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Govinda Maharaja's Mexico Tour

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Jai Balai Das, Mexico

Gurudev's Mexican Visit

Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math <info




All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga


The Holy Visit of Om Vishnupad Paramahamsa Srila Bhakti Sundar

Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj to Mexico.


Begging the grace of all the Vaishnavas I will attempt to describe

something of what happened in Veracruz during the last days of

November when His Divine Grace visited the community of devotees

here. The devotees assembled in Veracruz from 22 to 29th November.


Our Srila Gurudev arrived happily at Veracruz airport on Wednesday at

2.30 p.m. after having spent a day in Mexico City extending his mercy

to Srimati Laksmirani Didi and all the Mexico City devotees.


That day of his arrival to Veracruz many devotees from different

parts of the country were there already, some of them waiting since

some days before for this precious moment. They, headed by the

inconceivable and intrepid service of Srimati Madhuchanda Didi, made

innumerable arrangements in preparation for the arrival of Gurudev

and his entourage. Srimati Madhuchanda secured a beautiful residence

in a miraculous way that reminds us that Lord Krishna is always

looking after His devotee with infinite care. It was the house of a

very pious and affectionate lady, Señora Magda Villarreal, who

spontaneously and happily gave it completely for the purpose of

giving lodging to our Srila Gurudev. This mansion is very spacious

and beautiful, with many rooms where His Divine Grace and his entire

entourage stayed the whole week of their visit. The mansion has

several large verandas with plants, and the house itself is on the

banks of a river that flows into the sea just a short distance away.

The surrounding landscape is very peaceful and beautiful, and

resembles in some way the atmosphere of India because it looks very

green and there are coconut trees.


That day of Srila Gurudev's arrival many of us went to his room to

drink the nectar of his saintly face and his merciful dealings with

everyone. At last he was with us, after two years of separation.

Inside the room everyone looked extremely happy.


The next day, and every day following, we had darshan very early in

the morning in the spacious hall inside the mansion. This was the

time for spontaneously putting questions to him or simply hearing

whatever nectar he wanted to distribute. We received important

instructions for the spiritual well-being of the devotees, heard the

recountings of his divine pastimes, and witnessed his eagerness in

praising the devotees' service -- almost in an inconceivable way for

us, putting himself as a humble worshiper of them. Srila Gurudev

constantly reminded us of the necessity to establish our spiritual

practices according to the command of Sriman Mahaprabhu: trinad api

sunichena... "Be humble, tolerant and give honour to the others." The

translator from English to Spanish was Sripad Bhuvan Mohan Prabhu

from Brazil who is expert in other languages. He is a very educated

and fine Vaishnava in charge of publishing the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat

Math books in Brazil.


Traditional dance and music


Almost every afternoon the devotees affectionately presented to His

Divine Grace some performance like native music of the region of

Veracruz or of other parts of Mexico. Music was executed by

professional musicians with marimba (an instrument of wood which

produced very special sounds) and harp.


In particular one of the ladies who has given performances abroad

played the harp very expertly. She also chanted and sometimes offered

some gracious words as part of the play for the satisfaction of

Gurudev and his devotees. Sometimes the devotees applauded at the

function, sometimes they went in the middle of the assembly to dance

for the pleasure of Gurudev who accepted mercifully all these

demonstrations of joy and happiness of the devotees. On another

occasion there was an evening fireworks show. Srila Gurudev expressed

that he dressed as a sannyasi and he has no personal interest in

seeing any of these performances but (affectionately) he accepted all

this on seeing the happiness of the devotees. He said: "Seeing the

devotees' happiness I also feel very happy." All these demonstrations

of dancing, applauding, laughing and being happy were in fact the

outbursts of the devotees for their joy at the presence of the most

divine presence on earth: their Spiritual Master.


The children graciously presented, under the direction and care of

Srimati Gaura Vani Didi and Srimati Sharanagati Didi, their innocent

service to Gurudev in the form of chanting a selection of slokas

depicting the main incarnations of the Lord. They then chanted more,

presented their drawings and showed some hatha yoga exercises under

the instructions of Srimati Rohini Shakti from Brazil, all for the

satisfaction of their beloved Well-wisher.



Gurudev given official honour


An outstanding fact was the presentation of the Key to the City of

Boca del Rio to Srila Gurudev by the local authorities. This city is

next to Veracruz Port and City, and is where Srila Gurudev and the

devotees were hosted. The lady Mayor of the city, Señora Rafaela

Montalbo, came to the house and gave in a very respectful and gentle

way the recognition as Illustrious Host to Srila Gurudev. She told

with spontaneous and warm words how much they appreciated the visit

of such a spiritual personality to these lands. In this way they also

got so much benefit in recognising and offering due respect to the

representative of the Mission of Sriman Mahaprabhu, the Sri Chaitanya

Saraswat Math.


