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>Michael Balarama

>nrs (AT) primenet (DOT) com,nrsd (AT) usa (DOT) net >MERCHANT AND HIS 4 WIVES >Date:

Sat, 06 Jan 2001 18:19:19 -0600 > >Hare Bol, >a story for you... >your servant,

>Pandava vijaya dasa >watching Dangerous TV causes material desires to vanish:

>every Friday 7:30pm >648,000 homes receive HKTV >Hare KrishnaTV/Dangerous TV

>http://www.iskcon.net/hktv > >************ >MERCHANT AND HIS 4 > WIVES > >

Once upon a time. >There was a rich merchant >who had 4 wives. He loved >the

4th wife the most and >adorned her with rich robes >and treated her to

>delicacies. He took great >care of her and gave her >nothing but the best. He

>also loved the 3rd wife >very much. He's very proud >of her and always wanted

>to show off her to his >friends. However, the >merchant is always in great

>fear that she might run >away with some other men. > > He too, loved his 2nd

>wife. She is a very >considerate person, always >patient and in fact is the

>merchant's confidante. >Whenever the merchant >faced some problems, he >always

turned to his 2nd >wife and she would always >help him out and tide him >through

difficult times. > > Now, the merchant's >1st wife is a very loyal >partner and

has made great >contributions in maintaining >his wealth and business as >well

as taking care of the >household. However, the >merchant did not love the

>first wife and although she >loved him deeply, he hardly >took notice of her.

> > One day, the >merchant fell ill. Before >long, he knew that he was >going

to die soon. He >thought of his luxurious life >and told himself, "Now I >have

4 wives with me. But >when I die, I'll be alone. >How lonely I'll be!" Thus,

>he asked the 4th wife, "I >loved you most, endowed >you with the finest

clothing >and showered great care >over you. Now that I'm >dying, will you

follow me >and keep me company?" >"No way!" replied the 4th >wife and she

walked away >without another word.The >answer cut like a sharp >knife right

into the >merchant's heart. > > The sad merchant >then asked the 3rd wife, "I

>have loved you so much for >all my life. Now that I'm >dying, will you follow

me >and keep me company?" >"No!" replied the 3rd wife. >"Life is so good over

here! >I'm going to remarry when >you die!" The merchant's >heart sank and

turned cold. > > He then asked the >2nd wife, "I always turned >to you for help

and you've >always helped me out. Now >I need your help >again.When I die, will

you >follow me and keep me >company?I'm sorry, I >can't help you out this

>time!" replied the 2nd wife. >"At the very most, I can >only send you to your

>grave." The answer came >like a bolt of thunder and >the merchant was

>devastated. > > Then a voice called >out : "I'll leave with you. >I'll follow

you no matter >where you go." The >merchant looked up and >there was his first

wife. >She was so skinny, almost >like she suffered from >malnutrition. Greatly

>grieved, the merchant said, >"I should have taken much >better care of you

while I >could have !" > > Actually, we all have >4 wives in our lives. > > The

4th wife is our >body. No matter how much >time and effort we lavish in >making

it look good, it'll >leave us when we die. > > Our 3rd wife.... Our

>possessions, status and >wealth. When we die, they >all go to others. > > The

2nd wife..... Our >family and friends. No >matter how close they had >been

there for us when >we're alive, the furthest >they can stay by us is up to >the

grave. > > The 1st wife is in fact >our soul, often neglected in >our pursuit of

material >wealth and sensual >pleasure. > > Guess what? > > It is actually the

only >thing that follows us >wherever we go. > > Perhaps it's a good >idea to

cultivate and >strengthen it now rather >than to wait until we're on >our

deathbed to lament. > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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