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Nepal's Anti-Indianism Caused By............

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What is behind the Anti Indian Riots in Nepal

January 2, 2001

By Lieutenant Colonel Thakur Kuldip S Ludra (Retd.)

(Bombay's Mafia is too simplistic an answer. Vrin)


All of a sudden anti Indian riots have broken out in Nepal,

particularly in Khatmandu. The ostensible reason given is that

Hrithik Roshan had made some anti Nepal statements in one of his

interviews. Hrithik Roshan has denied having made such statement and

has even claimed that he has all the videos of all of his interviews

and he can prove that he has made no such statement. His assertions

have been supported by the different television companies who have

confirmed that during Hrithik Roshan's interviews neither any

questions leading to comments on Nepal were asked and nor did Hrithik

Roshan make any statement which could, by any stretch of imagination

be classified as derogatory to Nepal. Yet what have the Nepalese done

in return? They have behaved much worse than what they have accused

Hrithik Roshan off-Stating that he hated Nepalese and he does not

like Nepal. They have targeted the Indian tourists and Indian

nationals in Khatmandu, showing very vociferously, their hatred for

India. That they have been instigated is obvious enough. The question

is, who are the powers behind this manifestation of anti-Indian

feelings so vociferously?


The very first power that comes to mind is Pakistan for her

continuous attempts at placing India in an awkward position, as well

as generate anti-Indian feeling so that over a period of time

whenever the chips are down such countries would be available to be

counted in their anti-Indian attitudes. However knowing the open

hostility that Pakistan has towards India any such attempt in the

international fora is bound to rebound back against her. As did her

act of the Hijacking of Flight 814 last year, around the same time.

That the hijacking placed Pakistan in a very awkward position is

known to all. That the adverse reaction, the world over far

outweighed the gains if any that she made. So much so that Pakistan

nearly got classified as a terrorist state. Any such attempt by

Pakistan, as has resulted in rioting in Nepal, if proved, would go

against her favour.


Another factor that needs to be assessed is what does she gain by

such an act. The South Asian Association For Regional Co-operation

where she could have gained some points by converting Nepal in her

favour is, today, more or less a defunct organisation. Yes, while

Pakistan has the means in the massive Muslim set up in Nepal, the

motivation is lacking, for Pakistan does not gain any thing material

by fanning this anti-Indian feeling in Nepal. In any case she is

already on the defensive and should it be proved that it is Pakistan

who has instigated these riots she will find her position vis-vis

Nepal on a very sticky wicket indeed.


The other outside country who is likely to gain is China. It must be

realised that Nepal is sandwiched between India and China and the two

are having clashing interests. For China, Nepal is important in that

it enables her to cross the Himalayas into the Sub-Continent without

facing any rigours of a trans-Himalayan campaign, which would be out

side the capability of China, today, notwithstanding her Super-power

status. Once in Nepal, China would pose a very serious strategic

threat to India. Some of these threats are:-



She would cut off the Siliguri corridor and have a direct access to

Bangladesh. Once that happens. India loses the North-east without

much chance to regain it.


She would be in a position to develop an All the Year Around threat

to Indian heartland of Uttar Pradesh, including the railway network

between North-east and East India on one side and rest of India on

the other. The vagaries of winter for any trans-Himalayan campaign

would not be there. In fact, Nepal would be a forward concentration

area for any such threat to Indian heartland.


India loses Nepal as a market for her produce even as Nepal is

flooded with Chinese product. Nepal could well, in turn become a base

for Chinese Economic onslaught on India.

Thus we see that China has every thing to gain from the anti-Indian

feeling being developed in Nepal. China also has the means in the way

of the strong Maoist Communist Party in Nepal. That the communist

cadres of Nepal are anti-Indian is a fact that is very well known.

The reasons are obvious. They are:-



Sheer jealousy over the economic development of India, which

according to the Nepalese communists is at the expense of Nepal.


The realisation that Nepal is dependent on India for her very

economic existence. All her imports and exports have to be through

India for which India gains because of Transit Rights.


Large scale un-employment for which the Nepalese youth holds Indians

responsible as they take up most of the jobs which need education.


Large number of Indian entrepreneurs who, the Nepalese claim, not

only take away any opportunity for the Nepalese business to develop

but also because these Indian businessmen prefer their own country

men for employment.


The fact they are dependent on the remittances from India from a

large number of Nepalese who have come to India looking for jobs.

Thus it is in China's interests that the Nepalese population turns

anti-Indian and opens the trans- Himalayan routes to further Sino-

Nepalese relations. However, this does not at any stage foreclose the

use of the Inter-Services Intelligence and its means, including the D

Company, to actually incite the Nepalese. They will however remain in

the background and, in fact, they would just be furthering China's

interests. That this will bring China and Pakistan even closer is

also obvious.


To a very large degree India has only herself to blame for the mire

into which she has landed herself into. The old colonial image has

been allowed to persist. India has failed to capitalise on all her

strong points which should have helped her gain the inner track.

However, if the idea is that Nepal should be grateful for all the

assistance that India has been giving, India would be going against

the very norms of inter-nation relationship. Nations are joined by

similar interests and not sentiments. It is for India to assess

common interests and work towards the combined attainment of these

interests. However, the image that has gained strength so far is that

of the Ugly Indian. Exploitive, selfish and that of a cheat.

Behaviour of the Indian political leadership in India has only

furthered that image.

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