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RE: [world-vedic] KOSOVO:NATO'S Depleted Uranium Dump

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ummm, perhaps the fact that it was fighting a war could explain it. This

discussion is like saying, people are complaining that, after the war, there

are lots of dead people and burnt out vehicles. Umm, folks, it was a war,

depleted uranium shells were used to knock out armoured vehicles, surely

beating the tanks and APC's up with nice soft pillows would not really be a

good idea.



Brin Davan [vaidika1008]

06 January 2001 04:41


[world-vedic] KOSOVO:NATO'S Depleted Uranium Dump



During the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, vediculture egroup reported

that NATO WAS using depleted uranium. A few members angrily left the

group accusing me of being pro-milosevic. Well IT'S TRUE....NATO DID




Saturday, January 6 (New York):


The United Nations announced on Friday that it had found evidence of

radioactivity at eight of 11 sites tested in Kosovo. The sites were

struck by NATO ammunition with depleted uranium during the 1999



According to defence experts, depleted uranium is said to be used in

the tips of missiles, shells and bullets to increase their ability to

penetrate armour, and can be pulverized on impact into a toxic

radioactive dust.


UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that the discovery of

radioactivity at the sites was a preliminary finding of the testing

by the UN Environmental Programme that is still underway at

laboratories. "To date, the UN environmental programme, UNEP, issued

a press release in Geneva on its ongoing analysis of the depleted

uranium ordnance that was used during the Kosovo conflict in 1999.

UNEP says that samples collected at about 11 sites in Kosovo during a

November field mission are currently being analysed at laboratories

in Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, the UK and Austria. The UNEP team,

which consisted of 14 scientists, collected soil, water and

vegetation samples, and conducted smear tests on buildings, destroyed

army vehicles and depleted uranium ordnance found on the ground.

Remnants of DU (depleted uranium) ammunition were found in eight

sites. Altogether about 340 samples are being analysed in these

different labs."


NATO has come under increasing pressure from several European

governments over claims that depleted uranium used in NATO weapons

had caused death or illness among Balkan peacekeepers, a condition

that has now been dubbed "Balkans Syndrome". The condition came under

the spotlight after reports that six Italian soldiers who served in

the former Yugoslavia had developed leukaemia and died after exposure

to spent ammunition.


A UN report in May had warned that much of Kosovo's water could be so

contaminated as to be unfit to drink, and that a cleanup of the

province could cost billions of dollars. It warned UN staff not to

approach any target that might have been hit by a depleted uranium

weapon and recommended that health checks be carried out on residents

of the immediate area.


US attack jets fired some 3,000 rounds of depleted uranium ammunition

against Serbian targets during NATO's 1999 campaign to drive the

Yugoslav army out of Kosovo.





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