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Shivaji created a Nation

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"Chatrapati Shivaji is one of the most colorful heroes of our nation.

His dazzling adventures have inspired generations of young people.

The strategy of mobile warfare which he adopted brought him brilliant

victories and changed the course of our history. The greatest legacy

he has left us is his courage, his magnamity, his sense of justice

and the spirit of sturdy independence and self-reliance." - Smt.

Indira Gandhi in a letter dated May 25, 1974 on the occasion of the

tercentanary of Chatrapati Shivaji's Coronation.




An objective assessment of Shivaji's life leads to the conclusion

that it was a life distinguished by expanding visions. No national

movement created Shivaji, but Shivaji created a Nation. It was he who

released forces that changed the political map of India in the

eighteenth century. Within 50 years of the death of Aurangzeb, the

Marathas had overrun the entire sub-continent of India and taken

possession of a greater half of the country. It was only in 1803 that

the sovereignity of India had passed to the British.


Shivaji's private life was marked by a high standard of morality. He

was a devoted son, a loving father and an attentive husband. He was

intensively religious from childhood and remained respectful to holy

men throughout his lifetime. He was passionately fond of listening to

scripture readings, sacred songs and stories. He remained throughout

his life abstemious and free from vice.


Shivaji had the born leader's magnetism and threw a spell over all

who knew him, drawing the best elements of the country to his side

and winning the most devoted service from his officers. His dazzling

victories and ever ready smile made him the idol of his soldiers. A

royal gift of judging character was one of the main causes of his



His army organisation was a model of efficiency. His inborn military

genius is proved by his instinctively adopting the system of warfare

which was most suited to the racial character of his soldiers, the

nature of the country, the weapons of the age and the internal

condition of his enemies. His light cavalry, stiffened with swift-

footed infantry was irresistible in the age of Aurangzeb.


The greatness of Shivaji's genius can be realized from a survey of

the conditions amidst which he rose to sovereignity. He brought peace

and order to his country, assured the protection of women's honour

and the religion of all sects without distinction.


To Shivaji, the true nature of the struggle against the Moguls, the

rise of a native power against a foreign power because it was not a

struggle against a religion, but a struggle against a power-drunk and

bigoted government. A power that was foreign in ideology, in

personnel, a power contemptuous of the people over whom it ruled.


Shivaji's state, small as it was, was inspired by a spirit of Dharma.

There was full toleration of all faiths. Shivaji's military and civil

services did not consist of mercenaries and they were truly national

in character. People in every walk of life found full scope for their

talents. His tolerance of all faiths stands out in bold contrast to

Aurangzeb's fanaticism.


Shivaji taught the people of the country to hold their heads high,

develop self-confidence and face foreign invasions boldly. He

emphasized on native talent, strict discipline and believed in

solicitude for peasants, old women, men and children.


Shivaji died on April 3, 1680. Nearly three centuries have elapsed

since this great man passed away, yet his message is still relevant

to the people of India and the world. In stressing the need for

toleratance of all faiths, Shivaji emerges not only as a national

figure in the history of India, but also a great humanitarian.


Keeping this in mind, the very purpose of these web pages is very

clear. To spread around the world the life and principles of

Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.




Vivek S. Kambli - WebJagirdar

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