been incorrectly attributed to him. In more modern terms,

>if you have two theories which both explain the

>observed facts then you should use the simplest until more evidence comes

>along. See W.M. Thorburn, "The Myth of Occam's

>Razor," Mind 27:345-353 (1918) for a detailed study of what Ockham actually

>wrote and what others wrote after him.


>The reason behind the razor is that for any given set of facts there are an

>infinite number of theories that could explain them. For

>instance, if you have a graph with four points in a line then the simplest

>theory that explains them is a linear relationship, but you

>can draw an infinite number of different curves that all pass through the

>four points. There is no evidence that the straight line is

>the right one, but it is the simplest possible solution. So you might as

>well use it until someone comes along with a point off the

>straight line.


>Also, if you have a few thousand points on the line and someone suggests

>that there is a point that is off the line, it's a pretty fair

>bet that they are wrong.


>The following argument against Occam's Razor is sometime proposed:


> This simple hypothesis was shown to be false; the truth was more

>complicated. So Occam's Razor doesn't work.


>This is a strawman argument. The Razor doesn't tell us anything about the

>truth or otherwise of a hypothesis, but rather it tells us

>which one to test first. The simpler the hypothesis, the easier it is to

>shoot down.


>A related rule, which can be used to slice open conspiracy theories, is

>Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which

>can be adequately explained by stupidity". This definition comes from "The

>Jargon File" (edited by Eric Raymond), but one

>poster attributes it to Robert Heinlein, in a 1941 story called "Logic of



> 1.7: Galileo was persecuted, just like researchers into <X> today.


>People putting forward extraordinary claims often refer to Galileo as an

>example of a great genius being persecuted by the

>establishment for heretical theories. They claim that the scientific

>establishment is afraid of being proved wrong, and hence is

>trying to suppress the truth.


>This is a classic conspiracy theory. The Conspirators are all those

>scientists who have bothered to point out flaws in the claims

>put forward by the researchers.


>The usual rejoinder to someone who says "They laughed at Columbus, they

>laughed at Galileo" is to say "But they also laughed

>at Bozo the Clown". (From Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain, Coronet 1980, p79).


>Incidentally, stories about the persecution of Galileo Galilei and the

>ridicule Christopher Columbus had to endure should be

>taken with a grain of salt.


>During the early days of Galileo's theory church officials were interested

>and sometimes supportive, even though they had yet to

>find a way to incorporate it into theology. His main adversaries were

>established scientists - since he was unable to provide

>HARD proofs they didn't accept his model. Galileo became more agitated,

>declared them ignorant fools and publicly stated that

>his model was the correct one, thus coming in conflict with the church.


>When Columbus proposed to take the "Western Route" the spherical nature of

>the Earth was common knowledge, even though

>the diameter was still debatable. Columbus simply believed that the Earth

>was a lot smaller, while his adversaries claimed that

>the Western Route would be too long. If America hadn't been in his way, he

>most likely would have failed. The myth that "he

>was laughed at for believing that the Earth was a globe" stems from an

>American author who intentionally adulterated history.


> 1.8: What is the "Experimenter effect"?


>It is unconscious bias introduced into an experiment by the experimenter.

>It can occur in one of two ways:


> Scientists doing experiments often have to look for small effects or

>differences between the things being experimented

> on.


> Experiments require many samples to be treated in exactly the same


>in order to get consistent results.


>Note that neither of these sources of bias require deliberate fraud.


>A classic example of the first kind of bias was the "N-ray", discovered

>early this century. Detecting them required the

>investigator to look for very faint flashes of light on a scintillator.

>Many scientists reported detecting these rays. They were

>fooling themselves. For more details, see "The Mutations of Science" in

>Science Since Babylon by Derek Price (Yale Univ.



>A classic example of the second kind of bias were the detailed

>investigations into the relationship between race and brain

>capacity in the last century. Skull capacity was measured by filling the

>empty skull with lead shot or mustard seed, and then

>measuring the volume of beans. A significant difference in the results

>could be obtained by ensuring that the filling in some skulls

>was better settled than others. For more details on this story, read

>Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man.


>For more detail see:


>T.X. Barber, Pitfalls of Human Research, 1976.

>Robert Rosenthal, Pygmalion in the Classroom.


>[These were recommended by a correspondent. Sorry I have no more



> 1.9: How much fraud is there in science?