There was a public program in a rented Hall with an attendance of

almost 300 persons. The introductory programme with talks by three of

the sannyasis present -- Sripad Sudhir Goswami Maharaj, Sripad Kusum

Ashram Maharaj and Sripad Padmanabha Maharaj of Brazil -- was in the

morning time, and the main programme was in the evening when there

was the conference of Gurudev, chanting and Prasadam distribution.


Orizaba visited


On Monday 17th November, Srila Gurudev, his entourage and some local

devotees went by car to Orizaba for a short visit to the houses of

Prabhu Vrajanath and Srimati Vrinda Dyuti Didi, and Prabhu Jayadev

and Srimati Jahnava Didi. It was a round trip of two and a half hours

through green hills and surrounded by rich subtropical lands full of

papaya, banana, orange and mango trees. At each house all the

devotees accepted delicious Prasadam and there was joyous chanting of

the Holy Name.


Prabhu Vrajanath personally presented to Gurudev his very attractive

publication of the Spanish version of "The Benedictine Tree of Divine

Aspiration." This is the first Spanish book of Srila Gurudev and it

was put on sale to the devotees right there at the meeting. Also, a

second book was presented to Srila Gurudev: in preview form "Divine

Guidance" was presented in the name of the whole Mexican community of

devotees. Prabhu Bhagavan of Morelia offered to His Divine Grace a

preview of the Spanish translation of "The Search for Sri Krishna,

Reality the Beautiful."


Vaishnavas crown Srila Gurudev's visit


Almost every morning many devotees accepted first or second

initiation, and the joy of seeing the increase of the family was

shared by all the assistants. There were also regular lectures from

Sripad Sudhir Goswami Maharaj that enlightened everyone in their

hearts. The presence of Vaishnavas and Guardians like Sripad Sudhir

Goswami Maharaj; Sripad Janardan Maharaj; Sripad Ashram Maharaj;

Sripad Paramahamsa Maharaj, who led Kirttans every morning and night,

led Harinam Sankirttan to the town of Boca del Rio and who also gave

speeches to the devotees; the presence of Vaishnavas like Padmanabha

Maharaj, Bhuvan Mohan Prabhu, Srimati Rohini Shakti, all of them from

Brazil; Sripad Sarvabhavana Prabhu and his daughters; Prabhu

Chidananda, Bhakti Lalita Didi and Sita Didi each from the Math in

Nabadwip, and many other devotees from Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela

and even Australia, was the crown of the festival for the visit of

Srila Gurudev. They all mercifully extended their affectionate

dealings to every local devotee and inspired everyone with their

devotional mood and example of sacrifice for the satisfaction of



The main note of all the festival here in Veracruz with almost 300

devotees attending at the weekend, was that everyone got some mercy,

some nectar for their eternal life, and we received the most precious

gift in the universe: sadhu-sanga of the highest order. The infinity

descended here and extended his domain of sweetness, love and harmony

to all.


All of us are eternally indebted to the most affectionate service and

sacrifice of Srimati Madhuchanda Didi, her husband Sripad

Raghunandana Prabhu and their family, to Srimati Laksmirani Didi, to

Srimati Yuteshwari Didi, to Sripad Jayadev Prabhu and his wife

Srimati Jahnava Didi, to Srimati Krishna Priya Didi, to Srimati

Radhakanti Didi, to Sriman Pitambar Prabhu, Sriman Gaura Kinkar

Prabhu, Sriman Anumitra Prabhu, Sriman Dvija Mani Prabhu, Srimati

Rasa Mayi Didi, Enakshi Didi, Srimati Gauravani Didi, Madhava Priya

Didi, Srimati Madhu Kanta Didi, to Señora Magda Villarreal, to Señor

Lic. Genaro Jaimes, to the Secretaría de Gobernación, to the

authorities of Veracruz Port and City and Boca del Rio, Ver., to

every one of the Veracruz devotees and to the many others who offered

their loving service to Gurudev and the Vaishnavas during this sacred

visit of His Divine Grace. And overall we are all indebted to our

venerable and dear Guardian, Sripad Bhakti Kusum Ashram Maharaj, who

Gurudev himself has praised as a personality worshipable for him.

Sripad Ashram Maharaj is the well-wisher of all and the fountainhead

of inspiration for everyone.


We prostrate forever our heads unto the merciful dust of the lotus

feet of Om Vishnupad Paramahamsa Sri Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-

Goswami Maharaj and his associates who blessed all the planet with

their wonderful and divine thoughts, words and deeds: Pastimes non-

different from the Pastimes of the most munificent incarnation,

Sriman Mahaprabhu.


All glories to our Guru Parampara and all glories to the high crest

jewel of that Parampara: Om Vishnupad Paramahamsa Sri Srila Bhakti

Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj!


All glories to all the Vaishnavas in the past, present and future!

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