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The Demigods Got Pasted

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I don't think that I have run these comments by Joseph H. Cater by you all

before. Even if I have, I have a new twist on it.


Below, Mr. Cater will make a certain point- that the nature of the Lunar

craters does not at all correspond to the theory of their being impact

craters. Impacts large enough to create some of those craters would have

broken the Moon in half, plain and simple.


The smooth floors of most of those craters would have been impossible to

form by rising lava- lava doesn't rise in a level way, it always forms a

cone which spreads out for miles. The point at which the lava emanates gets

elevated and then it tapers off the farther away you get.


And there are often mountain peaks in the middle of those craters, not a

chain or anything, just a peak. Why not a peak off to the side? Or on the

rim of the crater? But no, we NEVER see such a thing; only right smack in

the middle.


Not only does Mr. Cater make the point that the Lunar craters do not

correpond to any meteoric impacts, but he does correspond the configuration

of the craters to the effects of a particle-beam weapon. For example, he'll

make the point that the lateral blast would leave a smooth crater floor.


Why does this interest followers of Vedic Dharma? Because the Puranas

describe all kinds of civilisation on the Moon, and we don't see any, which

makes Vedic dharma poppycock in the eyes of many.


I am beginning to think that the Mahabharat War might have been a bit more

than what we imagine. There are places on the surface of this globe which

seem to display the effects of a weapon which would act as Mr. Cater points

out, such as in the SW of the United States. And how about Ayer's Rock in



I would also like to point out that there seems to have been a planet

between Mars and Jupiter that was destroyed because there is nothing there

now at all except for rubble, also known as the asteroid belt. If you travel

the distance from the Sun to Mercury, you have a planet- Mercury. If you go

double that distance, you have Venus. Double that distance and you arrive at

the Earth. Something like that again and you arrive at Mars, Double it again

and you arrive at- the asteroid belt. Hmmm ... , no planet. Go another

planetary distance and you arrive at Jupiter, double that and you arrive at

Saturn, double it and you arrive at Uranus, etc. ( Something like that ) I

suspect that the Mahabharat war was a war of the demons against the

demigods, and that the demons pulled a Pearl Harbour.


This doesn't mean that the demigod civilisation has disappeared- the recent

suncruiser activity around the Sun suggests that the demigods currently have

the ability to engage in combat against intruders.

http://www.skyboom.com/hollowearthpuranas/index9.html ( By the way, there is

some new stuff at the bottom of that article ). But I do wish to emphasize

that Vedic culture exists principally within a planet, and that there are

various comments relating to the " Madyatah ", obviously the middle portion,

in several Puranic stories. ( See the hompage of the Suncruiser article )


The crater Albetignius seems to be a good example of the effect of the

particle-beam weapon which Cater refered to in the particle beam post below.




The crater is actually wider than the photo suggests, I think.


Here is that piece from Cater:




The concensus seems to be that moon craters are caused by the impact

of meteors. This is consistent with the quality of logic displayed in other

areas of orthodox cosmology. The diameter of most of these craters is

disproportionally great compared to their depth. A true impact crater

has a depth commensurate with its diameter. An impact great enough to

produce a crater with a diameter of some size on the moon would shatter the

entire moon, since it is hollow with a relatively thin shell. To wit:

some craters have a mountain in the center. It is significant that, in all

cases in which the crater has a mountain, the mountain is always in the

center. How did it ever escape destruction?


The only logical answer is that the craters were produced by particlebeam

weapons during the great interplanetary war. This, no doubt, was the one

mentioned earlier, when the planet Maldek was destroyed. Other planetary

bodies show similar craters, for instance, Mercury, Mars and the moons of



A concentrated beam of high speed positive charges, preferably protons, can

have devastating effects, if directed against a specific target. The beam by

itself does relatively little damage. It is the after effects that are

destructive. While in motion, the positive charge effects of the particles

comprising the beam are minimal. After they strike the target, they lose

their velocity and a tremendous positive charge is concentrated at the point

of impact. This charge is maintained by incoming particles. A high

concentration of soft and hard electrons converges on the area from all

directions, creating a void in the regions originally occupied by these

particles. Others rush in to fill the void and a chain reaction, or domino

effect, is produced which affects the regions of space at ever increasing

distances around the target area. The number of electrons that converge on

the area is far out of proportion to the number of protons concentrated in

the area.


The ramifications are not difficult to imagine. The soft electrons

congregating there disintegrate and release the hard electrons they contain.

An inordinate concentration of hard electrons is the result, and is far more

than can be absorbed by the protons. First, an implosion and then

an explosion of electrons of colossal proportions are created. Most of the

energy of the explosion is directed outward, since it follows the lines of

least resistance. The number of particles involved and the amount of energy

released can far exceed that of any nuclear device. Since the energy is

directed outward, extremely wide but relatively shallow craters in a

planet's surface result. The principles involved in such destructive forces

are similar to those employed by Wilhelm Reich's cloudbuster, which will be

discussed later. The center of the craters produced would experience a

relatively small disturbance and, consequently, any mountain in the path of

the proton beam would be left standing."




Thanks for the attention. The www.vedica.net list is a very unique list

because it helps us to understand world, Vedic origins. I personally feel

that the hollow Earth theory is a Vedic reality and that it is a missing

link in many ways. At the bottom of all of the pages of my Hollow Earth in

the Puranas site, http://www.skyboom.com/hollowearthpuranas/index.html I

have an update link which is actually my hollow Earth site. Get on and find

out a few things.





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