>In its simplest form this question is unanswerable, since undetected fraud

>is by definition unmeasurable. Of course there are

>many known cases of fraud in science. Some use this to argue that all

>scientific findings (especially those they dislike) are



>This ignores the replication of results which is routinely undertaken by

>scientists. Any important result will be replicated many

>times by many different people. So an assertion that (for instance)

>scientists are lying about carbon-14 dating requires that a

>great many scientists are engaging in a conspiracy. See the previous



>In fact the existence of known and documented fraud is a good illustration

>of the self-correcting nature of science. It does not

>matter if a proportion of scientists are fraudsters because any important

>work they do will not be taken seriously without

>independent verification. Hence they must confine themselves to pedestrian

>work which no-one is much interested in, and

>obtain only the expected results. For anyone with the talent and ambition

>necessary to get a Ph.D this is not going to be an

>enjoyable career.


>Also, most scientists are idealists. They perceive beauty in scientific

>truth and see its discovery as their vocation. Without this

>most would have gone into something more lucrative.


>These arguments suggest that undetected fraud in science is both rare and



>The above arguments are weaker in medical research, where companies

>frequently suppress or distort data in order to support

>their own products. Tobacco companies regularly produce reports "proving"

>that smoking is harmless, and drug companies

>have both faked and suppressed data related to the safety or effectiveness

>or major products.


>For more detail on more scientific frauds than you ever knew existed, see

>False Prophets by Alexander Koln.


>The standard textbook used in North America is Betrayers of the Truth:

>Fraud and Deceit in Science by William Broad and

>Nicholas Wade (Oxford 1982).


>There is a mailing list SCIFRAUD for the discussion of fraud and

>questionable behaviour in science. To , send "sub

>scifraud <Your Name>" to "listserv".


> 1.9.1: Did Mendel fudge his results?


>Gregor Mendel was a 19th Century monk who discovered the laws of

>inheritance (dominant and recessive genes etc.). More

>recent analysis of his results suggest that they are "too good to be true".

>Mendelian inheritance involves the random selection of

>possible traits from parents, with particular probabilities of particular

>traits. It seems from Mendel's raw data that chance played

>a smaller part in his experiments than it should. This does not imply fraud

>on the part of Mendel.


>First, the experiments were not "blind" (see the questions about double

>blind experiments and the experimenter effect).

>Deciding whether a particular pea is wrinkled or not needs judgement, and

>this could bias Mendel's results towards the

>expected. This is an example of the "experimenter effect".


>Second, Mendel's Laws are only approximations. In fact it does turn out

>that in some cases inheritance is less random than his

>Laws state.


>Third, Mendel might have neglected to publish the results of `failed'

>experiments. It is interesting to note that all 7 of the

>characteristics measured in his published work are controlled by single

>genes. He did not report any experiments with more

>complicated characteristics. Mendel later started experiments with a more

>complex plant, hawkweed, could not interpret the

>results, got discouraged and abandoned plant science.


>See The Human Blueprint by Robert Shapiro (New York: St. Martin's, 1991) p.



> 1.10: Are scientists wearing blinkers?


>One of the commonest allegations against mainstream science is that its

>practitioners only see what they expect to see.

>Scientists often refuse to test fringe ideas because "science" tells them

>that this will be a waste of time and effort. Hence they

>miss ideas which could be very valuable.


>This is the "blinkers" argument, by analogy with the leather shields placed

>over horses eyes so that they only see the road

>ahead. It is often put forward by proponents of new-age beliefs and

>alternative health.


>It is certainly true that ideas from outside the mainstream of science can

>have a hard time getting established. But on the other

>hand the opportunity to create a scientific revolution is a very tempting

>one: wealth, fame and Nobel prizes tend to follow from

>such work. So there will always be one or two scientists who are willing to

>look at anything new.


>If you have such an idea, remember that the burden of proof is on you.

>Posting an explanation of your idea to sci.skeptic is a

>good start. Many readers of this group are professional scientists. They

>will be willing to provide constructive criticism and

>pointers to relevant literature (along with the occasional rasberry).

>Listen to them. Then go away, read the articles, improve

>your theory in the light of your new knowledge, and then ask again.

>Starting a scientific revolution is a long, hard slog. Don't

>expect it to be easy. If it was, we would have them every week.




> The Left Hemisphere

> The Web Wanderer


>Bill Latura <blatura





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