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RE. Depleted Uranium

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>amritasyaputra (AT) excite (DOT) com >

>vaidika1008 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com >RE. Depleted Uranium >Mon, 8 Jan

2001 07:35:19 -0800 (PST) > > >That NATO used Uranium in their bombs is known

to everyone who sincerely was >interested in the subject of Kosovo conflict and

did not rely solely on the >NATO propaganda machine in the media. > >You have

been right not to become an instrument of some power mongers of >NATO and its

lackais. Continue to be outspoken against all non vedic and >barbaric ways such

as the bombing of innocent civilians in Serbia under the >pretext of driving out

"a dictator". But USA has a tradition in such >barbaric ways, see e.g.

Panama-Oriega behaviour, etc. > >But we should not forget that Vedic Way of

Life offers powerful technologies >of consciousness against aggressions - where

protesting and discussing would >not bring success. For ex. "Tat sannindhau

vaira tyagah" - In the vicinity >of That (i.e. Yoga, yogic consciousness)

enmity ceases. From Yoga Sutra of >Patanjali. So it is important to transcend

the problem and come to Atma, >Transcendental Consciousness, to bring solution

in the Relative. More than >30 sociological studies published in top

universities publications confirm >the power of Vedic Technologies such as

Transcendental Meditation etc. > >With best wishes, > >S. A. Ruzicka >

>-------- > >Brin Davan wrote on 6. Jan. 2001: > >Sat, 06 Jan 2001

04:41:14 -0000 > "Brin Davan"

>KOSOVO:NATO'S Depleted Uranium Dump > >During the NATO bombing of

Yugoslavia, vediculture egroup reported >that NATO WAS using depleted uranium.

A few members angrily left the >group accusing me of being pro-milosevic. Well


January 6 (New York): > >The United Nations announced on Friday that it had

found evidence of >radioactivity at eight of 11 sites tested in Kosovo. The

sites were >struck by NATO ammunition with depleted uranium during the 1999

>bombings. > >According to defence experts, depleted uranium is said to be used

in >the tips of missiles, shells and bullets to increase their ability to

>penetrate armour, and can be pulverized on impact into a toxic >radioactive

dust. > >UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that the discovery of

>radioactivity at the sites was a preliminary finding of the testing >by the UN

Environmental Programme that is still underway at >laboratories. "To date, the

UN environmental programme, UNEP, issued >a press release in Geneva on its

ongoing analysis of the depleted >uranium ordnance that was used during the

Kosovo conflict in 1999. >UNEP says that samples collected at about 11 sites in

Kosovo during a >November field mission are currently being analysed at

laboratories >in Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, the UK and Austria. The UNEP team,

>which consisted of 14 scientists, collected soil, water and >vegetation

samples, and conducted smear tests on buildings, destroyed >army vehicles and

depleted uranium ordnance found on the ground. >Remnants of DU (depleted

uranium) ammunition were found in eight >sites. Altogether about 340 samples

are being analysed in these >different labs." > >NATO has come under increasing

pressure from several European >governments over claims that depleted uranium

used in NATO weapons >had caused death or illness among Balkan peacekeepers, a

condition >that has now been dubbed "Balkans Syndrome". The condition came

under >the spotlight after reports that six Italian soldiers who served in >the

former Yugoslavia had developed leukaemia and died after exposure >to spent

ammunition. > >A UN report in May had warned that much of Kosovo's water could

be so >contaminated as to be unfit to drink, and that a cleanup of the

>province could cost billions of dollars. It warned UN staff not to >approach

any target that might have been hit by a depleted uranium >weapon and

recommended that health checks be carried out on residents >of the immediate

area. > >US attack jets fired some 3,000 rounds of depleted uranium ammunition

>against Serbian targets during NATO's 1999 campaign to drive the >Yugoslav

army out of Kosovo. > > > > >

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