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Vedic Americas

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"Baron Humboldt, the great German traveler and scientist, described

the existence of Hindu remains still found in America"


Vedic Americas


The fact that a highly civilized race inhabited America long before

the modern civilization of Europe made its appearance there, is quite

clear from the striking remains of ancient and his refinement

existing in the country. Extensive remains of cities which must have

been once in a most flourishing condition, of strong and well-built

fortresses, as well as the ruins of very ancient and magnificent

buildings, roads, tanks and canals that meet the eye over a very wide

area of the southern continent of America, irresistibly force us to

the conclusion that the country must have been inhabited at one time

by a very highly civilized nation. But whence did this civilization



The researches of European antiquarians trace it to India. Mr.

Coleman says : "Baron Humboldt, the great German traveler and

scientist, describes the existence of Hindu remains still found in



Speaking of the social usages of the inhabitants of Peru, Mr. Pococke

says : "The Peruvians and their ancestors, the Indians, are in this

point of view at once seen to be the same people." The architecture

of ancient America resembles the Hindu style of architecture. Mr.

Hardy says "The ancient edifices of Chichen in Central America bear a

striking resemblance to the tops of India." Mr. Squire also

says : "The Buddhist temples of Southern India, and of the islands of

the Indian archipelago, as described to us by the learned members of

the Asiatic Society and the numerous writers on the religion and

antiquities of the Hindus, correspond with great exactness in all

their essential and in many of their minor features with those of

Central America." Dr. Zerfii remarks : "We find the remarkable

temples, fortresses and viaducts, aqueducts of the Aryan group."


A still more significant fact proves the Hindu origin of the

civilization of ancient America. The mythology of ancient America

furnishes sufficient grounds for the inference that it was a child of

Hindu mythology. The following facts will elucidate the matter :-





Americans worshipped Mother Earth as a mythological deity, as the

Hindus still do – dharti mata and pritvi mata are well known ad

familiar phrases in Hindustan.



Footprints of heroes and deities on rocks and hills were worshipped

by the Americans as devoutly as they are done in India even at the

present day. Mexicans are said to have worshipped the footprints of

Quetzal Coatle, a the Indians worship the footprints of Buddha in

Ceylon, and of Krishna in Gokal near Muttra.



The Solar and Lunar eclipses were looked upon in ancient America in

the same light as in modern India. The Hindus beat drums and make

noises by beating tin pots and other things. The Americans, too,

raise a frightful howl and sound musical instruments. The Carecles

(Americans) think that the demon Maleoyo, the hater of light,

swallows the moon and sun in the same way as the Hindus think that

the demons Rahu and Ketu devous the sun and the moon.



The priests were represented in America with serpents round their

heads, as Siva, Kali, and others are represented by the Hindus.

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